My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 774: Kill you with your eyes

"Small... Little Pan?"

Looking at this scene, the guard's throat suddenly became dry.

On the faint stairs in front of him, Xiao Pan stood quietly there, as if he had not heard the movement behind him.

But when the guards looked at the past, Xiao Pan suddenly moved.

He slowly receded back without looking back, and his upper body was very stiff.

In the process of Xiao Pan's retreat, a vague shadow gradually appeared in the guard's line of sight.

The delicate figure appeared a little bit, and at first glance it seemed that there was no threat, but when the cold front appeared in the guard's field of vision, he suddenly felt a cool feeling.

Another one!

When these people act, they are so ecstatic!

How do you fight with such people? He also thought that as long as he was cautious, he would be able to retreat!

But actually in front of them, all the care is useless...

From the time they stepped into the building, they had already entered the open pocket of the other...

But why is this? These people are not in a hurry to escape, but stay in this place... What else do they want?

The guards sighed as they rushed, looking at Lingmo.

The silence in the darkness seems to have no expression, but the eyes are very bright.

Does this person want to hijack them as hostages? Or... what information do you want to get?

Or is it... killing Liwei? revenge?

In the panic, the two legs of the guard instinctively squatted on the ground, and the whole person was completely attached to the wall.

"Don't bother. You don't wear a wall." Ling Mo suddenly said.

"You...what do you want to do!"

The volume of the guard is out of control. In the quiet corridor. His excited voice seemed a bit harsh.

At the same time, his eyes have become more gray, and it seems that some bad results have been foreseen.

But what surprised the guard was that Lingmo even laughed.

"Why are you laughing……"

When his voice did not fall, he saw that Lingmo suddenly fell down and then raised his arm.

A little cold touch suddenly came from the brain, the guards looked up and looked up, suddenly scared to the sky.

The muzzle of the black hole. At this point it is on his forehead!

"Don't stop! Don't kill me!"

The guard’s mind was suddenly blank...

This is how to get started? But did he not say that he wanted to talk about it? !

Don't say that Lingmo has a gun in his hand, even if there is nothing, the guard knows that he is not an opponent.

He didn't dare to resist, but he didn't want to be killed like this!

Some people usually swear that "I am not afraid of death", but when it comes to the end of the death, how many others can be calm? Not to mention the guard... He was afraid of death!

In just a second or two seconds, it was as long as an hour in the guard's feeling.

Until Lingmo put down his arm, the guards found that their backs had been soaked by cold sweat...

He looked at Ling Mo with his lips, still reading in his mouth: "Don't kill me..."

The guards now look at the silent eyes, but they are even more fearful than before.

Although Ling Mo did not shoot. At the moment he was struck by the muzzle, he really felt a pressure from the spirit!

This pressure made him fall like a hail. It’s like a snake is biting his neck, and he clearly feels that the venom is being injected into the body and spreads rapidly along the blood...

This feeling of near-death experience almost made him scare!

"Is this also an ability? Is it an illusion? No... not so much..." The guard was afraid to think.

At the same time, the guard also suddenly noticed that Ling Mo looked at his own eyes, and there was a hint of inquiry.

"Although I can't really be a true spiritual system, this ability of the sunglasses man can still be easily simulated... There is a mental interference to make a blueprint, plus some mental energy forced to infuse, it will be unstable in the other side. The situation has deepened the influence... It is still a modified version, unlike the sunglasses man can only put some pressure on others."

"And the effect I used is obviously much stronger. For example, this guard is afraid of death. After being affected, he will feel that he is almost dying... Well, from his mental fluctuations and expressions, it should be like this. wrong……"

"If this ability is stronger, will it make him feel that he is really dead? If you can reach that step, you can kill your opponent with your eyes..."

"But if you think about it carefully, the limit of this move is still very big. After all, the basis of the action is based on the emotion of the other party at the time... If he just wants to laugh, the effect will probably become a smile for him. It hurts. If you want to marry?"

"And it has to be so close to be able to work. This is still a gap with sunglasses men... When you can make a casual glance, you can easily scare a group of bear children, then it is the realm..."

While thinking about it, Lingmo also sighed.

While being stared at by Lingmo, the guards have already been scared to be unable to do it themselves.

At this time, Ling Mo finally looked at him and asked: "Is it yours?"

The guard stayed for a moment, then nodded his teeth and nodded.

"You are very smart." Ling Mo suddenly said.

"I..." The guard's face was white again. "I don't understand..."

"Even though you are very scared, your mind is quite a lot. Just deliberately raising your voice, isn't it just to inform the two at the door?" Lingmo said with a smile.

The guard suddenly trembled again, and there was a hint of despair in his eyes again.

Actually the whole army was over...

And he was trapped in this remote little building, completely isolated and helpless...

"Don't kill me..." The guard pleaded again.

"Okay, I said I just want to talk about it." Ling Mo shook his hand, but the front turned suddenly. "But if you do small tricks..."

The guard shook his head desperately: "I don't dare! What do you want to talk about, I will listen to you!"

"Is that person a power?" Ling Mo turned to look at Xiao Pan.

"Yes, he is a variant! His olfactory cells... No, there have been some changes in the entire olfactory system..." The guard replied quickly.

Xiao Pan has turned around at this moment and replied with a blank expression: "He is right, my olfactory nervous system and nasal trigeminal system have changed, including taste. So my feelings about smell Whether it is far or near, it is different from ordinary people, and it is much more sensitive than the average person... In short, the smell I smell and the taste I taste are different from ordinary people."

"It turns out that this kind of variation should be regarded as the tragedy of eating goods." Ling Mo nodded thoughtfully.

Xiao Pan suddenly asked: "Do you use perfume? This smell is strange, but it should be. And not only you sprayed it, but also sprayed upstairs. If I didn't guess wrong, Should you also prepare other means of bringing us in? For example, mental power..."

"You guess it yourself." Lingmo smiled and then asked, "How many people are sent out to chase me?"

The guard hesitated and replied: "For the time being, the two teams..."

"Detailed point." Lingmo simply sat on the steps, and then ordered a cigarette.

"One team is us, and another team is scattered outside, responsible for guarding those intersections... Some people may also stand on the heights, I am not particularly clear..." The guard said here, not forgetting to add a sentence, " In fact, I was just dragged to make up the number. I am not really a captain..."

"He did not choose the captain." Ling Mo said.

The guard was timid and cautious and afraid of death. Because of this, he did not dare to defy the order easily.

If not, how dare he enter this house?

In such a chaotic situation, the Nirvana high-level can also point out that such a person is coming to the end of the crisis, which is a wake-up call to Lingmo.

Nirvana is not good to deal with...

"Do you know other things?" Ling Mo asked.

There was a dilemma on the guard's face: "I am in a good position, I don't know much about it..."

"Like this," Lingmo turned and found a book from his backpack, and handed a pen in the past. "In the case of the top, you know how much to write. Also, write down the situation of the guards. ”

For those on the registration form, Lingmo is not entirely convinced.

He can falsify himself at the time of registration, and others may write ambiguously.

But it’s obviously not realistic to want to understand those abilities.

However, the strength of the Guard can not be underestimated. It can be seen from Nirvana's move that this is the most trusted force of them.

When someone sends out to kill the silence in the future, this force is likely to play an extremely important role in the middle.

Although the main purpose is to fight for a little time, Lingmo will not let go of the opportunity to collect intelligence.

Even if the guard does not understand the ordinary members, he is certainly familiar with other guards.

The guards trembled and took the pen, so it was easy to unscrew the cap and suddenly raised his head with a bitter face.

"This big brother... I... I can't see."

He is also depressed in his heart, how to be silent, they are not subject to environmental restrictions...

However, this guard knows that Ling Mo’s vision is connected with Ye Yilian on the side, and the girl who looks very shy, but has been using a knife against Xiao Pan, is actually a hegemonic zombie!

"Give, flashlight."

Ling Mo handed over the same thing in the past, and smiled at the same time: "Don't think about using the light alarm, this is just an angle."

The guard just touched the flashlight and suddenly shook a bit, couldn't help but burst into shock: "Does this person have a mind reading! How do I know what he wants!"

"But it’s not a swindle. I didn’t expect it to have such a plan..." Ling Mo touched his chin and thought of the spirit of the guard. (To be continued.)

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