My Great Qin Cannot Die

Chapter 169: This is what I Zhao Gao said!


Nodding, Ying Zheng's eyes were deep, and he was thinking about the further division of the doctoral palace. Among the hundreds of schools of thought, some disciplines are still useful.

Hundreds of schools of thought must not be beaten to death with one shot!

The thoughts in his heart fell, and Ying Zheng's idea of ​​splitting up the Doctoral Palace couldn't help but deepen.

After all, the Doctoral Palace at this time not only failed to play the role it should have played, but instead formed a cancer that had to be eliminated.

Ying Zheng was a domineering and absolutely dictatorial person. Naturally, he could not tolerate the Great Qin Empire spending money to cultivate a large group of anti-Qin elements.

Just like a sentence: what I give you is yours, and what I don't give you can't be robbed.


"In the doctoral palace, in addition to the Confucian family, the rest of the family, the peasant family entered the official office of the history of the Su Nei, and the medical family entered the official office of the imperial physician order, and each entered the corresponding official office."

"The Confucians are staying in the Doctoral Academy. I plan to revise the history of the Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties, and Wen Tongjun will be the chief seal officer."

This is Ying Zheng's idea!

Just as later generations of kings repaired the "Yongle Dadian" and "Siku Quanshu", such a clear stream of cultivation, other than cultivating books, actually has little effect.

However, a huge empire cannot do without these people. This arrangement is actually a good way for each other.

"Your Majesty, Wentong-kun is very knowledgeable, and this minister thought he was competent!" Wang Wan immediately bowed solemnly to Ying Zheng, and said in agreement.

"Jun Wentong can take on this important task!"

At this moment, all the ministers opened their mouths in unison, and they didn't like to see the officials of the Doctoral Palace, but they had to endure it for some reason before.

Now that Ying Zheng intends to liquidate, at this moment, naturally, no one will object, because they also want to see such a situation.

Kick out Confucianism, which means that in the Great Qin court, there will be more positions for them, which is more beneficial to them.

The most important thing is that Ying Zheng's move is equivalent to telling the world directly and clearly that the Daqin Empire has always adhered to the legal system of the Shangjun, and it is impossible to change its flag on the way.

On the land of the Central Plains, in addition to the emerging Daqin culture, the most representative and influential are the Confucian culture on the land of Qilu, and the culture of witches and ghosts on the land of Chu in the south.

With the character of the First Emperor and the particularity of the Great Qin court, Shang Wugui could not become the mainstream culture of the Great Qin Empire, its flaws were too great.

The only thing that could replace Legalism is Confucian culture. For a long time, the court and opposition of the Qin Empire have been secretly worried. After all, Ying Zheng raised Confucianism very high.

However, judging from the court meeting this time, Ying Zheng has made up his mind that the Daqin Empire's insistence on the Shangjun's legal system of Confucianism in Daqin is considered to be completely out of the game this time.


Doctoral Palace.

"Mr. Wentong, Your Majesty has an edict: From now on, the official office of the doctoral school will be removed from the official office. Except for Confucian doctors and bachelors, the rest of the doctoral and bachelors will enter the corresponding official offices according to their talents and learning."

"Doctors and bachelors in the doctoral palace, from now on, they are not allowed to participate in political discussions."

"Meanwhile, from today onwards, the Great Qin Empire will compile the history of the Xia, Shang, and Zhou dynasties, with Lord Wentong as the chief editor!"

After reading the edict, Zhao Gao smiled at Wentong-Jun and said, "Wentong-Jun, hurry up and take the edict--!"


At this moment, Wen Tongjun's heart was shattered, as if at this moment, the whole world collapsed.

He naturally understood the meaning of the edict, which meant that the official office of the Doctoral Academy was abolished from now on. Although the Doctoral Academy was retained, it was just the same.

Moreover, Confucianism has never had the opportunity to participate in politics since then, and was completely beaten back to its original shape.

Suddenly, Wen Tongjun had endless regrets in his heart. He didn't think that "Wang Dao Da Shi Shu" not only did not make Confucianism prosper, but it suddenly pushed Confucianism to the end of the world.

"The CRRC government order, this old man wants to see His Majesty..."

Thoughts flickered in his heart, Wen Tongjun instantly restrained his emotions, he knew in his heart that at this time, it was not the time for him to feel guilty.

He wants to see Ying Zheng and let Ying Zheng take back his life!

The road of Confucianism has finally been hoped for, and it must not be destroyed in his hands.

"Mr. Wentong, this is a resolution made at the Xiaochao meeting. It is impossible to change it, so don't waste your time!"

Zhao Gao persuaded him, hesitated for a while, and said softly to Jun Wen Tong, "Jun Wen Tong, Dr. Chunyuyue went to Qilu Land, and he encountered a horse thief on the way and left!"

"What did you say?"

He grabbed Zhao Gao's collar, and Wen Tongjun completely lost his temper. He naturally knew what Zhao Gao meant. This was a warning to him, and for a while, Wen Tongjun felt extremely bitter in his heart.

Pushing Wen Tong-Jun away, Zhao Gao sneered: "Wen Tong-Jun, you must account for a large part of the reason why Confucianism has come to this day."

"Cultivate the history of the country well, otherwise, Qufu will be sacked by horse thieves. This is what I, Zhao Gao, said!"


Zhao Gao left.

However, Wen Tongjun still slumped on the ground. At this moment, he only felt that the world was collapsing and the faith in his heart was dead. He worked hard for most of his life, but Confucianism was completely out of the game.

Thinking of this, Wen Tongjun felt a huge resentment in his He was ruthless with the first emperor's heart and ruthless against the ruthlessness of the Qin court.

But he had forgotten that the Great Qin court had always been good to Confucianism, but Confucianism wanted too much and had too much ambition.

There is a saying that the human heart is not enough to swallow an elephant, and Confucianism is like this.


"Jun Wentong, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Lord Wen Tong falling to the ground, Sun Shutong was a little puzzled, so he hurried over to help Lord Wen Tong up.

"Confucianism is over..."


When Wentong-jun finished speaking, Sun Shutong was taken aback. He knew in his heart that the doctors of Jixia Academy discussed without treatment, while the doctors in the Doctoral Academy were on the contrary, they treated but did not discuss.

That is to say, the former only conducts theoretical discussions and does not participate in decision-making, while the latter participates in decision-making but does not conduct problem discussions.

The official office of the doctoral school, which means that hundreds of schools of thought, especially Confucianism, have reached the imperial decision-making level for the first time.

This is the first time in the world, and it is not easy in Daqin, where the country is governed by law.

Although the Ph.D. of the Ph.D. Palace was suppressed by Li Si and other Legalist officials during this period, the role of participating in and discussing government affairs was limited.

However, after all, this name has opened up a new situation, and the great task that the sages of all dynasties have never been able to complete has been completed in this way.

However, Sun Shutong knew in his heart that some people in Confucianism were too impatient. Among them, Lord Wentong and Chunyuyue were the leaders. The Qin Empire had given enough power, but they were not satisfied.

Although the establishment of the official office of the Doctoral Palace was one of Ying Zheng's series of measures to consolidate the centralized system. However, the benefits to the various schools of thought are obvious.

However, this scene was ruined by Wen Tongjun and Chunyuyue because of their too much ambition.


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