My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1044: Where is Liuli's heart?

Chapter 1044 Where is Liuli’s heart?

Only when she went to work on Monday, Gong Qianli heard the news that the director was injured. She seemed to have injured her leg while trying to save a child crossing the road.

 As subordinates, they all want to express their condolences.

What a coincidence, the person who took over the treatment department turned out to be Gu Chengxi.

That's right. Fang Yu had said before that they seemed to have some complicated relationship. She didn't remember the specific relationship. She only knew that she had bumped into Gu Chengxi again!

 When I wanted to get close to Gu Chengxi in the past, I missed all kinds of opportunities and could never find the opportunity.

She is in a state of confusion right now, and she keeps running into Gu Chengxi wherever she goes. This is such a wonderful fate...

When she went to visit the director with several friends from the bureau, she found that the director was worthy of being the director. Even though he was injured, he had a good attitude.

They brought fruits and flowers to them, and the director praised them for being smart.

I'm tired of hearing these official words.

She originally planned to leave with Fang Yu and the others, but for some reason, the director named her and asked her to stay.

Gong Qianli pointed her finger at herself, and the director nodded.

 Everyone else has left, only Gong Qianli is left.

Gong Qianli felt a little panicked. She tried her best to think about whether she had made any mistakes recently.

 “Qianli, sit down.”

  At first hearing the director calling her name so "kindly", Gong Qianli sat upright.

“Director, is there anything you want me to do?”

"No no."

 “What about you?” Why do you want to leave her here by name? Does it look good sitting in the ward?

"To be honest, I have some connections with the Gu family, and I have also heard about you and Gu Chengxi. Although I am usually serious in the police station, I am actually quite open-minded in private. I am not your boss now. I’m talking to you as an elder, don’t be nervous.”

 The director directly highlighted the key points.

Gong Qianli smiles but doesn't smile.

 What does it mean to not be nervous when talking as an elder? When she heard about things related to Gu Chengxi, she became even more nervous, okay?

 Because of Gu Chengxi's past indifference, his marriage has become a major concern for the Gu family.

Even if Mrs. Gu knew that her son had done something out of sympathy for her, almost everyone in the Gu family thought that Gu Chengxi and Gonggong Qianli had some kind of close relationship.

But Gong Qianli still doesn’t know about the scandal between herself and Gu Chengxi...

She is still planning to explain it clearly to the director, "Director, Dr. Gu and I are actually just friends. Maybe..."

Perhaps in Gu Chengxi's heart, she is not even considered a friend.

 At most, he is Ye Xichen's friend, just an acquaintance.

But just because she paused for a few seconds, the director had already figured out the follow-up, "Maybe it will happen. You young people's feelings don't just come out in every situation."

The director did not tell Gong Qianli that in fact, everyone in the Gu family was entrusted by Mrs. Gu, and he must not let go of any woman who has a relationship with Gu Chengxi and can develop into a daughter-in-law!

Gong Qianli seemed to have become the prey of the Gu family, and the elders in the family were eager to pack up the little girl and take her home to Gu Chengxi.

Gong Qianli can’t stand it anymore…

“Director, I still have some things to do at home, so I’m going to take the first step. I’ll come to visit you another day. Director, have a good rest.”

Gong Qianli acted as she spoke, then stood up and walked toward the door.

 She reached out and opened the door...

 What a coincidence!

Who is the cold-faced man standing at the door if he's not Gu Chengxi?

 (End of this chapter)

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