My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 589: 30 years in singles, the speed of the hand has been super

After all this, the female zombie moved around with a smooth movement, then jerked and rushed to one of the buildings...

"There must be a man next time..."

While distractingly manipulating the female zombies, Ling Mo thought with a depression.レ♠レ

Fortunately, no one saw it in the scene, otherwise it must be a wonder...

At this time, the zombies had already started to hit the bus under the leadership of the violent.

It turns out that Lingmo’s choice is correct. The bus itself is very fragile, but when it hits the building halfway, it becomes a natural fortress.

And it didn't explode for so long, now it's the iron shell, and the safety is higher than the simple building.

The building will also drop the cement block. What can the bus drop down?

More than a dozen zombies rushed to the small gap, and other zombies tried to get in from the side.

For a time, the entire bus began to shake, and the outside was full of harsh scratches.

The part of the body that was exposed to the outside began to deform and sag at a speed visible to the naked eye. It looked terrifying, and it seemed that the monsters could break the entire car at any time.

Even the two Nirvana members, Mu Chen and Xu Shuhan, have some white faces at this time.

No matter how many times you have survived, in the face of death threats, it is still difficult to remain unpredictable.

Even Ling Mo also has a whitish face, on the one hand because he is distracted, and on the other hand because of mental stress.

In fact, even Shana’s expression is a bit abnormal, but she is not afraid, but excited...

Fortunately, at this time, no one was distracted to pay attention to her, so this female zombie took action without any scruples.

She smirked with a long hair and smirked strangely, slowly swinging the huge sickle in her hand.

The sharp crescent-shaped blade shimmered in the cold above her head, reflecting her slightly reddish eyes.

Ling Mo saw her like this, originally it was a bit worried.

But when he was about to speak, he forced himself to control himself.

"After all, it is a leader, and there is a spirit, no problem..." Ling Mo advised himself in his heart.

He had already realized that he might have interfered too much with Ye's behavior.

They are zombies after all, and even if they work hard, they will not become like humans at once.

Even if Shana is like this, humanity is only half. If she wants to think about everything "what should be done by humans", what should the other half behave?

Although Lingmo hopes that they will one day think like normal people... but this process is destined to be slow and difficult.

It takes less than half an hour for the virus to mutate, but recovery requires a long trial and waiting.

This road is very difficult, but Ling Mo has already decided to go out.

It is not only to help Ye Lian realize his wish, not just for Shana and Li Yalin to be like human beings, to understand what is emotion, but also for the common future.

In the process, Ye Loves them from time to time also need to vent their zombie nature.

Linger over-protection of them, sometimes it seems that it is an inadvertent constraint.

So now Lingmo decided to let them do what they are willing to do at their right time.

For example, now, letting Shana go to fight will not be how...

This gap is not big, Xu Shuhan stood on the left with a gun, and Shana stood on the right.

Muchen is also standing aside, ready to help.

Only Lingmo, as a spiritual abilities, can stand at the end, but the pressure he has to bear is not small.

Seeing that a dozen zombies were rushing like cheetahs, Ling Mo took the lead in releasing a spiritual energy net.

These countless tentacles made the actions of these zombies a little stagnate, giving Xu Shuhan an opportunity to attack.

Her direction of reinforcement is obviously related to shooting, but even so, when the zombies are in high-speed sports, it is still difficult to aim at them, especially in the case of so many zombies...

With the help of Ling Mo, her combat power finally got some play.

Although you can't see those tentacles, the actions of those zombies suddenly have problems, and you don't have to think about it.

Xu Shuhan’s eyes lit up and seized the opportunity to start shooting.

But as soon as she fired, a shadow suddenly rushed to the front.

That violent!

The huge hands of the uncle's zombies open, one hand protects his face and chest, and the other hand keeps waving, blocking the flying bullets like a shield.

Although not all of them were sold, most of the zombie deaths survived.

These zombies rushed up, and except for a few rushed to the door, most of them were hung in the car.

The body was violently shaken again, and Xu Shuhan was pale: "He knows where I want to play!"

"The IQ is high..." Ling Mo’s forehead also had a layer of fine sweat, and his spiritual energy net was broken by the violent.

The intelligence is good, the trickiest is the power of this violent.

"I guess it is right, the real trouble is coming. You can withstand it." Ling Mo said.

He briefly turned his perspective to Ye Lian and found that they had just jumped out of the front.

Can't blame them for being slow, the front of the car is crushed and deformed, the front window is completely blocked by furniture and various bricks, so it is possible to clean up a road so quickly, which is the result of their quick action.

But this is only the beginning, they have to clean up the debris that blocks the road, otherwise they can only climb over the ceiling.

"How long will it take!"

Muchen waved a machete to help resist the zombies and shouted at the same time.

"At least five minutes." Lingmo calculated the progress and replied.

"Grass and grass!" Mu Chen roared. .

He doesn't have the strong fighting power of Shana, especially at this time, he holds a machete and looks very short.

Shana’s sickle is a long weapon, and there is no zombie to be close at all. The ability of Xu Shuhan is difficult to play in this situation, but it is a gun...

Only Mu Chen can only hide behind them in a hurry, looking for an opportunity to extend the knife to sneak attack, but most of them are not stunned.

These zombies are not like the ordinary zombies of the past, no matter whether they are bullets or knives in front, they will rush to the front.

Now that the zombies see their compatriots, they will immediately adjust their movements to avoid similar attacks.

This kind of small-scale dodge, zombies rarely have the common sense mistakes that are ridiculous.

It’s better than being agile, and the average abilities can fight up with the zombies at most.

However, while Mu Chen was squatting, he began to skyrocket.

From the perspective of Ling Mo, this guy seems to suddenly install a high-powered engine, and his arms will retract and retract quickly.

"Sure enough, I still have a hand..." Lingmo took a look and looked at it.

It seems that this matter is worthwhile, although it has brought a lot of trouble, but also took the opportunity to force their true strength.

As Xu Shuhan said, although Lingmo has temporarily reached a cooperation agreement with them, they have not trusted them.

Everyone just had to compromise with each other when they couldn’t get the other side.

In this compromise, Lingmo has the absolute upper hand and holds the initiative.

"md, this is still not in the middle?!" Mu Chen roared, and quickly handed the knife forward.

A zombie just squatted in the wagon and tried to throw himself in, but the speed was a bit slower, and the door was smashed and slammed out of the blood.

"The speed is good." Ling Mo boasted.

Muchen was sweaty, but he did not forget to say smugly: "Must! Just kidding, single-handed 30-year hand speed..."

"There is nothing to be proud of..." Xu Shuhan sweated and stared at the outside, but also interjected in time.

Ling Mo stunned and then said sincerely: "It is worthy of sympathy..."

"I rely, what do you sympathize with me!" Muchen anger, if it is not urgent now, he really wants to turn around and cut Ling Mo and say.

No need to block the main entrance! Hiding behind, so I have time to bicker with him? !

"You know..." Ling Mo said calmly.

"I want to fight with you!" Muchen yelled.

"Cute! You should fight with him first!" Lingmo suddenly shouted and was shocked. (To be continued.)

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