My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1008: Don't touch me randomly

Chapter 1008 Don’t touch me

At a time when Beiye had already made plans to die alone and still held on to a glimmer of hope, Yu Anran seemed to have figured out something.

  "Well, you really don't care, do you never have children of your own in your life?"

 Kitano expressed his feelings without hesitation, "You are the most important."

Yu Anran said: "I am a very selfish person, and I can't help but feel sorry for myself. If we are together, even if you regret it one day, I will never agree."

 Her words were a warning.

But Kitano didn't need to consider the consequences at all. The key point he grasped was, "But are you willing to accept me?"

Bei Ye grabbed Yu Anran's wrist excitedly, and his performance caught Yu Anran off guard.

“Of course, you agreed to be with me, are you sorry?”

Without waiting for Yu Anran to answer, he directly hugged her into his arms, "Of course, I'm really happy, very happy!"

Beiye's reaction was completely beyond Yu Anran's surprise. Such a big man would be as happy as a big boy because of her words.

When Beiye hugged her, Yu Anran didn't answer, but slowly raised his hands to hug her back.

Bei Ye could feel it, and he was so happy that he picked him up and spun him around.

 “Ranran, thank you!”

 Thank you for your willingness to forgive me for being naive, thank you for waiting for me until now, thank you for... having appeared in my life and being willing to continue to accompany me in the future.

Yu Anran accepted Bei Ye, this time, when both of them were clear-minded.

Bei Ye asked Yu Anran to move in with him, but Yu Anran did not agree immediately.

Yu Anran said: "Wait until I tell mom about you."

Because the last confusing marriage left a psychological shadow, she wanted to follow the normal procedure this time, take Kitano back to meet her family, and get married again after getting her mother's blessing.

Bei Ye thought that Yu Anran could not accept everything so quickly, so he did not press as aggressively as before.

 If the mountain is not mine, I will be the mountain!

That night, Kitano packed up and moved into Yu Anran's small bedroom. It could be said that it was very shameless.

Yu Anran originally wanted to take it easy, but she didn't expect that Beiye was an action person and took action without saying anything, which really made her angry and couldn't help but laugh.

 Yu Anran arranged Bei Ye in the next room, which was also the only guest room here.

I thought Kitano might refute or argue with reason, but I didn’t expect Kitano to put the things there very readily and stayed there for three days without saying anything.

This fact made Yu Anran feel a little strange, and she even thought that Kitano had really changed his gender this time.

 It’s just these three days, only these three days!

Three days later, on the night of the fourth day, someone locked the door of his room while Yu Anran was taking a shower, then ran to Yu Anran's room and lied, "I accidentally locked the door, and the key was also inside. "

Yu Anran glanced at him and went to look for the spare key without saying a word, but couldn't find it.

Beiye struck while the iron was hot, "Of course, you'd be kind enough to give me half of the bed."

 Yu Anran closed the drawer with the key, already convinced that Kitano did it on purpose.

 Because she never puts things away randomly, the spare key was missing, it could only have been taken away.

 “The key is called out.”

Bei Ye pretended to be stupid, "What key? I don't know."

Yu Anran didn’t believe it and went to search him directly.

Beiye reminded her, "Don't touch me, something will happen..."

  Something will happen, and it’s going to be a big one this time



 (End of this chapter)

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