My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1069: intrusive kiss

 Chapter 1069 Intrusive Kiss

He hugged her so tightly that Gong Qianli couldn't break free from his embrace, so she simply gave up, "Luo, you, you, you, what do you want to do?"

 The man looked into her seductive eyes with a smile, his lips opened and closed, ""

If he heard this sentence in normal times, Gong Qianli would have to give him a hard kick to wake him up!

“Nangong Luo, you **** actually dares to tease me.”

 “You are still the same as before.”

He has a free and easy personality and is unconstrained. He can say what he wants boldly and do what he wants to do.

Unlike him, who used to let his heart sink for her, but later had to give up, but still couldn't forget her.

 Even if you hallucinate, you will see her.

Nangong Luo’s hands relaxed slightly, and Gong Qianli took the opportunity to escape.

But it wasn’t that she ran away, but that she thought Nangong Luo had just teased her deliberately.

She sat generously on the edge of the bed, leaned back and lay down, "Oh, I'm so tired from coming here just now. I have to rush back early tomorrow."

“There are so many things going on in the police station recently, and I can’t ask for leave at will. Why can’t I think of coming over? My head might have been caught in the door!”

 As he spoke, he began to curse himself.

With his eyes narrowed, he lay on the bed and wanted to take a rest, but he just missed the growing desire in Nangong Luo's eyes.

 He is no longer sober, he only sees the person he likes, and he still wants to get close to her.

 Listening to her endless chatter, the content did not enter his mind, but the voice did not dare to touch his heart.

 He pressed his head with one hand, trying to wake himself up.

Gong Qianli suddenly thought of something, opened her eyes and sat up.

“By the way, I told grandpa to come see you, but he is still waiting.”

 “No, no, it’s too late now, it will disturb grandpa’s rest.”

 The two sentences were said by herself one after the other.

Gong Qianli grabbed Nangong Luo's hand, pulled him to sit beside the bed, and then pointed the front camera of his phone at the two of them.

Nangong Luo seemed to have no intention of moving her, sitting there a little far away.

Gong Qianli approached him unprepared, held his arm so intimately, smiled at the camera, and took several photos in a row.

 “Now you can give me an assignment for grandpa.”

She saved the photo and suddenly turned around to face Nangong Luo, reaching out and pinching Nangong Luo's cheek. The action was very funny.

Gong Qianli took the opportunity to press the time button to take continuous photos.

At the moment she was holding up the phone, Nangong Luo suddenly grabbed her hand, and the funny action turned into a kiss.

 Different from the previous contact, this extremely intrusive kiss deepened between the lips and teeth, occupying the territory.

 Just right, I took the last picture.


Gong Qianli’s cell phone fell to the floor.

 “Uh… let go… uh uh… let me go.”

 She kept reaching out and beating her because the atmosphere at the scene made her feel uneasy and frightened.

 Her resistance also aroused the deep feelings in Nangong Luo's heart.

 He loved that woman deeply and was willing to hold her in his heart, but...she refused to lower her head and look at him.

"Liu Li, I like you, I really like you. I carefully hide my love and guard you for many years. Why do you never want to look at me?"

 The sudden confession made Gong Qianli lose her guard.

 She has never seen such an unusual side of Nangong Luo, like a humble prayer...

 He felt unwilling and uneasy in his heart, but more of a cautious love.

 But she wanted to tell him, "No, Luo."

 You are never wishful thinking.

  【Oh, stroller? 】



 (End of this chapter)

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