My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1030: There is heaven, there are Suzhou and Hangzhou

Chapter 1030 There is heaven above and Suzhou and Hangzhou below

"Cousin, I'm thirsty and want to drink water. You are so happy today. Please help me get a glass of water for my sister."

Gong Qianli took the scissors from her little cousin's hand while talking.

The little cousin is in a state of "I am super invincible and very happy". He happily agrees to a small matter like pouring a glass of water without thinking about it, "Wait, I will come as soon as I go."

The little cousin understood her habits and took the special water cup she put on the table and ran out to help her get water.

Seeing her little cousin leave, Gong Qianli quickly took out the scissors and opened the box.

The first thing that comes to light is a letter. The lavender envelope has a delicate appearance, and you can smell the faint fragrance of the envelope as soon as you pick it up.

 When I opened it, there was only one sentence inside the envelope:

There is heaven, there are Suzhou and Hangzhou.

“Sister, I brought you some water.”

When the footsteps of her little cousin were at the door, Gong Qianli reflexively hid the envelope behind her.

She didn't know what she was feeling guilty about, but she realized after taking action that her behavior was a bit extreme.

 The little cousin handed the water glass to her hand, took it and took two sips of it.

The little cousin looked down at the box, but did not flip through it casually.

“Sister, can I take a look?”


With permission, my little cousin started to look through the gifts inside the box. The top layer was full of photos.

My little cousin flipped through several photos in a row, almost all of them were landscape photos that had been developed in color and had been processed through gelatin.

“They are all landscape photos.” After looking at a few pictures, he commented: “But they are quite beautiful.”

The little cousin is still a child at heart and only knows fun things. He couldn't appreciate these beautiful photos, so he gave them to Gong Qianli.

After taking the photo away, I found a box underneath, "Sister, there is another box!"

“Hidden so deeply, these must be some good treasures!” The little cousin took out the box in surprise.

 Lifting the lid under the expectant eyes of the two people...

Only found that the box contained bunches of dried flowers carefully wrapped.

“Why are they all like this?” The little cousin couldn’t believe that the gifts he had been curious about all night turned out to be these uninteresting and rare treasures.

 “Brother-in-law must have given you the wrong gift, right?”

After nagging for a while, my cousin noticed that there was no smile on Gong Qianli's face. He immediately stood up and said, "I'll call and ask my brother-in-law."

As he spoke, he was about to take action. Gong Qianli quickly reached out and grabbed his phone, "Don't call."

The little cousin asked puzzledly, "Why?" "

Gong Qianli explained, "He didn't give the wrong gift. These are the list of gifts I gave him."

"No wonder you didn't show any curiosity just now. It turns out you knew it earlier."

“But sister, I really don’t understand what you need these for. Is this a new way of love for modern couples?” The little cousin touched his head and felt that the world of adults is really complicated.

Gong Qianli pushed his small body and said, "Okay little guy, it's time for you to go to bed."

 “I’m so happy that I can’t sleep.”

“You have to go to bed even if you can’t sleep, otherwise I’ll call your mother and tell you that you’re just lazy when you come to my house.”

 “Sister, you are going too far!”

The little cousin is most afraid of his own mother, so when Gong Qianli threatens him, he has to compromise.

 When her little cousin returned to her room obediently, Gong Qianli immediately locked her door.

 She took out the dried flowers sent by Nangong Luo and placed them on the table, along with the photos.

There is heaven above and Suzhou and Hangzhou below. This was originally their agreement.

That time…

【I really want to travel to Suzhou and Hangzhou to feel the local customs】



 (End of this chapter)

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