My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1067: Nangong Luo’s desire…

Chapter 1067 Nangong Luo’s Desire…


The lively and grand place is extremely luxurious. This place represents power, status and wealth. It seems to be a place of enjoyment, but in fact it also contains boundless loneliness.

“Mr. Nangong, I have visited the thatched cottage three times before you are willing to give me this face and agree to the invitation.”

"Mr. Charles, I have only been in Hong Kong for a few days. I am very busy with work and I really can't get away."

They exchanged a few polite words and raised glasses of wine together.

 Hong Kong is one of the most prosperous cosmopolitan cities in the world.

Nangong Luo came to Hong Kong to win over partners, but it needs to be understood that only when interests are relatively generated will the cooperation between the two parties be happy, so when he took the initiative to find partners, the partners also took the initiative to find him.

 They are an independent private room, but it is as wide as a small bar, with dynamic music and exciting dance, and the bartender is showing off his unusual bartending skills.

Mr. Charles seems to be a frequent visitor to this kind of place. There are six women standing around him within one meter.

On the other hand, Nangong Luo also had two women beside him. Except when he was pouring wine, they were always half a foot away from each other.

“Mr. Nangong, do you think the beauty of these women is not to your liking? I will hire someone to replace them immediately.”

 “Don’t blame me for my personal mysophobia.”

 “This luxuriant place is full of temptations. Mr. Nangong turns out to be such a clean and self-sufficient person.”

Nangong Luo raised his glass and smiled.

 If a person wants to win in the shopping mall, he must be as cunning as a fox in his heart.

Cha'er provided real information to prove his company's ability, and Nangong Luo also ended up giving him a favor.

 Collaboration between smart people must be pleasant. After confirming that everything is correct, the two shake hands.

At this moment the bartender brings a glass of wine.

“Gentlemen, why don’t you try this glass of wine.”

This glass of wine is different from ordinary wine. It is served in a glass cup. The blue layers stacked up like quicksand are like curved wave marks. Only when you drink it into your mouth can you feel that it has turned into water. , flows into the throat.

 “What’s the name of this glass of wine?”


Nangong Luo’s lips curved slightly, “Illusion? A strange name, interesting.”

Chal explained, "Illusion is a new drink invented by the most famous bartender here. After one drink, maybe you will be more awake, or maybe you will be confused."

“It’s just a glass of wine, is it really that magical?”

“Mr. Nangong, how about we try it together?”

Chaer stood up and made a "you can choose" gesture to indicate to Nangong Luo to make a choice.

He took the cup on the right based on the nearest principle, while Mr. Charles picked up the remaining cup and drank it in one gulp.

 Char and Nangong Luo faced each other, seemingly waiting to see how the other would react.

 It didn’t take long for Char to take action.

 He began to move his hands up and down on the woman next to him. Those scenes were difficult to watch.

Nangong Luo frowned displeased.

He raised his eyes and saw that the bartender just now was standing in front of the bartender, with an unchanging smile on his face that made it difficult to tell the real thing from the fake one.

The bartender bent slightly and said, "Mr. Nangong, there is no doubt that Mr. Char has a drunken attack."

 Char's desires begin to be revealed here.

Looking at Nangong Luo, he looked calm and not at all intoxicated.

Bartender, "Mr. Nangong, it seems that the things here do not arouse your desire."


Nangong Luo sneered, stood up and walked out.

But the moment he opened the door, he saw an unexpected person.


 “I really found you.”

【Nangong Luo's desire...what is it? 】



 (End of this chapter)

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