My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 954: This is oh... harassment!

In the place where Lingmo can see at a glance, this monster is wrapping his arms with countless "hands"...

After a moment of silence, Ling Mo suddenly broke out: "Rely on!"

He kept his arms around, and the other hand caught the back neck of the monster, trying to pull it off from himself...

"It seems to be software..." Li Yalin observed and analyzed.

Xia Na looked at Ling Mo with a stunned voice, then whispered: "It's just a mother's..."

"Ah?" Lingmo heard a pause, but only a second later, his face showed a more tangled look.

"What is the feeling of being underestimated? Is it like I am so hungry? Even if it is only a mother, will it make me feel more comfortable?"

However, at this moment, Ling Mo’s body suddenly froze...

"Lingmo?" Li Yalin looked at him curiously and asked carefully.

Lingmo moved the line of sight to the bottom a little bit, and finally the corner of the eye twitched to the position of the thigh.

This monster, which was only stunned by Nana’s mental assault, was entangled with his legs and continued to approach upwards...

"Get it down! It's awkward in the trough... harassment!"

"Isn't this already not seen... I don't think this is you."

"I feel the same, I am!"



As Shana's sickle slammed hard, the monster finally let go of the silent corpse. Dropped on the ground.

As soon as it landed, it immediately clung to the ground. Only those "hands" are still shaking unconsciously, trying to catch something. Its "hands" grow on the original limbs, and it feels like something that has changed after the limbs have degenerated. The back of the chest, including the thighs, is covered with a constantly shrinking suction cup.

In general, this monster is like a human figure...

Ling Mo raised his arm and looked at it and was suddenly shocked.

When you are entangled, except for nausea. He almost didn't feel anything else... but at first glance, he realized that the "hand" of this thing was deeply penetrated into his flesh, and if you look closely, you can see a dense red dot. The place covered by the red dot is obviously more concave than other places.

"I was sucked up..." Ling silently looked at the monster.

Xia took it with a sickle and said: "Do not worry, after being fainted. It will only **** a little by instinct. Who told Ling Ge to suddenly throw it?"

"The trough! It's obviously you lost it!" Ling Mou said.

"Is it? It's easy..."

"You just want to scare me!"


"Why are they not close to the hole?"

"Instinct. If you climb on the ground all day, you will also pay attention to the places that have been stolen from the manhole cover..."

"This metaphor is very bad..."

Or Li Yalin interrupted them. The female zombie went down and looked at her eyes and suddenly reached her finger to one of the "hands."

The thing that looked like a finger swayed immediately, and as Li Yalin slowly lifted her finger, the "hand" actually stretched a lot... The top showed some creeping sign. Looked very strange.

"There is a hole here," Li Yalin said.

Ling Mo immediately followed him. He stared at the "hand" and looked at him. He was shocked. "It's really!"

The "hands" have a lot of "small holes" that can be opened on the sides and tops, just like countless tiny mouthparts. These red spots on the corpse's arm are naturally also due to these mouthparts.

"I unloaded his chin in advance. Otherwise, when it hits the prey, it will instinctively bite it. It will be bitten by it. Even the bones will crack." Shana said.

Ling Mo endured the nausea and reached out to touch the chin of the monster. He suddenly felt that there was a bounce... The method of unloading the bar in this monster group is really accurate and terrible...

"But it has self-healing?" Ling Mo quickly thought of another key point.

"Yeah, so we have to hurry." Shana said, and slowly raised the sickle.

Ling Mo suddenly scalp jumped: "What are you doing..."

Shana looked up and gave him a big smile: "Dissection."


In fact, when Xia Na started, Ling Mo discovered that this process was not as disgusting as he thought...

There is almost no blood in the body of this monk, and more of that mucus.

"You came a little earlier than I thought... In fact, I was trying to find an exit to join you in the middle, but... yes, you see a figure." Shana opened her throat. Asked.

"Well..." Ling Mo frowned and nodded. "Don't you..."

"Ah, that's right, we are all introduced. But I don't have to find someone, so I found a lot of things." Shana said very proudly.

This time, without ignorance, Li Yalin has already said: "Suddenly, some are not willing..."

"Don't say that, you will be happy after you know it. Right, Ye Jiejie?" asked Xia Na.

"Still outside." Lingmo replied.

Xia Nai nodded thoughtfully: "This is just right, she will help her later."


Xia Yan smiled and smirked: "Put out the hateful figure and kill it!"

"Do you know what it is?" Ling Mo felt in his heart and asked.

Li Yalin looked blank and apparently did not understand the dialogue between them.

"Of course..." Shana mysteriously blinked at Lingmo and suddenly bowed her head. "Look!"

Ling Mo looked at the past with a sigh of relief, and suddenly could not help but exclaimed: "You are a skilled worker!"

"Hey, I dissected the frog when I was reading..." Xia replied smoothly.

"It's not a schoolmaster... How did you get to know the human body from the frog..." Ling Mo sighed, but his eyes had already observed the body of the monster.

It has not moved now, but from its physical signs, it does not really see the way it has died...

Even its organs can't see the bleeding color, and each one shows a translucent color, which looks very real.

Ling Mo didn't even feel that he was looking at a humanoid body, but a badly interesting silicone product...

"It's not dead yet," said Shana. "In the event of a death crisis, it will go to sleep. It's no different from death. But if you let it go, it won't take long. It will wake up and repair your wounds. Moreover, its body will remember the smell of the murderer, so once it wakes up, it will catch up with you..."

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