My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1064: Grandpa will definitely meet his great-grandson

Chapter 1064 Grandpa will definitely meet his great-grandson

Mr. Nangong laughed heartily, "Hahaha, Liuli girl, you will be my grandson-in-law of the Nangong family from now on."

Nangong Luo, who had just come to visit him, suddenly stopped when he heard these words while walking at the door.

Gong Qianli lowered her eyes. Under her long eyelashes, her beautiful eyes were full of smiles.

She didn’t know why she had just agreed to Mr. Nangong’s tentative bet, but now that she had agreed, some things in her heart seemed to make sense.

However, this is just the beginning.

“Grandpa, I’m going to find Youyi to get something, so I’m leaving first.”

 “Okay, okay, go ahead.”

“Then our agreement is a secret.”

 “Of course.” Mr. Nangong is old, but he is not confused yet.

Gong Qianli deliberately lost to him. Of course he would not announce the bet to the public. As long as he knew that this girl had intentions, it was a matter for young people.

After Gong Qianli left, Nangong Luo came in from the other direction.

Mr. Nangong pushed up his reading glasses and asked, "Why didn't you come in just now?"

Nangong Luo explained, “Suddenly something was delayed.”

Mr. Nangong shook his head helplessly, "You are still lying to me. You are clearly hiding from Liuli girl."

Nangong Luo cannot deny it.

Thinking of the words he heard at the door just now, he deliberately mentioned it in Mr. Nangong's ear, "Grandpa, don't joke with Liuli anymore. It will put a psychological burden on him."

  "Tsk, you are really not like my grandson, who shrinks back after failing to express his love. You deserve to be single!"

Mr. Nangong still "dislikes" his grandson as much as before.

  At first I disliked him for not being motivated enough, now I dislike him for not being able to woo his wife.

Nangong Luo heard Mr. Nangong’s words and no longer deliberately opposed him as before, because he had matured and deeply understood that Mr. Nangong had high hopes for his grandson and loved him extremely.

“Grandpa, don’t worry, I remember everything you said.”

“Just remember, try harder this time, don’t let the wife you got run away again.” Mr. Nangong meant something.

And he sighed a few words smoothly, "Grandpas are all buried half-body. If you don't make some effort, I won't be able to see my great-grandson."

“Grandpa, don’t worry, you will live a long life, and your great-grandson will definitely be with you.”

Whether this sentence is true or false, he can only comfort the old man's heart by saying it at this time.


Gong Qianli went to Ye Weiyi to get something. She saw with her own eyes that Ye Xichen took good care of Ye Weiyi and ate a full bag of dog food.

Gong Qianli pretended to be angry, "I know, you didn't come to give me anything at all, but you asked me to come out to watch you show your affection!"

Ye Weiwei touched her head as if to coax her, "Don't be upset with me. When I called you just now, right now, someone is missing a beautiful woman. If you work harder, you might be even better than me." "

 “Who is the person you are talking about?”

“Whoever you are thinking about at the moment is who you are.”

“When you called just now, Grandpa Nangong and I were playing chess, and I even agreed to a bet with him.”

“Yes, from your tone, it seems that you lost to Grandpa Nangong on purpose.” At this mention, Ye Weiwei remembered.

She blinked and asked, "Then what is your bet with Grandpa Nangong?"

“Grandpa said, if he wins, I can ask for whatever he wants. If he loses, I have to be his grandson-in-law.”

"you mean…"

One day, she seemed to know some terrible secret!

【Is Chinese Valentine's Day interesting enough?

I read before that some readers said that Liuli was jealous even after she refused. Qixi would like to explain that everyone has different personalities and this is normal.

Just imagine, someone you have always considered a good friend suddenly confesses to you, and you happily agree?

Do I have to be confused and confused for a while?

Liuli is like this]



 (End of this chapter)

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