My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 613: Confusion

Can this situation be called good?

Ye Lian, they obviously have some understanding of this.

Even with their three strengths, it is difficult to face such a large group of zombies at the same time, not to mention that Lingmo is only a personal class.

Even though Lingmo has a little tolerance for viral infections, it does not mean that he is absolutely safe in the face of the virus.

Who knows that after a certain amount, will the virus that has accumulated in Lingmo suddenly erupt?

Even if you are lucky enough to escape the threat of viral infection, the fierce attacks of the zombies are definitely not a joke.

Ordinary zombies are powerful because of their number.

Under the incomprehensibility of the zombies, it is difficult to keep calm when facing the countless claws that stretch out to them at the same time.

And if the powerful abilities are slightly distracted in this situation, the next second will be torn apart without any residue.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Ling Mo just regained his gaze and found that Ye Lian and his three women were staring at themselves.

He snorted, then smiled and shook his head: "Do not worry, I will not go to death. You see, now, they are all concentrated in the same place..."

"And I just want to..."

Said, Lingmo suddenly took a deep breath, then extended his hand.

As his brow wrinkled slightly, the hand slowly gathered from the open state.

"What is he doing?" Muchen, hidden in the opposite corner of the corner, was stunned at the moment.

Xu Shuhan has put on her headphones at this moment, and said: "The vast majority of abilities will give psychological hints to themselves when they exercise their abilities, and his behavior is achieved by using body movements. Strong hints that make abilities more accurate and powerful. Is it hard to understand?"

After that, she was disappointed to see Mu Chen.

"I know this well!" Mu Chen said angrily. "I want to know what he is going to do! There are so many zombies here, this person does not respond to me. It is a way to detour to get these monsters away. Still do something else, you have to reach a consensus to get started!"

"Take open... This is not going to work." Xu Shuhan looked at the left and right and observed the environment. "This is not a tall building or a building. Even if you are willing to introduce it, the chances of you being able to escape alive are small."

"Yeah...oh, no! I am so awkward about how I listened! This has already decided that it is me?" Mu Chen looked shocked.

Xu Shuhan nodded innocently: "Because it is very dangerous."

"You know it! Thank you very much..." Mu Chen said sarcastically.

However, Xu Shuhan seems to have never heard it. She has turned her eyes to the opposite silence.

Like Muchen, she is also very curious about Ling Mo’s behavior.

In fact, the introduction of zombies is indeed a very dangerous job.

If you have enough time and enough equipment to set up a remote control, then of course it is the best, otherwise the person responsible for seduction will take a lot of risks.

It turned out to be simple, because no one knows how many zombies will pop up around this.

The zombies that are attracted are often more than just lure targets. There are also a lot of uninvited guests coming out of every corner.

If there are still a few seniors in it, the tempting person who is trapped in the encirclement will be badly moldy.

In this case, in order to reduce the risk, it is important to find a suitable location.

Into the zombies, retreat to survive, otherwise you can only wait to die.

And Xu Shuhan did not set the time for remote control, and could not find a suitable location.

Although some helpless, the three can only wait anxiously opposite. I feel that I can't do anything about the current situation.

Even the wood morning has to admit... Although he is very reluctant, but can break the deadlock, still have to count on the silence.

Seeing that the zombie's fingers were almost hitting the siren, the situation still did not progress, and the cold sweat on Mu Chen's forehead came out.

As soon as the sound disappears, these zombies will spread out, and they will be stared at by this large group of zombies.

"No matter what you want to do, hurry up!"

Wood morning bites his teeth. Whispered the road.

Xu Shuhan took a gun and was also breathing in a hurry.

Time seemed to be slow, the zombies tried to stretch forward their fingers, the swaying sirens, and the silence that was staring at the corpse.

"Come on!" Mu Chen’s eyes all expressed the same message.


The silent hand completely shook his fist, and at the moment his fist was formed, the pole was covered with zombies. And a few street lights around, they made a "beep" sound, and slammed toward the corpse below.

These zombies gathered under the poles and sirens and were staring at the siren.

Several corpses were first taken down from the poles. With the scream of "嘭", this long cement rod broke into the corpse directly.

Although some zombies have already noticed, they are too late to dodge because of the large number of similar people.

A large number of blood flowers immediately splashed around, and with the successively falling street lights, the entire corpse suddenly fell into chaos.

And the alarm that caused them to pay close attention to it was completely silent at the moment of landing...

"Get it!"

Ling Mo wiped a sweat and showed a smile.

It is a test for him to rely on his mental strength to bring these things down.

But fortunately, I absorbed the brain-changer before, so Lingmo can hold it.

Of course, the most important thing is because Lingmo uses some tricks instead of just touching it.

And somehow, after a lot of mental energy was consumed repeatedly, Ling Mo not only did not feel the signs of damage to the spiritual light group, but seemed to be more stable.

But this time is tight, he just paid a little attention, and no longer think about it.

"The trough! There is this trick!"

The three people of Muchen have been completely stunned by this scene, and all of them have opened their mouths and looked stunned.

A wire pole does not kill a lot of zombies, and the lampposts can't even die.

But a large number of injured zombies and strong **** suffocation, as well as the confusion caused by the fall of the telephone pole, caused the entire corpse to immediately kill.

They are busy with civil strife, and they have a chance to escape.

"How many means does this person still hide?" Mu Chen looked at Lingmo's eyes and suddenly became very complicated.

Originally, he felt that he had already started to understand this guy, but why did he feel that he could not understand him more and more?

With such people, is it good cooperation or good for the enemy?

Lingmo poked his head to observe the outside situation. He controlled several zombies closer to them and controlled their suicide attacks on the corpse. Then they immediately turned back and said: "Let's go!"

But before he rushed back, he turned back and looked at Xiaobai and Yu Shiran who stood under the steps.

"Remember my words, don't run around again," Ling said.

Yu Shiran squinted and turned his eyes. In the end, he still didn't hold his eyes. He nodded and nodded. He stretched the tail and said: "Know it..."

"Let's apologize to Xiaobai." Ling Mo added another sentence.


Xiaobai did not know whether he understood Lingmo’s words, or just responded to the word “Xiaobai” and immediately shook his head.

"Okay, go!"

When Lingmo waved his hand, he turned and rushed to the steps.

At the moment of rushing out of the door, Ling Mo felt that breathing was quick.

Just a few tens of meters away, hundreds of zombies are killing, blood splashing, limbs flying, but this contains the blood of the **** smell, but Lingmo feels familiar.

This is the world he lives in now. Although it is dirty, run down, full of killing and bloody, but there are leaves to love them.

"No more underground!"

Ling Mo quickly rushed across the street, while beckoning to Mu Chen, the heart hated to think.

On the way he stepped on a sewer cover, and the cover probably swayed because it was abandoned for too long.

Lingmo glanced back and saw that he had not led the zombies, then he turned his head again.

At this moment, the cover that had already stopped shaking suddenly lifted a gap slightly...

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