"Oh, I'll go, women have started to fight in groups these years, this is a rare encounter in a hundred years!".

"It's so much more exciting than watching men fight, is this the power of money in the legend?".

"I admit it, I'm envious, I'm so jealous!".

"Don't say it, I'm jealous, I want to be rich!"

"What's going on upstairs, how can you have this kind of thinking, how can you be convinced by money, we have to earn money with our own skills, so that we have a clear conscience, I ask weakly, does anyone know the handsome guy on the video, I also want to add a contact information ......


"Your sister's .........




Soon there was a hot spot about the matter.

"Shocked! A number of women are fighting on the street, but it is because of this?".

"Shocked! The first 80 million Pagani luxury car in the magic capital, the owner is a young man!".

"Shocked! Mother and daughter kneel on the ground and beg to get back together, where is the festival?".


Hot spots soared.

There is also a video below the title.

After the video broke out, the comments flashed one by one in an instant.

Especially after seeing that Pagani, my heart was full of envy.

This year!

Sure enough, only money can excite a woman.

However, many people are also curious about the owner of this luxury car.

This is Pagani!

A truly limited edition luxury car!

is so young and so rich, his identity must be unusual, and he is estimated to be a rich second generation.

And it's still that kind, the super rich second generation!


When the video was in full swing on the Internet.

This side of the coffee shop.

The battle of several women is finally over.

Bai Piaopiao and the middle-aged woman, with bloodstains on their faces and their hair scattered, have no image at all.

If you put a bowl in front of ......

Two female beggars who are alive!

Bai Piaopiao played with the hair on his face, and his eyes were almost on fire

"A few stinky shameless ones, damn it, don't let me touch them next time!".

The middle-aged woman simply tidied up the clothes on her body, and stared at Bai Piaopiao:

"How did you do it, didn't you say that kid was a poor bastard, how could there be a luxury car?".

Bai Piaopiao: "How do I know, when I was with me, he had been working, he didn't have any money at all, and he couldn't afford to buy a bag, now that I think about it, it's probably testing me!"

"You, you, what do you say you can do, such a good son-in-law let you go, do you want to anger me?".

The middle-aged woman pointed at Bai Piaopiao and scolded again.

Bai Piaopiao said angrily: "How can you blame me, didn't you just say that the two of us are not suitable? If you want to blame it, you are also to blame, who made you want a rich son-in-law so much?"

"What do you mean I want a rich son-in-law, don't you want a rich husband?

"Okay, Mom, now is not the time to talk about this, how can I give up such a good man? I will definitely chase him back, you see!".

"This is my good daughter, my mother supports you unconditionally!".

The two looked at each other and smiled, and hurriedly got up from the ground ......


And Su Chen at this time.

Putting aside what happened just now, I drove Pagani and rushed towards the location of the villa in the middle of the lake.

This is the reward just chosen.

There is a car just right!

So I came over to take a look.


Everyone's eyes were drawn to it.

Around him, all the vehicles automatically avoided, and the cars behind were even more than ten meters away, and they didn't dare to approach at all.

Su Chen skillfully drove the car and quickly arrived at the location of the villa in the middle of the lake.

Arrived at the door.

Several security guards hurried out of the guard room.

"Hello, sir, we are here in a private area, outside vehicles are not allowed, do you have an appointment with a certain owner?".

Su Chen shook his head: "No, I'm the owner here!".

"Are you the owner?Excuse me sir, we all know the owners here, I don't know which villa you are?".

Several security team Su Chen did not show the slightest disrespect.

Just now, I saw Su Chen's sports car from afar.

Although I don't know what kind of car this is?

But they can all see that this is definitely a top-of-the-line luxury car.

Those who can afford to drive this kind of luxury car must not be ordinary people!

At least not something they could offend.


They do know the owners here.

Except for ......

A security guard next to him suddenly remembered that there seemed to be one of the 12 villas in the Huxin community without an owner.

It's hard to ......

The security guard hurriedly said, "You are the owner of Villa 1?".

Su Chen nodded.

He took the real estate title deed from the car and gave it to the security guard:

"This is my real estate title deed, you can take a look at it if you need to verify it!".

The security guard took it and double-checked.

After confirming that it was the real estate ownership certificate of Villa No. 1 in the center of the lake, he hurriedly returned the certificate to Su Chen.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Su, you can go in now, do you need me to take you to the location of Villa 1?".

The security guards were more respectful than they had just been.

Su Chen shook his head: "No need, I'll go over by myself, and take a look at the surroundings by the way!"

"Okay, then I won't bother, feel free to contact me if necessary, I wish you a happy life!".

After speaking.

He quickly opened the guardrail.

Su Chen drove the car directly into the villa area.

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