My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 630: onslaught

But at the moment of hitting the pole, Shen Le disappeared.

Followed by another Shenle appeared on the other side of the monster, but this time he didn't even have a chance to speak, and he was killed by Lingmo.

At this time, in the "vision" of Ling Mo, countless spiritual tentacles have centered on him and weaved a large net around them.

These tentacles will be instantified in the moment when his mind is moving, and the sinking music that comes out will be solved.

"You are like this..."

"Is no...



"give up."

After several consecutive Shen Le disappeared and appeared again, I was finally able to piece together this sentence.

However, in exchange for it, it was a sneer sneer: "I just don't want to hear you noise, idiot."

Shen Le took it out again, but this time he had no smile on his face.

He looked at Ling Mo gloomyly and opened his mouth: "Who are you talking about..."

"Idiot." Ling Mo said to the "explosive" Shen Le, said.

Then Shen Le flashed several times in a row, but still couldn't get through the silent tentacles.

No matter what time he chooses and how long he will appear, Lingmo will kill him in the first place, and he will not give him a "telephoto" time.

And Shen Le's face is getting more and more ugly in this process, and his eyes are becoming more and more fierce.

However, Lingmo did not focus solely on his strength. In fact, his main goal was to stand the monster there.

"Oh..." The monster squeezed his fist and twisted his neck.

Didn't wait for it to act. Mu Chen has already rushed up with a knife.

"Don't mess!" Lingmo's voice just fell, and he saw the monster standing still suddenly swaying. I rushed to Muchen at a very fast speed.


When the sound broke, Mu Chen only felt a flower in front of him, and then a group of black shadows came over to his head.

Direct straight punch, but can make such a simple punch so rude, Ling Mo is still the first time to see.

The explosive power of this monster is extremely terrifying. Even if he is so far away, he can feel a blast of wind.

If it is smashed, Mu Chen’s head is expected to become a broken watermelon immediately...

Muchen did not expect the speed of the other party to be so fast. At that moment, his mind was blank, almost relying on instinct to go to the side.

The fist wiped past his nose, and before Muchen had time to adjust his movements, he suddenly felt a heavy blow on his throat, and the whole person immediately flew out.

What kind of reaction speed is this!

With a punch, the monster can actually sweep the arm horizontally!

The heavy wooden floor slammed his neck and screamed in pain in his mouth. Blood and saliva sprayed out at the same time.

And the monster has not stopped yet. At the same time as Muchen landed, it also jumped up and slammed into Muchen from midair.

Seeing that the black sole stepped toward his head, Mu Chen, who suffered a heavy blow, did not even have the strength to climb up...

However, just as the sole was about to step on his head, the monster suddenly swayed to the side. Then he slammed into a pole.

A few people followed him and flashed around him. These figures passed by, and there were several wounds on his body.

Without waiting for it to escape, Ling Mo has already rushed toward it, his hands constantly changing his movements.

"Puff puff!"

Its eyes were hit several times in a row. A **** flower appeared immediately in the left eye.


It opened its mouth and mourned, struggling to struggle twice. It seems to have broken away from some invisible **** and then rushed toward Lingmo.

However, Ling Mo suddenly went up to the ground and easily paused at a few meters high.

The monster suddenly became a squat, and when it had not yet returned to balance, there were several figures flashing around.


Listening to the shouts of the monsters, watching the wounds that continue to burst out of it, the wood morning that is still coughing hard has completely looked silly.

This made him a monster with no resilience, and they were actually pressed by the silence...

Especially Ling Mo, he is obviously only a spiritual abilities, but not only has a very good mental reaction speed, but his physical reaction ability is also very strong.

It is not difficult to see from his actions that he is taking the initiative to use himself as a bait, deliberately approaching the monster, and then relying on his strong reaction ability to swim on the tip of the knife.

To know the close distance, as long as he is caught, he is the next Xu Shuhan.

How strong is this nerve to be so dangerous to do such a dangerous thing?

Is it to protect his girlfriend who fights with him?

Mu Chen guessed it right, Ling Mo is indeed for this reason.

This monster is not like an ordinary zombie, focusing on human beings... It seems that there is no special "interest".

However, compared with Li Yalin, who is extremely fast, and Ye Lian, who is looking for a chance with a gun, it is obvious that his "slow" human being is more conspicuous.

He succeeded in attracting the attention of this monster and was besieging it with various mental disturbances and attacks.

The monster quickly added more than a dozen wounds, and the blood and pain quickly made it mad.


After being chopped again by Li Yalin and a shot on the left shoulder, the monster slammed a very loud scream.

The blood in his eyes was thicker and his muscles began to twitch violently.

The **** wounds on his shoulders quickly stopped the blood at a speed visible to the naked eye. The wounds of the body, which were dense and inconspicuous, quickly stopped bleeding.

Even in the muscles of the peristalsis, these wounds become less conspicuous...

"This is a letter to Chunge..." Muchen looked at it.

"Come here." He suddenly felt his trousers caught, and looked back in horror, only to find it was Shana.

Without waiting for him to talk, the upper body he had just propped up suddenly lost his focus, and the whole person was dragged into a corner.


Shana threw him to Xu Shuhan and said, "You stare at her and pay attention to her pupils and mental condition."

"Then you...? Keke..." Muchen asked very hard.

"I stared at that person..." Shana said with a sickle and said coldly.

Lingmo, they are playing fiercely with the monster, but there is still a Shenle...

Although no matter where he appears, he will be solved by Lingmo for the first time, but it is better to guard against it.

After the monster stopped bleeding, the body seemed to have some kind of bigger change.

Its speed and strength have been enhanced.

Ling Mo gradually began to be unable to restrain it, and Ye Lian's shooting could not find any chance, even Li Yalin's attack was often defeated.

It is more sensitive to dangerous instincts, and whenever Li Yalin flashes around it, the monster can evade before she attacks.

And its attack on Lingmo has become more violent, and Ling quickly feels a little hard.

Relying on the Skynet formed by the spiritual tentacles, he can move quickly at a speed and direction that ordinary people can't imagine, but this monster can keep up with him every time.

Ling Mogang used his tentacle to pull himself to the side, but when he first arrived, he saw the monster rushing toward himself.

At the same time, the heart slammed into the other direction, but when he looked down, his clothes were actually ripped off.

"Good insurance..." Ling Mo could not help but be afraid for a while.

But before he could act again, he suddenly flashed a chill.

"When!" The re-emergence of Shen Le was suddenly broken up.

However, after breaking up this time, Ling Mo’s expression was a little different.

"Can you attack? Not right..." Lingmo thought as he looked around.

Shen Le disappeared, but he should be hiding somewhere to look for opportunities, and it is here.

Ling Mo is not in a hurry. The longer he spends, the more he can collect.

The most important thing in the battle between the powers is to understand each other's abilities.

Perhaps at this time, Shen Le is also observing him...


The monster slammed into it again, and the silence suddenly rose. In the blink of an eye, it appeared behind it, and a tentacle shot immediately.

A **** print appeared on its back neck, and the monster screamed at the neck and turned around and walked over with his arm.

While Ling Mo took his own leap forward, his heart was also stunned: "The defense has also improved. The actual attack has only left a mark. What kind of thing does this guy have?"

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