My Glorious Evolution Simulator

Chapter 104: thank you boss!

Can't brush anymore, gotta rest a bit...

Liang Chao took a long sigh of relief and looked at the [Personal Information] column of the simulator, where his personal assets had accumulated to 121,905 points!

Fat oil!

Now that you have found a way, there is no need to rush it.

If it is judged by the simulator that the mentality fluctuates too much, and a three-day 'anti-addiction' time limit is set, wouldn't the loss be even greater?

So I have to draw it slowly...

Liang Chao walked out of the uninhabited alley, simulated nine times, and the real world passed a whole day. In addition to rest, there were other things to deal with.

Xu Zihao's legs changed more than half... he suddenly woke up...


The second floor of the laboratory.

No. 1 withdrew with a frown, the large robotic arm used for assistance was torn and broken, and metal structures and parts were scattered on the ground.

At this moment, Xu Zihao let out bursts of roars, and his body continued to struggle, and the steel wire rope tied to him was broken one by one under the terrifying force...

Originally, his leg had been replaced to the fourth, but the tentacles in his stomach suddenly wanted to live, and forcibly interrupted No. 1's transformation.

"Do you still have your own consciousness?"

Like a mountain of meat, Xu Zihao slowly propped up his bloated and plump body, but his legs didn't obey him.

The steps are staggering and weird, as if two minds are vying for control of the body.

His scarlet eyes were full of confusion, and he looked down at his three cyborg feet, but the tentacles in his stomach strangled towards Liang Chao again...

No. 1 snorted coldly, the manipulator on his back protruded from his neck, and the four mechanical claws at the end of his arms opened, spewing out a high-power beam.

There was an unpleasant burnt smell in the air!

Where the ray passed, the experimental bench was cut in half, the mechanical arm used for assistance was broken, the incisions were neat, and even a thin, narrow, but deep gap was plowed on the ground of the laboratory.

And those tentacles that were strangled were cut off by the swept rays in mid-air, and the broken tentacles were still twitching after falling to the ground...

Xu Zihao let out a scream, but before he could react, he found that his body was hurting, and the only two original legs were cut off by the roots.

With only three and a half mechanical feet to support his body, his center of gravity was unstable and he fell to the ground.

"Since you can't control it, it's useless to keep it."

Liang Chao's third hand stopped delivering, and the terrifying rays also disappeared, and then asked kindly: "By the way, can your arms and body be controlled?"


Xu Zihao's eyes were a little frightened, and he shrank back like a conditioned reflex.

Is this... unconscious?

Liang Chao frowned. If he was completely unaware, he would have to design a corresponding operating system and control program chip for him after the transformation, which would be a hassle.

"Do you still know me?"

He reluctantly asked again: "More than a week ago, I wore a mask and a peaked cap, and I went to your hardware store to drive things. At that time, it was received by your master Zhu Jianguo, and you were there. Do you have any impressions?"


Xu Zihao was obviously stunned when he heard this reminder, in addition to confusion, there was also a bit of confusion in his eyes.

Liang Chao frowned and asked again, "Then do you remember your name?"


"Your master, Zhu Jianguo, do you still have any impressions?"


"It's over, there's no help."

Liang Chao sighed and didn't know if it was because of the distortion of his life form. This guy completely lost his previous memory, and it seemed that only instinct remained.

"There is... help..."

Xu Zihao stood there dumbfounded, pointed at the three cyborg feet he had transformed, then pointed at Liang Chao, and said like a parrot: ""


Liang Chao was surprised and asked in a different way, "Can you understand me!?"


"Then why did you wake up and attack me?"

Xu Zihao's brain seemed to be overloaded, thinking about the logic in it, he thought for a long time, his face showed a bit of pain, and then he pointed to his stomach and said:

Gu Pu/span "Yes...this...this...want...want..."

In other words...the body is still out of control.

Liang Chao rubbed his chin and thought.

His first benign mutation, the evolutionary process was forcibly interrupted by himself, causing the second malignant mutation, but the process of life form distortion was forcibly interrupted by No. 2's move 'Bright'...

Evolution... didn't work, distortion... didn't work either.

Thinking about it, it was this reason that caused him to turn into the stupid appearance of being a human being and a ghost.

"Can you control these three mechanical legs?"

Xu Zihao seemed to understand, the mechanical legs that controlled him moved for a while, and responded with a buzzing voice, "Yes..."

He pointed to his stomach and body again, and said, "This... this... also... change... you... save... me..."

"Tsk tsk...and thinking ability."

Liang Chao secretly stunned and asked, "I can really save you, but now you are not the person I know from the inside out, and the first thing you did when you woke up was to attack me. If I don't kill you, it will be considered my kindness, why should I save you?"



Liang Chao pointed to the mechanical structures scattered on the ground again, and said, "See these auxiliary robotic arms, the market price of this thing is probably more than one million yuan, and you have broken four of them.

And this experimental bench, this equipment, these mechanical structures, how do you plan to compensate? "


"Don't talk? If you don't talk, you can't solve the problem..."

Liang Chao counted with his fingers: "I'm not going to deceive you, considering the aging, depreciation, wear and tear of my laboratory equipment, etc., I will give you a zero and pay five million.


You still have three cyborg legs on your body, and I'll take them off when that happens. "


Liang Chao said solemnly: "Don't look at me like that, I'll put it on for you, I'm helping a friend, and now you don't know me, I'll naturally take it down and recycle it."

"I...I...I know you!"

"Then what's my name?"


"Look, you don't even know my name, yet you say you know me?"

Liang Chao sighed and shook his head, as if he had thought of something, his eyes lit up and said, "In this way, I 'suddenly' thought of a method called compensation for work.

That is to say, you don't have to pay for the equipment in my laboratory; as for the three and a half mechanical legs on your body, I won't take it down and recycle it; and I will save you so that you can control your body!

And all you need to do is to work for me until the money is paid off, do you think? "

Xu Zihao's mind was instantly overloaded, he didn't know what "work-for-compensation" meant, but he knew... he could survive!

" me...OK..."

"Help help."

Liang Chao pinched his fingers and said, "Right now, my laboratory still lacks a security guard, your physique is not bad, so...

I'll give you 4,000 yuan a month!

As for you, the work in charge is also simple. As long as I say who is the enemy, you will kill him. Simple, right? "


"Do you want to do it?"


"That's fine, UU reading, you can call me the boss if you want. As long as you are willing to work hard, I will give you an additional 200 yuan attendance bonus every month, so that you can pay off the money you owe me faster. !"


"You should say thank you boss."

"thank you boss…"

ps: Brothers, ask for a monthly pass



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