My Girlfriend is More Than Beautiful

Chapter 339: Because I'm afraid of being fat ===(2)

I was so upset that I couldn't even watch the movie properly, "Shut up for me, you."

"You won't eat it yourself, and you won't let me eat it. You are so cruel."


Mo Nanbei didn't speak, and deliberately turned down the volume of the phone, in an attempt to purify his mind in this way.

But the more he told himself not to pay attention, the more uncontrollably Mo Nanbei thought about those delicious food.

I have even quietly guessed the taste of Li Ziqian's potato chips.

Finally, the evil desire exploded in his heart, after Mo Nanbei cursed "Fuck", he got up and opened his snack closet, quickly took out a bag of happy things, and sat back quietly. bed.

After carefully tearing open the package, Mo Nanbei reached out and took a piece of potato chips and put it in his mouth.

Like being a thief, for fear of being discovered by Li Ziqian.

As if he had a good heart, Li Ziqian always felt that there were some small movements on Mo Nanbei's side, which were very abnormal.

"You won't tell me not to eat it on the surface, but secretly take it?" Li Ziqian asked deliberately.

Mo Nanbei panicked, the potato chips in his mouth hadn't been chewed cleanly, so he quickly defended, "Who said I stole it."

Yes, it's fine if you don't speak, as soon as you speak, you'll be full of stuff. This voice is obviously stuffed in your mouth!

"Yes, yes, you didn't steal it." Then Li Ziqian laughed out loud.

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