My Girlfriend is More Than Beautiful

Chapter 71: About whether cute and mother hunters can coexist ===(2)

Quickly pouted.

Putting the phone back in her pocket, she looked up at the closed door of Li Ziqian's house for a while, and then she turned her head and walked into the elevator.

Sitting in the elevator, Mo Nanbei took a deep breath as he watched the floors descend.

What are we eating today?

Unexpectedly, the 'Breakfast of the Day', which originally had many candidates, was instantly cleared at this time.

Standing on the spot, pursing his lips, and thinking for a while, Mo Nanbei walked quickly in a certain direction.


After Mo Nanbei woke him up, Li Ziqian rolled on the bed for more than two minutes.

After taking a deep breath, he decided to wash his face.

After all... it makes me comfortable for a while.

After washing his face and drinking half a cup of hot water, Li Ziqian lay on the bed again.

Drowsiness swept over his body in an instant.

The head is heavy and the body is heavy.


Suddenly, the vibrating sound of the phone muted again.

Taking a look, he found that it was a message sent by Mo Nanbei.

[Mo Nanbei: Are you still awake? 】

[Li Ziqian: ? 】

[Mo Nanbei: East and West are hanging on the door]

[Mo Nanbei: If you are alive, go get it yourself. 】

[Li Ziqian: ? ? ? 】

But Li Ziqian's question mark was not answered.

Frowning, he took a deep breath, but in desperation, Li Ziqian got up from the bed again and walked to the door with heavy steps.

Push open the door and backhand to remove the pocket from the outside doorknob.

Oh hoo, it's pretty heavy.

A large paper pocket holds three small packages.

One is the pocket of the pharmacy pack, one is...breakfast, and one is...every drink.

Did she buy medicine and breakfast for herself?

How can such a thing even happen?

How can such a good thing happen?

At this time, Li Ziqian's heart was panic except for panic.

Is this meal... edible?

Is there really no problem?

Unpacking the tape and looking at it, the good guy is special porridge.

Shredded chicken porridge, two small buns, and a few side dishes. A few slices of beef in sauce came with a fried egg.

This breakfast can't be described as sumptuous.

Is this what Mo Nanbei can buy him?

Li Ziqian knew this restaurant and was not close to them.

Even if it's a taxi back and forth, it takes about five minutes.

ah this... this...

Just when Li Ziqian thought so, his cell phone rang again.


[Mo Nanbei: My mother said that people who have a cold and fever on a hot day are all fools]


[Mo Nanbei: But the fool eats more, sleeps and gets sick. 】

Immediately after that, her portrait went dark.

Looking at the news, Li Ziqian instantly felt a subtle feeling in his heart.




Taking a deep breath, I chose to give up thinking about these questions that I couldn't understand when I had a headache.

Li Ziqian took a sip of porridge with a spoon, and then ate a mouthful of meat.

Although he has a slight lack of taste due to the cold, he can still feel the deliciousness of these foods.

Although there was no change in the physical discomfort, the mood that had been bad because of the cold unexpectedly improved.

After thinking for a while, looking at the sumptuous meals on the table and the drinks that had not been seen before, Li Ziqian picked up the phone.

[Li Ziqian: Thank you]

After about two minutes, he received a reply.

[Mo Nanbei: It's okay, after all, my father's love is like a mountain. 】

Why does this person always have the ability to instantly change the atmosphere and mood in one sentence?

Take a deep breath.

Li Ziqian raised his hand and replied,

[Li Ziqian: There are always sons who want to be fathers. 】

[Mo Nanbei: Oh. 】

【Li Ziqian: No】

[Mo Nanbei: ? ? ? ? ? 】

[Mo Nanbei: Why are you still dying of illness?]

[Li Ziqian: ? 】

[Li Ziqian: Who opened it first? 】

[Mo Nanbei: Your mother exploded. 】

[Mo Nanbei: See you again, motherfucker]

[Mo Nanbei: I'm at school]

[Mo Nanbei: Go and sleep! Dead trash! 】

[Mo Nanbei: Hurry up and climb for the Lord! 】

"Ha ha ha ha."

Seeing that Mo Nanbei sent a series of messages in a frenzy, Li Ziqian laughed out loud.

I don't know if it's his delusion, but he actually feels that he doesn't have any problem changing his clothes to go to school now.

Sure enough, cuteness can actually heal, right?

Sure enough, in fact, some people must be very flattering to be dumb.

Oh no, if you can always talk like you did on the playground yesterday, it's not impossible to talk more.

Really is…

With such complicated thoughts, Li Ziqian took a few pills and drank an extra cup of hot water.

He chose to go back to the house to sleep.

After all, if you go to bed when you are in a good mood, you should have a good dream, right?

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