My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 624: Shadow of the devour

The corpse bomb descended from the sky with the spray of blood, and Lingmo suddenly changed his face.

He suddenly realized that his thoughts were still in a certain misunderstanding... Maybe there are still some things in the nature of these wild zombies, but their thinking circuit is absolutely different from human beings.

For example, this female corpse, her behavior is absolutely incomprehensible to humans!

"Isn't that your spouse? Do you want to use it for him?"

Not only pulled off his arm to prepare for the take-away, but also smashed the body!

And this corpse is lost, it is too clever, too connotation!

Not to mention the huge body of the male corpse, even if you can escape the body, there are so many blood rushing out of his broken arm!

As long as there is a little splash in the eyes or mouth of the silence, then he is a big mold.

This is the overlord zombie! Even if it is silent, don't dare to take risks in this situation.

He quickly flashed to the side and immediately pulled up his clothes and blocked his head.

The female corpse really wants to escape, but she is a bit out of place at this moment...

Although she threw out a corpse bomb that restricted Lingmo, there were three other female zombies...

While silently dodging, Ling Mo also opened a network for them with spiritual tentacles, providing them with evasive conditions, and promptly bounced them to the female corpse that was rushing to the window.

He is now selling and selling, using another version of the "Zombie Bomb."

The three female zombies descended from the sky and stopped the female corpse in time. With one arm missing, there was no help from the male corpse. Coupled with the subsequent addition of Lingmo. She quickly fell into the wind.

A few minutes later. In the midst of a mess, Ling Mo took over the two lord-level zombies nests that Ye Lian had handed.

Seeing this pure virus crystallized and transformed center, the silent eyes suddenly became a little hot.

This sweat, finally did not come out...

And probably because of the size, the size of the two nests is also unusually large.

Compared to the overlord's nest that Lingmo once got, these two are at least a third larger and look more pure.

In this way, the virus is indeed the driving force behind the zombies. Similar to gasoline, and the presence of the mother nest is equivalent to the engine.

Larger and more pure nests can support the operation of larger machines.

"Wait, etc..." Ling Mo took a hand that Li Yalin secretly stole, and then put the nest in the eyes of the three female zombies.

"Now not." Ling Moshun helped Ye Lian wipe his mouth and said.

Ye Lianyi’s eyes widened, and then he moved his lips and slammed his tongue.

After putting things in place, Ling Mo wiped the sweat and turned his eyes to the coffee shop door...

There is another thing, waiting for him to deal with...

A few minutes ago, when Xu Shuhan pointed his gun at Ye Lian. She couldn't help but tremble.

Probably because the fear has not disappeared yet... Xu Shuhan thought of this in his heart.

However, the feeling of delay in triggering the trigger, but Xu Shuhan's heart is full of complex taste.

Her mission is actually not complicated - as much as possible to hurt Ye Love. Attracting their attention to the silence... The best is to be able to kill her.

However, at this time, looking at the back of Ye Lian, Xu Shuhan could not get a hand.

But this is an opportunity, and she has to do...


Xu Shuhan suddenly screamed, but in the end he suddenly raised the muzzle and vented a shot at the chandelier.

But when she looked down, she had already stood alone, Ling Mo...

Even the leaf love that just had no defense against her, appeared in another corner.

For a moment, Xu Shuhan felt a long sigh of relief, but also felt that the body has been cool.


"So you know?" Mu Chen turned to look at the silence by the door.

"Probably..." Ling Mo touched his nose. "You must have tried to escape. Just because you are so troubled... I am very surprised. I think you should not think about running away now. ?"

"Life is already very difficult... Can you not be ironic?!" Mu Chen said with a black face and looked at Xu Shuhan.

At the same time, the two people looked at the two words from the other side.

One was betrayed and the other was used, and their feelings at the moment were obviously very bad.

On the contrary, Ling Mo’s face in the center of the whirlpool was calm, and even the anger did not take off. This makes both Mu Chen and Xu Shuhan feel a little guilty, but it is relieved to think about it.

It’s probably that Lingmo didn’t take them out of the way, so it’s so indifferent...

But why is it even more sad to think about it? Mu Chen’s heart mourned.

He suddenly looked at Xu Shuhan and asked, "But why are you jealous of me?"

"The summer solstice said that let me attack Ye Lian to distract attention, you took the opportunity to attack him, I want to make you do stupid things." Xu Shuhan said calmly.

"Well... although it hurts, but I forgive you. But I still don't understand. Why did you change your mind?" Muchen asked with some doubts.

This is something he didn't think of at all. If Xu Shuhan started, whether it was unsuccessful or not, they are now finished.

Xu Shuhan slightly silenced for a while and shook his head: "I don't know..."

"This is the mistake of the summer solstice. He should let you sneak into Lingmo." Mu Chen suddenly looked at Ling Mo and said, "So his sales plan can be completely successful."

Xu Shuhan also looked up and looked at Lingmo, but then she lowered her head again.

"You..." Mu Chen paused for a moment, and looked at Xu Shuhan with amazement, and stared at Ling Mo.

"Oh..." Lingmo suddenly spoke and interrupted Muchen’s words. "What is your current plan?"

When the voice just fell, Ling Mo suddenly felt that the back seemed to be a little bright.

He turned a little blankly and looked out.

And this look, his face immediately became gloomy.

"You are the summer solstice, it is really embarrassing..." Ling Mo said coldly.

Outside the window, the fire is shining!


The summer solstice threw the oil drum under the roof and then looked around.

Under the night, you can clearly see that many red dots are approaching.

The zombies who are rushing to the fire along the street, although they do not have the strength of the two hegemons, but their number is enough to cause more trouble.

This scene is enough to scare other survivors, but it gives the summer solstice a smile.

This smile is becoming more and more obvious on his face, and it is becoming more and more smug...

"You probably thought I would run away?" He suddenly snorted. "But I am not as naive as you are..."

After talking to himself, he looked down at his palm and slammed his fist.

It’s good to have the feeling of controlling the fate of others in your hands!

Who can think of the Cataclysm before the disaster, he is just a day in the face of the boss, the only man who wants to face the complaints and quarrels?

When the Cataclysm broke out, he was also scared at first, desperate, full of fear...

But as the ability awakens, he feels that he seems to be a little different.

Maybe... this is an opportunity to free him from the life without passion and boring!

But this idea did not last long, and the summer solstice soon discovered that it was too inconspicuous compared to the people around.

Just like before! No one cares about him. No one will look at him when he walks down the street. No one in the company cares about his existence!

The summer solstice has been mad, and it has been depressed. But soon, he thought of a good way.

Since no one pays attention to yourself, then simply... hide yourself!

However, while hiding himself, he is also using this layer of disguise, a little bit close to those who think they are very existent, but unprepared.

It’s like being a shadow all the time, then suddenly one day suddenly violently, and the person who has been blocking the front is swallowed up!

"You guys need someone to be a foil, but how about being pushed into the abyss?"

The summer solstice sneered and shook his head.

However, it is not enough to control Xu Shuhan and Mu Chen, and push them into the abyss.

The summer solstice moved his lips and recited another name: "Ling Mo."

"Let's enjoy it." He said, he pointed the gun at a line on his feet.


In a sharp, empty sound, a large group of huge fireworks burst open in the air, instantly illuminating most of the night sky. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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