Zhaili was sitting on a bench and resting, holding a sketchbook in his hand, obviously planning to draw a background picture.

Kato... I don't know when he took out his mobile phone and sat next to Zari, playing with it quietly.

Except for Hyōdo Michiru who needs attention, the others are not naughty kids who like to run around, so there is no need to worry about getting lost.

Hajima Kiyosuke looked away with relief and quietly left with his senior.

Among all the people, only Kato noticed it. He put down his mobile phone and turned to look in the direction where Hajima Seisuke and his senior disappeared, his pink cheeks quietly puffed up.

On the way down the mountain.

The entire mountain forest has turned from green to colorful under the influence of autumn.

A gust of autumn wind blows, fallen leaves are flying, and the moss-covered mountain road is scattered with dancing shadows, which is quite quiet and Zen.

Hashima Seisuke and his senior walked down the stairs in silence, enjoying the rare silence and beauty.

After going down the mountain.

The two of them got on the Enoden train and wandered to the vicinity of Enkakuji Temple.

"Grandma's house is just ahead."

The senior sister led the way forward, strolling along the path paved with bluestones, and pointed forward: "Go to the rice cake shop in front first and buy a rice cake."

Hashima Seisuke looked over and soon saw a small shop on the roadside. It looked inconspicuous, but there was a long queue at the door. At this moment, there were two men with white bandages on their heads. The rice cakes were being played in full swing, and many tourists stopped to take photos.

Making rice cakes is one of the traditional customs in Japan, but it is rare nowadays, at least Hajima Seisuke has never seen it in Tokyo.

The main raw material of this thing is glutinous rice. The steaming glutinous rice is put into a wooden container, then one person holds a wooden pestle, and the other person turns over the rice cake, and beats the rice cake out like 'rising dough'.

The two of them cooperated so well that their eyes could hardly keep up with the beating speed... It would be better if they didn't scream "waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"" while beating rice cakes.

Hashima Kiyosuke looked at it for a while and said curiously:

"This rice cake shop has a long history, right?"

"Well." The senior pursed her pretty lips and said slowly, "I heard that Ashikaga Yoshimasa also ate rice cakes at this shop."

"Ashikaga Yoshimasa..."

Hajima Seisuke thought for a while and then remembered who the senior sister was talking about. There was no way. For foreign students who first arrived in Japan, it was actually very simple besides language and mathematics. The subject that really caused headaches was Japanese history. , the knowledge is super trivial, all kinds of confusion and fragmentation, and it is extremely difficult to remember.

Ashikaga Yoshimasa was the eighth-generation shogun of the Ashikaga Shogunate. He never did anything serious. His favorite thing every day was eating, drinking and having fun. He is unknown in history, but he was born in the 15th century AD.

In other words, this rice cake shop has been open for nearly six hundred years.

Hajima Kiyosuke took a deep breath and had nothing to say.

They have been selling rice cakes for the past 600 years. The spirit of craftsmanship passed down is terrible!

I quickly bought a piece of rice cake, and the senior looked over with a half-smile: "Junior, would you like to have one?"

Hajima Seisuke remembered the yelling of Uncle Rice Cake, and said silently: "If you don't want to eat it, please take it away."

After buying rice cakes, Hashima Seisuke and his senior walked across the street and soon came to a house surrounded by a bamboo fence.

"Grandma, we're here to see you."

The senior sister shouted softly.

An old lady in a yukata was basking in the sun in the courtyard, with a cat and a dog lying beside her. Under the eaves were many potted chrysanthemums, blooming brilliantly in the sun. When she heard the voice of her senior sister, she looked over in surprise, "It's the little one." Shi... Hey, who is this boy?"

Hashima Seisuke took two steps forward, bent down and saluted: "Hello, grandma, I am Hashima Seisuke. This is the first time we meet, please give me some advice." The old lady looked at Hashima Seisuke carefully, obviously very satisfied, and said with a smile: "You are Xiaoshi’s boyfriend?”

"No." The senior glanced at Hajima Seisuke and said nonchalantly, "I picked it up randomly on the road. I thought he was pitiful, so I brought him back. He works as a coolie."

It is illegal to pick someone up on the road. Be careful of being invited to the police station for tea!

"Xiao Shi has a bad temper." The old lady pulled Hajima Seisuke next to her and sat down. "Do you usually bully you?"

He often bullies others, not to mention occupying the magpie's nest. He often asks people to serve him tea and water, tap his shoulders and pinch his back, and he often regards himself as the master!

The senior sister turned her eyes and looked over.

Hajima Kiyosuke looked at his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose, and silently replied:

"Senior sister is gentle and kind, and will never bully the weak."

I was forced to tell lies when I met my grandma for the first time. Life is so difficult!

After talking for a while and drinking a cup of tea, the senior sister quickly called Hajima Seisuke over: "Junior-kun, come here."

The senior sister handed over a bamboo pole prop and said, "Pick the persimmons off the tree. In previous years, dad would come here. This year I just happened to come over, so there is no need to bother dad."

Hey, hey, it turned out that he really captured the young man and asked him to come over to work!

"give it to me."

Hajima Seisuke took the bamboo pole and was a little excited. He hadn't done such a thing as picking persimmons for a long time.

Although there were only two trees, there were a lot of persimmons. Fortunately, the senior sister was not drinking tea nearby to supervise the work. Instead, she was busy with Hajima Seisuke. The two worked together and quickly picked the persimmons from the trees.

It’s not done until you pick them. You can’t pile so many persimmons together and you have to use tools to dry them.

"Junior," the senior sister pinched her waist with her right hand and said, "Follow me to the attic to get something."


This old house is a traditional Japanese-style building with black tiles on the roof. It has two floors and a small attic at the top.

Hajima Seisuke followed his senior sister up to the attic. Suddenly he remembered something and asked curiously: "Senior, was this attic where a mouse bit her toe when she was a child?"

The senior snorted softly: "I didn't bite it, I just crawled over my feet."

"Rika told me..."

"Junior, you know too much." Senior sister lowered her gaze and said in a deep voice, "It seems that I can only keep you in the attic forever..."

Chapter 955 Gentle and Kind Little Shiyu

Before he finished speaking, a rustling sound suddenly sounded in the dark attic.

The senior who had just lowered her voice and pretended to be a witch suddenly revealed her true form, hugged Hajima Kiyosuke's arm, and said nervously: "K-Ki, there's a mouse!"

This kind of dark attic is a wooden house building, so it is normal to have mice!

"Don't be afraid." Hajima Kiyosuke comforted him, "rats are timid. They will just stay away when they hear human voices and don't dare to show their heads."

It's a pity that the mouse has become the senior's nightmare. Knowing that the mouse will not escape, it's better to be afraid. "Junior, hurry up and get your things, let's go downstairs."


Hajima Seisuke agreed, and suddenly his eyes focused on the top of his senior sister's head.

"What, what's wrong?"

The senior asked nervously.

"There are cobwebs in my hair."

Hajima Seisuke stretched out his right hand to help his senior clear the spider webs from his hair.

This thing stuck to the hair and was hard to get rid of. It took Seisuke Hajima a while to get it off.


Hajima Kiyosuke nodded with satisfaction.

The attic suddenly became quiet.

A beam of sunlight passed through the skylight and fell on the side of the senior's face. The light and shadow were perfectly blended together, like a masterpiece.

The senior's pretty face was slightly pale, her eyes were panicked, and she was biting her lower lip nervously. The expression on her face was clearly that of a rare 'poor, weak and helpless' one.

Seeing this, Hashima Kiyosuke suddenly couldn't help but want to bully his senior.

"Why aren't you leaving yet?"

The senior sister urged nervously.

Hajima Kiyosuke whispered: "Call Master."


The senior sister was stunned for two seconds, then her eyebrows straightened up, "I'm just a cricket, junior, how dare you say that!"

I am afraid of mice, but not you!

Just as he was about to let Hajima Seisuke understand what it means to have trouble come out of his mouth, rustling noises were heard again in the dark corner of the attic, making the senior sister instantly weak.

"Hurry up and call the master." Hashima Seisuke is sure of victory. It is rare to catch the weakness of the senior sister. It is a pity to leave like this. "Otherwise, I won't leave."

"How dare you..."

Hajima Kiyosuke stamped his foot, and a rustling sound came from the corner again, startling the senior sister.

"Hurry up and shout." Hashima Seisuke said quietly, "The rabbit bites people when it is anxious. If the mouse is anxious, it might also run out."

This inference made the senior sister even more panicked. She finally turned her head, biting her pink lips gently with her teeth, and whispered: "Master...Master."

Hajima Seisuke just feels refreshed and refreshed, making you think about teasing/teaching others every day. Now you know what it feels like to be teased/taught by others, right?

Don’t forget to take this as a warning and don’t do to others what you don’t want others to do to you!

"Shout again."

"Junior! Don't push yourself too far!"


Hajima Kiyosuke lightly stamped his foot.

The sound of rodents scurrying was heard again in the corner.

"Lord, master!"

Finally I took the tools and walked down from the small attic to the second floor. As the light became brighter, the poor, weak and helpless senior finally broke free of the fear buff, lowered her head and laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha ha……"

The terrifying laughter like a visitor from hell echoed in the corridor, and the faint murderous aura emanating from his body was enough to scare a primary school student to tears.

Fortunately, Hajima Kiyosuke had anticipated it and shouted decisively:

"Grandma, why are you up here?"


The senior sister was startled and quickly restrained her darkened eyes and murderous intent. Naturally, she had to maintain her image in front of grandma.

It was quiet in the corridor.

The old lady's voice was not heard at all.

Only then did the senior realize that she had been deceived. When she turned her eyes, Hajima Seisuke had already slipped to the stairs and quickly went downstairs.

"After! Senior! Jun!"


Arriving at the small courtyard, Hajima Seisuke quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

With grandma sitting in the courtyard, even the senior sister can only bow her head and obey.

"Dong dong dong."

The senior sister walked out of the room, her face returned to normal, and she even showed a smile.

"Junior, please work harder, senior, and I will serve you well tonight."

Hajima Kiyosuke looked at his nose with his eyes, his nose and his heart, pretended not to hear, and began to skewer the persimmons.

That’s right, it’s skewered persimmon.

Persimmon trees are very common here in Kamakura. The persimmons picked from two persimmon trees are not many and can't be sold for a lot of money, so they usually keep them to eat themselves. However, it is inconvenient to store these things, so they can only be dried into persimmons. Dry.

There are two methods of sun-drying persimmons. One is skewering persimmons. As the name suggests, the persimmons are strung together with bamboo skewers and then hung under the eaves to wait for natural drying.

Another method is hanging persimmons, a sun-drying method that appeared after the Meiji Restoration. The persimmon bases are tied with ropes and hung into a string for drying and processing.

Generally speaking, hanging persimmons is more convenient, but the method of skewering persimmons is still used by some people. My senior sister's grandmother is very fair. Half of the persimmons are strung on bamboo sticks and the other half is hung with ropes.

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