My Girlfriend is More Than Beautiful

Chapter 222: Well... actually I will miss you really ===

It is still the same League of Legends as always, as always, for the first victory but not only for the first victory.

There is no need to feel guilty for winning the first victory until midnight like before.

Mo Nanbei took Timo as the top order, and kept boasting that there were too many mushrooms, some inexplicable heads, and Li Ziqian was playing the middle order, the little fish spirit. look.

Really laughing.

"What are you laughing at? I think that's how you should play Teemo. Avoid too many head-to-head confrontations. If you want to play, you have to play tricks, and run if you can." I am very unhappy.

Mo Nanbei himself thinks that he still has some unique understanding of each hero he plays.

Besides, look at the appearance of Teemo's small body. No matter how you look at it, you can't directly fight with the top order of the five big and three thick on the opposite side, right?

An excellent Teemo should not care about the frontal punches and kicks, but should let the opponent fall into despair and fear when he can't see his figure!

Run when you get into trouble, you can't go wrong.

"Don't look at my Teemo's short legs, I can run really fast." Mo Nanbei fled to avoid the enemy's pursuit, but also didn't forget to throw a few mushrooms on the opposite side.

"You're right."


After a few games of drunken life and dreams, the time quietly came to 12 o'clock.

Li Ziqian, who originally wanted to play again, stopped because of this, the game could not be finished.

After being bored to receive the reward for a while, it is almost time to go back to each house to do their own things.

But there is one thing to say, it feels really good to play games at night without doing homework, coding, and just playing games.

If there is a plan, Li Ziqian must want to say "one more time".

Mo Nanbei, who held his chin with one hand and slid the mouse with one hand, stared at the computer screen and suddenly let out a long sigh, "Alas~"

"What are you sighing?" Li Ziqian looked at the sound.

Mo Nanbei was lying on the back of the chair, looking at the ceiling with a sad face, and did not speak again.

Li Ziqian:  …

It's nothing to whet your appetite.

"What's wrong with you??"

Li Ziqian was very puzzled. After playing the game, the woman kept her face down, and she didn't know what was wrong.

A woman's mind is really hard to guess.

After a long while, Mo Nanbei said in a long voice, "It's going to be a holiday soon."

Why does this tone sound regretful?

No one wants to take a vacation, right?

But think again.

Come on, really, it's going to be a holiday soon.

The arrival of the final exam means two things, one is that you can temporarily throw away the pain and anxiety caused by daily study and indulge yourself, and the other is that you have to take a vacation.

It's just that the two of them are going home.

And this estimate is exclusive to the concerns of Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei.

After returning home, he needs to be managed by his parents. If Li Ziqian still wants to finish playing games with Mo Nanbei in this small rental house and then live and die, it will be two months later.

If you think about it like this, it's really sad...

But seeing Mo Nanbei's lack of interest, Li Ziqian couldn't help but comfort him, "It's okay, it's not a big problem. In fact, time flies by quite fast."

It's not that they don't get along with each other, right? ?

"No, the problem is quite big." Mo Nanbei turned to look at Li Ziqian, and his eyes were a little more serious.

Such eyes made Li Ziqian feel hairy, but there was a hint of relief.

Such a strange atmosphere, is it about to start provocative?

Li Ziqian pursed his lips and began to think about what he should say to comfort her if Mo Nanbei cried out in the next second.

"If we can't be together, I won't be able to solo with you offline if you play games." Mo Nanbei looked serious.

Li Ziqian: ? ? ?

Sure enough, I knew that Mo Nanbei's stinky mouth couldn't say anything good.


"You better get out."

"After the holiday, I won't hear someone's mouth chattering around me like chanting sutras, 'abandon' and 'long too long to cover my tears'!"

"Damn, is it that exaggerated?"

And Li Ziqian thinks this is also helping Mo Nanbei consolidate his memory?

Although Mo Nanbei may not need it at all...

At this time, the atmosphere began to develop in a strange direction.

Seeing Li Ziqian's big stinky face probably made Mo Nanbei feel excited, and her bitter melon face that "raised my glass and sold my sorrows and sorrows more sorrowful" also stretched out.

Mo Nanbei tugged at Li Ziqian's collar, "Okay, okay, actually, I still miss you."

Li Ziqian raised his eyebrows, why did he say it so reluctantly? ?

"I just remembered to perfunctory me now? It's too late!"

As soon as these words came out, they fell into a dead silence.

After looking at Mo Nanbei several times, I could see that the woman was staring at something blankly, but she didn't speak, and she didn't even raise her hand to sort out her disobedient bangs.

This time, Li Ziqian was a little flustered.

After all, Mo Nanbei suddenly looks like this, which is really a rare thing.

I couldn't help but filter what I just said in my brain, and Li Ziqian thought about it and felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

Do you have to scold this woman?

It was quiet for a while.

Li Ziqian was about to say something to break this slightly awkward scene, and Mo Nanbei finally spoke up.

"Well... actually I will miss you, really."

Then, only Li Ziqian was left with an empty seat.

That's right, Li Ziqian didn't even react.

The woman dropped a sentence like a gust of wind, opened the door, floated out, closed the door, and disappeared.

It's... so sudden.

Li Ziqian rubbed his still groggy head.

Is there something wrong with this woman tonight, or is she just playing games all night?

After staring blankly at the door for a while, Li Ziqian moved his gaze back to his computer screen.

What's the matter, why can't you say something like this?

After closing the game, Li Ziqian browsed the web for a while, holding his head aimlessly. When he was bored, he opened NetEase Cloud and casually clicked a song to play.

It is indeed a vacation.

Li Ziqian, who was taking a bath and preparing to fall asleep, couldn't help but start thinking wildly.

It's really not a big problem after the holiday. After all, we are all in the same city, so why not have a chance to meet?

Depends on whether the two want it or not.

In the days that followed, Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei had a much more relaxed and comfortable life without the threat of final exams.

In the evening, when I can play games, I play games, and in class I continue to fish or write novels and chapters.

At least until the exam results are announced, everyone is still focused.

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