My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 598: Someone wants to bend my antenna!


At the same time that the iron gate was completely pushed open, the flashlight in Lingmo’s hand was also turned off.

Since there is already an unpredictable hunch, then this unscrupulous use of light sources should stop.

Ling Mo does not want to be a live target. If possible, he would be happy to be the target person.

The surrounding moments were completely immersed in the darkness, and the moment of silence was turned to the leaf love at the moment when the flashlight was turned off.

Although this will consume a little mental energy, and for the moment of silence, even a little bit of spiritual energy is also important, but this part of the consumption is a must.

But at the moment of the conversion of the angle of view, Ling Mo did not notice the red light that flashed in the darkness.

"It’s so dark..."

Although I have experienced it many times, I have to say that Lingmo is still not used to this feeling.

The picture seen through the eyes of the zombies is always covered with blood, especially in this dark environment, what you see is like thermal imaging.

However, these eyes are indeed more useful than human vision. Even in this absolute darkness, where there is no light, it can be seen more clearly.

What appeared behind the iron gate was a very large space, which at first glance seemed like a parking lot.

But no matter what it is, at least for sure, it has absolutely nothing to do with the parking lot...

The ground is still covered with semi-solidified mucus, and the thickness is much stronger than the corridor outside.

This means that in this space, more water bodies are secreting body fluids inside.

Not only that. On the walls and on the ceiling, the mucus is also covered, and some are even dripping down.

The sound of "啪嗒啪嗒" is heard everywhere, and in this horrible environment. What is even more unbearable is the sultry feeling.

"Like a steamer..."

This is not the time to express surprise, Ling Mo will have to take time to act.

So he endured nausea, stepped forward and whispered.

The voice of Shana came from behind: "Is it a steamer? Don't you think they are like a soup bag?"

"... How do you let me treat the soup bag correctly?" Ling Mou said.

"Hehehe..." Li Yalin smiled two times and said, "It doesn't matter, anyway, it has become history."

"School's IQ is good! But it's the wrong place!" Lingmo talked as he struggled and walked deeper.

Although the head is constantly dripping the white turbid liquid. However, for the blessing of the zombie's vision, Lingmo is hiding in time.

But in this way, his movement speed immediately fell.

Let other people wear a line of sight to distort the glasses, and then look at the situation from other angles while trying straight lines.

This feeling is quite awkward!

More pleasant is. Ye Lian most likes to habitually bow. So occasionally her perspective will suddenly turn to a pair of beating peaks...

"Cough... I look at where Shiran is," Lingmo said.

According to the progress, Yu Shiran should have arrived here a few minutes ago.

However, in order to save the mental power, Ling Mo stopped the perspective conversion after observing no results.

At this point he tried to find the direction of the black silk, but still felt very vague, and had to hit the vision again.

But the conversion of the angle of view is not so easy. These mucus shields the mental power is too strong...

After more than a minute of tossing, and after a cold sweat, Ling Mo’s “in front of” scene finally showed a slight anomaly.

However, like a TV with poor signal reception, these pictures are very inconsistent. Intermittent, and somewhat fuzzy...

"This... side..."

Yu Shiran’s voice is also like a cassette. Ling Mo can only listen halfway, half guessing.

A deep gully flashed through the silence at the same time, and this deep groove was still shaking.

"Hey? Where are they going?"

Ling Mo was shocked first, and when the picture shook and gradually became clear, he found himself wrong.

That is a pair of little rabbits that the zombie Loli "raised", but it is not the terrain...

"Black silk, you are obviously a mother, why is the angle of view always in this place? Is this the truth that you mutated into the neck of others?"

Ling Mo squandered a few words, and finally waited until the perspective of black wire changed.

It seems to look to the side, in the red picture, a large group of blood appeared in front of Ling Mo.

"Is it going?" Ling Mo was shocked.

Yu Shiran, who is attached to the black silk, is obviously running, but the speed is not very fast.

Those bloodstains seem to be on her body, and listening to her heavy breathing, it is likely to be injured.

Even if you are not injured, your physical exertion is enough, which is already fatal to the zombies.

It seems that their situation is not good, maybe the enemy is stronger than they think...

A leader-level zombie, two high-level mutant beasts, but it seems to fall into the wind, what is hidden in this parking lot?

"Right... Xiaobai?!" Lingmo suddenly found a problem. Before that, he was riding on Xiaobai, but he was running.

And there is no white figure in front of her and black silk, and there is no movement behind her...

"The trough, white!" Ling Mou mad.

But what is depressing is that he can only accept the "signal" from the black side unilaterally, but he can't communicate freely with black silk.

How can a person and a dog mother chat properly? Although Lingmo really expects it...

At this time, Shi Yanran again: "What to do, do you want to go back and save it?"

it? Does it mean white? Of course you have to save! Go back and save!

I finally took a national treasure from the zoo, and the longer I pulled the wind... so the normal mutant beast can no longer be lost!

Ling Mo continued to growl in his heart.

"Hey..." There was a wave of spiritual fluctuations from the black silk, but the content was silent.

However, Yu Shiran nodded thoughtfully: "Well, do you have to go to Lingmo first? But..."

The zombie Loli tangled and pinched his little chin: "Is it better to take the opportunity to escape? I can't feel that he is watching us here."

"Nima!" Lingmo angered, "I know you are uneasy!"

Yu Shiran’s attempt to escape was not a day or two, but she did not expect her to be so persistent.

You are not a zombie! Do you think that such a serious thing can be called a zombie? !

"But Xiaobai..." Yu Shiran served as the breeder of Xiaobai every day. It seems that he still has some reluctance to the mutant panda. "What about Xiaobai?"

Yu Shiran hesitated for a while, but when Ling Mo thought she would resolutely sell her teammates, the zombie Lori suddenly turned around: "Let's see!"

"Little poetry..." Ling Mo could not help but move, who said that the zombies are uninspired?

"In case they lose both sides? Hehehe, it's worth gambling!" The corpse Lori raised the corner of the dress, revealing a pair of small ankles wearing leather shoes, and suddenly began to accelerate...

"..." Ling Mo was speechless, but when he wanted to watch it for a while, suddenly a mental shock came from the darkness.

This is a stronger mental shield and is aggression.

But unlike Ling Mo's control power, it is more inclined to destroy.

Unexpectedly, Lingmo suddenly felt a pain in the temple, and the conversion of the angle of view was immediately interrupted.

Not only that, but in his mind, it seems that there is a storm that is being blown, making him feel soft and soft, seemingly losing control of the body.

At the same time, countless pictures began to flash from his mind. If the mental energy is strong enough, it is estimated that he has lost his ability to think.

In the still awake situation, Lingmo immediately began to resist this impact.

Fortunately, this energy comes quickly and disappears quickly. After a few seconds, the feeling of being shocked has passed.


Ling Mo squinted his head and snorted.

"How... what's wrong?" Ye Lian quickly helped him and asked with concern.

"Nothing..." Lingmo frowned and frowned. "The antenna was bent."

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