My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1037: Gift from Nangong Luo

Chapter 1037 Gift from Nangong Luo

“Qianyu, Qianyu, don’t cry, listen to me.”

The little cousin burst into tears, "Sister, I want Brother Luo to continue to be my brother-in-law, can't I? Sister, don't you like Brother Luo very much? Do you really not want to be with him?"

Gong Qianli's heart seemed to be heightened by her little cousin's cries, "Qianyu, many things cannot be explained clearly in just one or two sentences..."

The little cousin refused to listen, turned around and ran back to his room and locked the door.

 It is difficult for children to accept sudden changes after they have determined something.

For example, if the parents who have known each other since childhood are not the biological parents, the first reaction in the heart of the person involved will definitely be to deny it.

This matter happened to Gong Qianyu. Although it was not that serious, he was unwilling to admit that fact.

 The little cousin's sadness lasted the whole night.

 “Qianyu, I know you didn’t sleep.”

Just now I saw his game online.

Gong Qianli knocked on the door persistently, but it took a long time before she opened the door.

As expected, my little cousin had a mobile phone in his hand, which also contained a game page.

  If they met like this in the past, the little cousin would most likely pull her to play games with her, but today, the little cousin was obviously angry with her, but she didn't know how to coax him now.

“Qianyu, many things for adults cannot be explained clearly in a few words. You like Nangong Luo, and he loves you too. Changing a title will not change his attitude towards you, so why do you insist on caring about a title?”

 “A different sister.”

 “Why…is it different…”

Her question was obviously directed at Gong Qianyu, but it seemed like she was questioning herself.

Gong Qianyu couldn't tell, but he was no longer as angry as before.

He stared at Gong Qianli's appearance for a long time and said, "Sister, you are obviously not happy either, and neither is Brother Luo. You so-called adults are the stupidest!"

  …”I instantly felt a chill in my bones.

 People who usually talk a lot can't say a word at the moment.

  Touched Gong Qianyu’s head and told him: “Qianyu, go to bed early.”

Gong Qianli turned around and left. After taking a few steps, she heard her little cousin calling from behind, "Sister, you too."

 Back in the room, she saw a bouquet of dried flowers in a vase on the table.

 Hurry over and open the drawer, take out all the photos in a small box, and clip them one by one on the wall.

 While doing these things, she still couldn't figure out what she was struggling with and how to do it.

After finishing it, I took a step back to see the effect, then reached out to move the position. My arm accidentally touched a small round ball, which made a crisp sound like a bell.

She took a closer look, stretched out her hand, grabbed the thing, and held it in her hand.

This is a blue glass ball. The pattern drawn in the glass ball is particularly dreamy, like a blue sea of ​​stars, so beautiful and compelling.

 The more interesting thing is that this glass ball is very special. When touched, it will make a sound half as clear as a bell, which is very nice.

 When I touched this thing, a picture quickly flashed in my mind.

“Hey, I got a good thing today. As a grown man, I can’t use it, so I’ll give you an advantage!”

It seems that she thought Ye Weiwei's bracelet and bells were very interesting at first, and after mentioning it casually, someone later gave her a glass ball, which could also make the sound of bells.

That Nangong Luo.

 (End of this chapter)

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