My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 931: Special principle of zombie loli

"What is this nose..."

Ling Mo just frowned, just listened to the butterfly and said: "Don't look at it, I mean you. It's very interesting, there is such a strong zombie virus smell on the body..."

"The trough, I can really smell it!"

Lingmo’s first reaction was to think of a small amount of virus in his body, or the hand and foot that the Spider Queen had done in his body... But think carefully, this taste is not so strong that it will come out! This point, as long as I look at his eyes in the poetry, I know... I thought of it here, Ling Mo did not look up and look at Shi Ran.

"Oh..." Yu Shiran turned his head sharply, and then swallowed involuntarily at Lingmo.

"Fortunately." Ling Mo suddenly relieved, turned his gaze back again, and thought to himself, "It seems that the smell on my body is still dominated by humans... then he smells..."

"Oh, yes." Ling Mo quickly realized that "in the morning, in order to ensure energy, so I love them with leaves... It’s a high-level zombie, but the taste left on the lips can last until now! How is this person's sense of smell? Is it so far away that you can smell such a faint smell? So... is he very sensitive to the smell of the virus?"

Seeing Lingmo first frowned, then another face touched his lips, but did not mean to talk to him, the butterfly's expression could not help but become a bit ugly.

She looked at poetry and then smiled sweetly and said: "It seems that the taste of you is the reason you can get along with them. Interesting, I didn't expect to be here like me. Hehe, I am very interested in both of you. This is really a windfall..."

"Who is like you!"

This sentence is silent, but the second is answered, and with him, there is also the poetry in the air.

Just after realizing the fact that the two were unanimous, Yu Shiran immediately snorted and then turned his head to the side.

"This time give me the same general! Tired and dead, but also insist on the principle of contempt for humanity ... really is a natural fool!" Ling Mo secretly angered. As I slowly walked towards the butterfly, "I don't know what you have misunderstood, but if you are interested, I am also very interested in you. It is also a surprise for me to meet you. So,. Lingmo slowly pulled both hands out of his pocket, then gently rubbed his temples and closed his eyes.

When he put his hands down and opened his eyes, his whole person's state has completely changed: "We are each other."

The Lingmo just gave people a somewhat lazy taste, but like the butterfly at the moment. From Ling Mo's eyes, there is also a strong self-confidence and killing. Looking at his eyes before, it only makes people feel deep and bright, but when you look at it again, you will feel a sharp sense.

An invisible pressure emerged from his eyes and locked in the butterfly's body. Even Tang Yan, who was outside the target, suddenly made a chill, and his eyes looked at Ling Mo quite complicatedly: "The feeling of the atmosphere suddenly changed... just like the feeling of oppression brought about by the sudden darkening of the sky... It seems that when I fight with him, he may just use insidious means. But he did not use his true strength..."

"Speaking, he hasn't used all his strength for a long time..." Ling Mo slowly adjusted his state, and his mouth said.

"It's really!" Tang Yan heard tears in the back.

However, when I think about it, when he and Lingmo fight, the other party has the assistance of this mutant panda, and the second is the use of the terrain... So in his view, the strongest place in Lingmo is not his personal strength. It is his precise grasp of the battle and his tacit cooperation with the mutant panda.

Even if Ling Mo had reservations at the time, his invisible attack could not cause any effective harm to Tang Yan. This is a fact!

So this battle with the butterfly, the outcome is not yet known...

"If you look at the butterfly as a person, you will definitely suffer a big loss..." Tang Yan thought, "In this way, even if he and the little girl cooperate, it may not be able to account for how much cheaper. Moreover, butterflies are still a rare variant..."

He secretly sneered, and suddenly came back to spirit.

"Butterfly and my relationship are not bad. He is in an uncontrolled state. I don't care if I am normal. But as long as he can kill these two people, I will be saved! As long as I can win, I am all right. What did you say in silence, it is not so important... Yes, that's it... Go to hell, haha!"

Unfortunately, his distorted expression, the people present were not paying attention...

The butterfly quietly stared at the continually approaching silence, and suddenly grinned and smiled: "The spirit system... It seems that it should be a special spiritual system?" He looked at the poetry At first glance, he also twitched his neck with a “snap”, then grabbed his left arm with his hand and forced it up.


The originally distorted left arm suddenly returned to normal, and he moved his limbs a little, and his expression gradually became more pleasant. At this time, Lingmo had stopped at almost forty meters away. Looking from his point of view, I can see some sides of the butterfly. I don't know if it is an illusion. Ling Mo always thinks that his hair on this side seems to be getting longer, and his eyes are different from the other one...

Specifically, it is like his body is slowly accelerating the division... the butterfly on the left and the Qi on the right. When they are combined, they are the brothers and sisters...

"It seems that you want to play well with me... Well, I just feel that my body is going to be too excited." The butterfly suddenly "brushed" and tore off half of the clothes.

As the half of the blood coat floated to the ground, a large dazzling blood red appeared in front of everyone.

Numerous blood-colored butterflies spread all the way to his body, especially in the **** and fuzzy wounds. They are especially dense and bloody... At first glance, it’s like these blood butterflies are following that. The wound, the same as flying out of his body.

Ling Mo saw a numb scalp, and even Shi Yanran also stunned. The two exchanged a look with each other, and they all saw a trace of sorrow.

"Can't be..." Yu Shiran just wanted to speak, and he saw Lingmo wave his hand at himself.

"Don't be stubborn, let me come," Ling said.

Yu Shiran took a second to react, and suddenly said with a big eyes: "No, although he is a personal class, but it is very troublesome! How do you say... um... once you fight it, you will find it difficult to get it... ..." She licked her lips and was very difficult to describe.

"When you sell your teammates, you are very comfortable..."

Lingmo sighed and his eyes suddenly became focused: "I am coming, you go to the small building. I think, should you have a way to call Xu Shuhan? If there has been a change, then you are from the side." Help me." He thought about it and added, "Don't be too exhausted."

He had not rushed out of the matter before, but although Yu Wenxuan had already prepared, he could feel that it was better to do more preparations... If his guess is correct, then Yu Shiran and Heis Now rushing over, it must be able to help a lot...

Not only that, but he also contacted Ye Love at this time, and said in his mind: "Taro, you have to guard the top."

"Hmm..." Ye Lian nodded.

On the rooftop, the female zombie suddenly turned the gun and then stared down the street.

The zombies gathered in the streets and looked down from above. They were like a group of hungry wolves waiting for the prey to appear... and the Rosen Company across the street was still silent, like a silent cement grave. general. It was only on the tall building that a red curtain was occasionally blown out of the broken window, which added a bit of horror to the building...

"Next, it's our turn to have fun." Ling Mo looked at the butterfly and said.

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