"Well, that seems to be similar to the Demon King!"

Everyone can't help but enjoy themselves.

Li Jieqiong's face became a little serious: "I want to... first go back to my teacher's door and have a look."

Hearing what she said, everyone immediately stopped laughing.

Li Jieqiong led the way, and Chen Huan followed closely with a group of girls. Leng Muchen and Nicholas took turns pushing the grandfather's car behind them, and the group marched towards Congshan Junling.

Li Jieqiong’s teacher gate is not far from here. After a dozen miles of mountain roads, a small valley appeared in front of it, with beautiful mountains and clear waters, but a perfect location. The stone wall at the gate of the valley was engraved with the characters of Yin-Yang Hehuan Sect. However, there were a few deep knife marks beside these large characters, which seemed to have been deliberately scratched by the enemies who came to destroy the door last time.

Walking into the valley, you can see the big tree that was broken by a sword or palm lying lying beside the tree. It seems that someone is beating and retreating into the valley. It has been several months since the Yin-Yang Acacia Sect was destroyed, but these traces are still vivid.

Everyone continued to move forward, and several broken houses that had been scorched into permanent and ruined tiles appeared in front of them. The so-called murder must be set on fire. After the killing, the enemy obviously set fire to the house, so this is what happened here.

Li Jieqiong knelt down in front of the house with a thud, tears began to flow down.

Chen Huan approached the burnt-out houses and took a closer look. In the ruins, there were still a few burnt corpses...

"Master, Madam, Senior Brother, Senior Sister, Junior Brother, Junior Sister, you died so miserably." Li Jieqiong burst into tears with a "Wow".

Author's message:

PS: The next change is 19 o'clock.

Chapter 177 The last disciple of Yin-Yang Hehuan Sect (12 more)

19 o'clock in the afternoon, 12th more


People are very interesting. If you hear about the war in the Middle East, where dozens of millions of people died, you may not even feel the slightest sadness. Just forget it after the "oh", because those deaths are for you. Say, it's just numbers, you won't feel the same.

But if you are really put on the battlefield of the Middle East war and let you see a few corpses, you will feel sadness flowing upstream, full of hatred for the bad guys who started the war.

That's how Chen Huan feels now!

When Li Jieqiong said that her teacher was destroyed before, Chen Huan didn't feel much at all, but now, seeing a few charred corpses with his own eyes, his mood has also become heavier.

"Damn, a little sect who has nothing to do with the world, there are only seven people in total, hiding in the small valley and living a leisurely life. As for killing them so cruelly?" Chen Huan couldn't help but cursed: " If it is to destroy the ambitious sect of the Songshan School, I can barely understand it."

Leng Muchen sweated profusely: "Hey! Hey!"

The grandfather shook his head: "Human...sometimes killing people is just for fun." He looked up at the sky, as if remembering all the hardships he experienced during the battle to defend his homeland when he was young. What happened in the war? Haven't seen such a bad guy?

"I bought a watch last year!" Chen Huan cried, "Sister Jieqiong, go, let's take revenge right away and chop up those bastards."

"First... bury their bones first." Li Jieqiong bit her lower lip.

Half an hour later, seven new tombs were lined up on the edge of the cliff. In fact, the corpses in the tombs were incomplete. Because they were charred, it was impossible to tell which corpse was who, so no tombstone was erected.

If it’s Qiong Yao’s novels or domestic dramas, this place will generally have descriptions of Li Jieqiong kneeling in front of the grave and crying for half an hour, as well as chicken soup that deeply digs into the characters’ inner sadness and feelings. There will be shouts of exhaustion, and there will be beauty. Memories...Of course, the father-in-law did not have these problems when he wrote the book, so 100 million words are omitted here.

Li Jieqiong wiped away her tears and stood up, and said in a deep voice, "Let's go! Revenge is gone."

Everyone followed Li Jieqiong out of the valley. Li Jieqiong led the way and walked down the mountain, through a barren mountain and ridge, and down to the foot of the mountain. A large area of ​​farmland appeared in front of him. More.

"The one who destroyed my teacher was a martial sect called the Golden Bamboo Gang. There were a lot of people and there were hundreds of disciples." Li Jieqiongsha said with a voice: "It's in the city not far away."

"Oh?" The grandfather frowned, "That is to say, we are going to a densely populated city now to kill people on the street and get revenge? This kind of thing...doesn't the government of this plane take care of it?"

"If the court eagle dogs dare to take care of the affairs of the world, interrupt their dog legs." Li Jieqiong said.

The old man feels that Yali Mountain is big, what an inexplicable plane, these people of the world are lawless, this will be put in later generations, and you will all be queued and shot to work. However, the old man is also a person who has seen strong winds and waves. After thinking about it carefully, forget it, go to the village and follow the customs. As long as it doesn't destroy the stability and prosperity of our great celestial dynasty, other planes will take care of him.

Everyone continued to move forward, getting closer and closer to the city, and there were more pedestrians on the road.

The social features and productivity levels of this plane are about the same as those of the Ming Dynasty. The passers-by on the street are also Ming Dynasty costumes, which look simple and practical.

Chen Huan and his party's dressing is very outrageous in the eyes of the Ming Dynasty people, especially the two girls, Lu Qingyu and Ye Meijing. They wear shorts, short sleeves, and short skirts, with their arms and thighs exposed. Outside, for people in this era of the Ming Dynasty, it was simply a violent visual impact. On the contrary, Li Jieqiong, who was wearing a long skirt, did not look strange at all. As for Elsia and Shavana, one is too white and the other is too dark. Ancient men still didn't know how to appreciate the beauty of whites and blacks, even if their arms and legs were exposed, no one liked to watch them.

"That should be a group of martial arts people." Passerby Jia whispered.

"Inevitably! Anyone who dresses strangely is a martial arts person." A passerby said.

"It's a wicked sect at first sight! The female disciples of this sect are all showing their arms and thighs. Tsk tsk, it's almost..." the passerby said Bing.

"There is only one good girl in serious clothes." A passerby said.

"There are also Huren from the Western Regions, look at those high noses and blue eyes."

"There is also an old man in a wheelchair, afraid it is not the owner of the door?"

Amidst the discussion, everyone finally came to the gate of the city in front. What he saw was a city surrounded by two rivers. Chen Huan always felt familiar with these two rivers, as if he had seen them somewhere. After a long time, he finally figured out: "Hey, this is... the Yangtze River and the Jialing River."

Then take a look at the plaque hanging on the ancient city gate: "Jiangzhou City".

Chen Huan couldn't help but wiped his sweat: "Hey, isn't Jiangzhou City the ancient name of Shuangqing City?"

The grandfather nodded: "Yes! It's the ancient name of Shuangqing. Why do I say the three words Jinzhugang are so familiar... Actually, there was also a Jinzhugang in the modern city of Shuangqing before, which was composed of a group of gangsters and gangsters. A few years ago, I don’t know which folk hero was wiped out, and finally disappeared."

Chen Huan spread his hands: "Oh, it seems that we are going to be the folk heroes who wiped out the ancient Golden Bamboo Gang."

Walking to the door, there were a few listless officers and soldiers guarding the door. Seeing Chen Huan and his party wearing strange costumes, the officers and soldiers guessed that they must be martial arts people. In the world of martial arts, ordinary people wear ugly cloth clothes, and only martial arts people can dress brightly and in strange shapes. Anyway, you should not mess with such people.

Therefore, the group of people easily entered Jiangzhou City without paying the entrance tax.

Li Jieqiong faced the most famous wharf in Jiangzhou City and walked over to the "Chaotianmen Wharf". It turned out that the rudder of the Golden Bamboo Gang was in a large mansion next to Chaotianmen Wharf. This house was very stylish and occupies a large area. Chen Huan thought he would see two guards guarding the door, blocking his party from entering.

Unexpectedly, the gate of the Golden Bamboo Gang was opened wide, with lights and colorful lights on the door. A large group of gangsters were coming in and out under the welcoming of the Golden Bamboo Gang. It looked like a very lively appearance. It seems to be having a banquet or party.

"Oh, what's this name?" Leng Muchen asked strangely, "Could it be that something happy and white is happening?"

"Follow him, we're here to take revenge, don't we have to pick a day to visit again?" Chen Huan took Li Jieqiong's hand and swaggered towards the gate of the Jinzhu Gang.

Author's message:

PS: The next update is 20 points.

Chapter 178 Strange Rally (13 more)

20 o'clock in the evening, 13th more


Thinking that he would be blocked by the gang for questioning, Chen Huan was even ready to beat others and rush, but unexpectedly, the gang at the door greeted him with a smile: "Oh, heroes, please Sit inside."

"Huh? This group of people actually invite us inside without asking us the way?" Chen Huan couldn't help but whispered.

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