My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 651: Still working hard!

The two men were suddenly excited. The bald man suddenly smiled and turned and shouted: "Xiao Li, come over."

A person standing in the distance not far from the gate squinted a little, then hesitated and replied: "Bad brother, what is it?"

"When you come over, you hurry, so much nonsense!" The haired abilities of the babies are impatient.

Xiao Li seems to be very afraid of these two people, although there are still some reluctance, but still immediately went.

But the closer he is to the female zombie, the more nervous he seems.

"This person seems to be our branch..." Muchen said.

But Lingmo did not say a word, and his expression was not very good-looking.

"Want to play zombies?" asked the bald.

"Bad... Bald brother, how dangerous it is." Xiao Li said with timidity.

"This is dangerous? That headquarters..." The tone of the bald man was full of disdain.

"Cough..." The screaming screamer coughed and interrupted the bald words. He turned his head and said to Xiao Li: "Do you think this is dangerous? Come here, this is yours."

When he said that he handed the steel to Xiao Li: "Aim at the monster's mouth, smash in, it is best to give her stomach to wear, see her cool, haha..."

Xiao Ligang took over the steel bar. When he heard this, he almost did not throw the gadget out of his hand: "Ah...this..."

"You are not jealous? This is a monster, not a human." The powers rushed.

"The woman is not killed by you." The bald man smiled at the side.

"Go to you, you have been killed a lot, don't think I don't know." The abilities snarled.

Xiao Li grabbed the steel bars. Slowly turned his head. Looked at the female zombie.

Under the chaos. That pretty face is no different from humans.

But the **** red eyes looked very horrible, and the feeling of constant struggle made people feel very dangerous. It is like a beast that is caught by a chain, even if it is not possible, but it still gives the feeling that she can break free of the chain at any time and pounce on the other's throat.

A little cold sweat quickly emerged from Xiao Li’s head, and in any case, it was a personal creature, so that the killing was carried out for his ordinary office workers before the Cataclysm. It is really difficult...

"The two scum!" Mu Chen whispered.

After he finished, he found that Ling Mo still remained quiet and could not help but turn his head and glanced.

But this look, Mu Chen is a bit stunned.

Lingmo's frowning brows have already stretched out, but the bright eyes are very chilly.

"Playing a woman and killing a zombie, which one is he in the air?" Mu Chen couldn't help but think.

After thinking about it, Mu Chen shook his head slightly: "Forget it, who knows what he is thinking."

On the street, Xiao Li is still nervously groaning.

The abilities of the ecstasy continue to sneer and sneer: "You are a bag, what are you afraid of? This is a zombie!"

"You can't do it? I still want to go to the headquarters? I don't want to stay in the branch." Baldman also sneered.


Xiao Li finally couldn't help but scream. Raised the steel bar violently, but vented at the last minute: "I... killing her directly?"

"Hey, you..." The abilities were showing a sneer. Unexpectedly, at this moment, the female zombie who was licking her hair suddenly made a slap in the face.

He obviously didn't expect to come suddenly, and his hands were loose.

Without waiting for him to react, the bald man also slammed, and the foot that stepped on the female zombie arm involuntarily stepped back.

Just one step, but let one of the female zombies gain freedom...

Just in the blink of an eye, everyone only felt a flower in front of him, and the female zombie in the next second stood in front of the abilities and grabbed his neck.


The abilities had just opened their eyes, and the head fell on their shoulders in a strange angle.


At the moment he fell, the female zombie figure swayed and turned to face the bald.

"No..." The bald man hasn't stood still yet. When he can resist it, he only feels that his neck is cool, and a stream of heat rushes out.

What he finally saw was the blood splattered in his carotid artery, and it fell on the face of the female zombie. And the face that was poked by the steel bars was still hurt, but still had no expression.


That Xiao Li had already been scared to lose the steel bar, and he was busy going backwards, but just fell back two steps and fell to the ground.

Seeing the female zombie turning his head, Xiao Li immediately called: "Save... Help!"

Others reacted at this point and immediately swarmed.

The female zombie stared at Xiao Li and looked at her eyes, but suddenly turned her head and ran towards the other side of the street.

Looking at the people who ran past them, Xiao Li was still sitting on the ground and gasping, and his face was over-stunned.

He didn't seem to react at all to what had just happened. He only looked at the two bodies on the ground and trembled.


Mu Chen suddenly looked amazed and quickly turned to see Ling Mo, but listened to Ling Mo said: "Let's go."

"But this..." Mu Chen’s eyes widened and he wanted to say something, but Ling Mo had already begun to act.

He stuck to the wall and took the lead to approach the door.

Mu Chen opened his mouth and had no choice but to follow the past.

The people at the back door are not necessarily less than here. Taking advantage of this chaos, they can just escape.

However, when approaching the gate, Ling Mo’s mood was a bit messy.

Reason tells him that this is done to create an opportunity to escape the building, but in the bottom of my heart...

The doorway was empty at the moment, and one of the female zombies who was about to be killed suddenly exploded. Even two people were killed in the blink of an eye. The strength and speed of the explosion were stronger than before.

This incredible situation has shocked people who have seen the excitement before. If you look at her again, it is estimated that they also have to bear joint responsibility.

However, when they chased it, they did not notice an alley in the distance. A furry head suddenly flashed away.

"Call! Call!"

Yu Shiran is kneeling on the head of the mutant panda. Keep blowing against a piece of gel.

When I saw a few zombies at the end of the street. She immediately patted the panda and said, "Yes, Xiaobai."

As soon as Xiao Baigang turned around, he stuck in the crack of the wall. After it squeezed twice, he silently returned to his original position and then stepped back out of the alley.

In the process, Yu Shiran’s mouth muttered dissatisfiedly: “Suddenly called me to do this kind of thing. Isn’t there already a zombie here?”

More sudden appearances of zombies, so that the Nirvana members who are chasing female zombies are dumbfounded.

When I turned around, I realized that they were unknowingly caught in the siege.

"What's this!" One of them clenched his arms and gnawed his teeth.

In this case, where they still have the energy to stare at the gate, naturally, they did not see a group of people coming out from the gate.

However, when Lingmo was about to step out of the door, there was a low voice behind Shana: "Ling Ge."

"Hmm?" Lingmo immediately stopped and looked back at her.

Shana bit her lip and said, "The scene. We looked really uncomfortable."

Ling silently moved his mouth, but did not say anything. Just reaching out and touching her head.

"Don't touch your head, the president will not be big." Shana protested.

"What kind of misunderstanding you have produced..." Ling silently.

Xia Na smiled: "In short, it doesn't matter to the camp. You just have to judge at your own discretion. Don't have a burden."

Ling Mo suddenly stunned. When he returned to God, Shana had already stunned Xu Shuhan and retired with the female zombies.

They all followed, and Ling Mou swept away, but they were confronted with Ye Love.

The girl stayed, and then the corner of the mouth turned up, and the big eyes bent very nicely.

Ling Mo couldn't help but smile, and said: "It's also... but actually using the camp, it's really a developmental Shana..."

After the door was opened, the group of people leaned against the wall roots and, through the cover of the flower beds, bent over and ran.

As long as no other Nirvana members are encountered on the road and they leave the street safely, they will temporarily leave the encirclement of the Nirvana branch.

Soon, they reached the nearest corner.

However, the moment he was about to turn around the corner, Ling Mo suddenly stopped, and his eyes flashed a bit: "Wait."

"What's wrong?" Muchen asked in confusion.

This is just the crucial moment, suddenly stop and do what...

Ling Mo did not speak, but he followed, and he showed a sneer: "I said, these people are really more than one."

Muchen is still confused, but Ling has slowly gone out.

"I didn't expect that we could actually meet and know, I know, I originally defined you as an experimental product."

In the middle of the narrow road, a figure is standing there casually, and the appearance of Ling Mo is also an "unexpected" tone.

"What, don't talk? It's a bit rude."

The man was holding a cigarette, and he was very interested in looking up and down: "Oh, yes, I haven't introduced myself yet. Song Jinsen, Nirvana."

"Headquarters?" Ling Mo confirmed.

"Of course." The man squinted and spit out a smog.

Lingmo glanced at both sides of the street and said, "Look at you with such a confident look... Call your people out, Parkinson."

Song Jinsen’s hand trembled, and the cigarette almost fell: “Open mouth is a provocation?”

And... it’s a poke!

"It turned out to be the spirit department." Song Jinsen took the cigarette again, freed his hand and patted it.

"There is no need to talk." Ling Mo said with a blank expression.

Song Jinsen’s movement suddenly became stiff, but then he smiled again: “Is it difficult for you to use that mouth, say death Aifeng and No. 0?”

"I don't want to be a man of xx, nor do I work at a certain ancestral inn..."

Ling Mo said half, but found that Song Jinsen did not understand at all, and had to say: "How do they die, you will know it later." (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster !

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