My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 867: resonance


The full blow of the zombies is quite horrible, especially as the body continues to mutate. With the "top bloodline" of the spider queen, even Qi Tianyi has no time to completely dodge. Only his body suddenly suddenly rises high, and is closer to the image of a giant.

"Who are you?" A fist hit, but Qi Tianyi's mind is still entangled in this problem. Although he already has a simple guess in his mind, but after all, there are too few clues... The only thing that is certain is that this person is indeed looking for it!

It’s just that this is a life-changing game... this is a big hatred! The most frustrating thing is that the other side can't fight, he can't fight! If it is just a simple confrontation, because with his own fighting skills, he can fully guarantee that the silence of the fist of the ten is in the air. But when he found out that the other party still had a strong resilience, this confidence suddenly turned into an impulse to vomit blood.

How is this going?


The sudden burst of sound that erupted in a short period of time contrasted sharply with the figure of Qi Tianyi. However, only he himself knew that even if he did not seem to move, the heel was actually deeply immersed in the roof. The asphalt layer, the knees are constantly under pressure, as if it may break at any time. The reason why we can't see the action is because their speed has reached an incredible level.

The sequelae associated with the high speed is quite obvious. In just a few seconds, Qi Tianyi has already felt that his strengthened arms have started to get sour. Excessive overdraft makes his breathing start to rush, and his opponent...

"This is... blood?"


In the gap between the other side and a punch. Qi Tianyi finally saw it!

Blood, torn muscles, white bones... The other's body is constantly collapsing in repeated collisions. But what followed was a stronger recovery speed.

"No... even if it can be restored. But the pain during this period is not something ordinary people can bear!" Qi Tianyi was really shocked this time, and even the action on his hand could not help but slow down. The feeling that made him uneasy before hit it again, especially in the process of fighting with the other side, he can feel the changes in the body...


As the other side squatted on his arm, Qi Tianyi suddenly flew backwards. At the same time as he landed, he "wowed" a spit of blood, but when he struggled to get up, he showed a faint look.

"Body... began to be out of control..." Qi Tianyi supported the standing and rolled up, but his body seemed to be shaking unconsciously. The arms are even more stiff.

"You are in the end..." Qi Tianyi stared resentfully at the figure that looked ten times worse than him, and the other party was slowly coming out of the dust. Compared with his retreat, the other side is obviously imposing!


When I saw the other person’s eyes, Qi Tianyi finally shrank and shrugged back one step further: “This is impossible...”


Ling Mo controlled the corpse and rushed forward, and the blood-stained fist slammed into the front of Qi Tianyi: "There is nothing impossible, but you can't think of it. Give me death!"

Another desperate blow!


With a muffled sound, the iron gate was also knocked open, and a figure rushed out from the inside.

"team leader!"

As soon as the female secretary appeared, she witnessed this scene. Qi Tianyi, who seemed to have spare capacity, was now slamming her neck. His whole body is constantly twitching, but he can't use his strength at all. Even when the female secretary appeared. He can't respond to this anymore...

What the female secretary didn't know was that the blood flowing down from Ling Mo's hand was constantly entering his body along the wound of Qi Tianyi. Originally relying on the virus to gain super strength, Qi Tianyi, at this time has tasted bitter fruit...

Because of this, Lingmo's virus can enter so smoothly, the effect will be so fast!

"It seems that you are not practicing the full version..." Ling Mo said coldly. Just the potential meaning of this sentence, Qi Tianyi has no time to think.

"Captain..." The female secretary stared at the back of Qi Tianyi and suddenly turned to Lingmo. "You are looking for death!"

The voice just fell, the female secretary jumped on the high heels, and when her leg was about to slam, the shocking scene appeared.

Instant expansion!

Unlike Qi Tianyi, the woman's leg began to swell at the moment of silence, which made her strength and Qi Tianyi significantly different. It is much longer and more destructive.

Ling Mo suddenly snorted, could not help but step back, and his Qi Tianyi fell heavily on the ground.

As soon as the two sides landed, they first looked at Qi Tianyi lying on the ground.

"You don't move!" The female secretary screamed at the silence.

Her appearance at this time has been very different from before, and the charm has been completely turned into fierce, and her face is even more savage. At the same time, constantly bulging muscles throughout her body, it is like a constant force in the upper reaches of her body...

"You don't move either..." Ling Mo lowered his head slightly, and his eyes were slowly returning to normal. It’s just that his completely deformed and **** arm looks like he’s not related to normal people. But even more shocking is that when the female secretary stared at him, the man unexpectedly pulled back the broken arm and made a fixed movement...

Seeing this, the female secretary can't help but frown... This light looks so painful! She hopes that the teammate on the ground can provide her with some information. Under the silent blood transfusion, Qi Tianyi has lost most of her self-control. He is also staring at the silent eyes. Not too complicated meaning...

But looking at Qi Tianyi's appearance, the female secretary vaguely felt that the boss was still saved... at least compared to the severity of the injury, apparently his opponent is even heavier!

"What do you mean?" The female secretary asked aloud as she watched the distance between herself and Qi Tianyi. This distance she can't go up to grab, but Ling Mo Ming is more serious but still able to stand, but gave her a heavy sense of crisis.

Ling Mo did not mean to talk to her. In fact, he had some problems at the moment... The first time he controlled a zombie that was transformed by the blood of the Spider Queen, which made it difficult to control the silence. It also faintly felt that there was some resonance in itself.

In the crazy attack, although there is unscrupulous as a corpse, more is from the suffocating body of Lingmo. Even when he caught Qi Tianyi, his first reaction was to break the other's neck... If it wasn't for the last moment, he reminded himself that he would be scrapped here. The female secretary’s fierce blow is not much worse than Qi Tianyi’s...

"It seems that we have all been cheated by you..." the female secretary continued.

Ling Mo couldn't help but turn a blind eye. Is it obvious that something so obvious is necessary? It’s nothing more than a shame!

"I don't think your true identity is just a small captain..." the female secretary asked tentatively.

"Hey, this kind of temptation is very outdated..." Lingmo said silently.

However, he did not rush, because the female secretary is obviously more flexible than him. And seeing the strange image of Qi Tianyi, it is estimated that she will not easily fight with her own body...

Moreover, Lingmo needs some time to calm down his own problems...

In the wilderness, Ling Mo's body is breathing deep and deep in his chest. Similar to Qi Tianyi's situation, his eyes are also somewhat red, like a wild beast...

"What are the connections between the Falcons and me?" In the frown, Ling Mo couldn't help but think of this question... (To be continued.)

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