My Glorious Evolution Simulator

Chapter 112: Then let's make a bet...

The people from Qingxiao Industrial Group are here...

Liang Chao frowned, not knowing how to deal with this for a while.

If the 'Avengers 3' want to be added to the vehicle, they must have their technicians involved, otherwise they will not sell.

This is what I promised myself...

But the previous idea was to use a truck to transfer the 'meat grinder' to Zhu Jianguo's hardware store.

The headquarters of Qingxiao Industrial Group is in the western region of the Federation, while Jiaming City is in the east. The two are far apart, and from the information collected by the Special Clearinghouse and the black market, there is no negative news about their group...

But I am not familiar with them after all, and I have to guard against them.

In case they came face to face with the idea of ​​eating black and black, the three main forces of body No. 2, the meat grinder, and the old wolf are all there, and the location of the laboratory has not been exposed, and the big deal will run away...

But now, people from the research institute have set up testing stations on all roads in Jiaming City, and the road from the southern suburbs to the steel market is no exception...

If you want to pass, you have to accept their inspection.

I know best what the 'meat grinder' I transformed looks like. It's okay if I can't pass the testing station.

But if it is not transported by a truck, it is obviously unrealistic for him to run to the steel market silently due to his huge size.

There are mountains and trees outside the southern suburbs, the concealment is not bad, and there is no fear of being discovered, but there is no equipment in the barren mountains and mountains to load machine guns for him...

This has led to the current embarrassing situation...

Nowhere to go except the lab! !

Sister Mei also saw that Liang Chao was a little tangled at this time, and asked softly, "How should we reply?"


Xu Boqing, who was beside him, also guessed something, pushed his glasses and asked, "Are you worried that they will eat black?"

"is a bit…"

Liang Chao nodded and did not deny it.

"With the heart of a villain, save the belly of a gentleman" or "worry unfoundedly", put safety first, and you can't go wrong.

Xu Boqing coughed lightly, and said in a teasing tone: "The authorities are obsessed, and the bystanders are clear. The current you is that authority."


Liang Chao was surprised and asked, "How do you say it?"

"Do you think the technology is important, or the people who create the technology?"

"Technology is invented by people, of course people are important."

"Yes, of course people are important..."

Xu Boqing raised his brows and continued, "I have never heard of this Qingxiao Industrial Group, but I understood a word from the last sentence from their group..."

"What word?"

"Dig... people!"


Looking at Liang Chao, who was gradually awakening, Xu Boqing said jokingly: "My good brother, you really don't understand your own value, just your two skills, even an inter-professional person like me finds it incredible. Not to mention industrial groups like them with large research institutes.

If I were them, when I saw someone selling this technology, my first thought would be how to dig the person who invented these two technologies into my own research institute, instead of smuggling them and interrogating them. The content of the two technologies…

Everyone has been dug up, will there be a lack of technology?

If you think about it carefully, the value of the person who invents technology is far beyond the technology he invents! ! "


Liang Chao also came to his senses. He was a smart person who knew everything, but as a 'authority', he subconsciously ignored his own value...

He looked at the last sentence of the message sent by Qingxiao Industry in the light curtain: 'Jiaming City has been marked as a red high-risk area by the research institute, and the current situation is not optimistic... Do you have any intention to develop elsewhere? ’

So, this sentence is actually a test?

Combining it with the fact that before he even opened his mouth, he started to stuff money and send supplies for free. It seems that this is really the case. Gu Yu

Xu Boqing said with a smile: "In my opinion, the money and materials sent by Qingxiao Industry are fake, no, it can't be called fake, it should be said to be an investment with a premeditated gain, and its essence is to poach you, Dig the corners of our lab."


"You don't believe it? Then let's make a bet, just bet on the one of two units... Psionic Crystal!!"


Xu Boqing pushed the glasses frame on the bridge of his nose, turned his head very confidently and said: "Miss Mei, you said that the people in our laboratory do have some plans to go to other places for development, but the organizer and major shareholder of our laboratory' Liang The boss' disagrees, you see how they respond."


Sister Mei covered her mouth and snickered in response.


Liang Chao was at a loss for words and wanted to say very much, I haven't taken this bet yet...


the other side.

Yu Qiling frowned and muttered, "Aunt Rong, they're not lying to us, are they?"

It has been several minutes since she sent the message, but the lady opposite Mei just said to ask the leadership, but she has not given me an accurate response.

Yu Rong, who was making coffee, also heard her niece's muttering, and said with relief: "It shouldn't be, people who can invent those two technologies won't be so idle..."

"Xi... Ronggu Ronggu, that Miss Mei replied!"

Before Yu Qiling's "hope" could be said, she saw a paragraph of text pop up in the message bar of Miss Mei across from her, and hurriedly called her aunt to make up her mind.

"What did you reply?"

Yu Rong put down the ground coffee and rushed over.

"She said that someone in their laboratory did propose to develop elsewhere in the past, but the organizer and major shareholder of their laboratory, Boss Liang, disagreed, and it was difficult to handle..."


Lab organizer? The major shareholder of the laboratory?

Heh... I can't even pay for the research funds to buy the 'Vulcan' machine gun, how 'big' this shareholder can be! ?

The two women looked at each other with a smile.

"As long as they don't have one heart in the lab, it's easy to handle, then what's 'Boss Liang' is not a concern..."

[Ms. Mei, although it is a bit presumptuous, as a partner, if your laboratory has needs, you can contact us directly. We, Qingxiao Industry, dare not say that it is the top enterprise in the Federation, but it can also be ranked in the top 50.

The group's arms industry ranks among the top three in the Federation. It not only has a comprehensive large-scale research institute, but also a large-scale experimental base specializing in mechanical technology.

Not counting the investment in special projects, the group invests tens of billions of dollars in research every year, which is open and transparent to the outside world, and can be consulted by any information channel.

Whether it is experimental equipment, related technologies, or scientific researchers, they are all top-level existences in the Federation...]

After Yu Qiling sent it, it was not enough.

Once again, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah big project the group has researched, what benefit the people project has been developed and what the research and development of the subject it has been involved in, all of them are told...

It's almost from the very beginning of the group's founding.

What is revealed between the lines is that our group is rich, well-mannered, skilled, and has a good working The status of scientific research is still high, etc., etc. The word "Choose the Lord" was hit on the public screen.

"Aunt Rong, am I being too exaggerated?"

"No, you can be more exaggerated."

"Then what to do to scare people?"

"No, someone wants to go to other places for development, naturally it is based on the best conditions, and the opposite side makes it clear that it is a chance to show us the strength of the group, no need for nothing..."


【Our group has been established since... 】


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