My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 107: Slap the little **** in the face

Chapter 107 Slap the little **** in the face

Ye Weiwei thought of what happened just now, and naturally felt conflicted and wanted to break away. However, this soft resistance was not harsh at all, but gave people a feeling of being cute and coquettish.

 “Don’t make trouble.”

Ye Xichen's fingers traced across the hollow of her fair neck, causing her body to tremble slightly.

 But these two words made Ye Weiyi unhappy.

She already had a grudge against Li Moer. Just now, Ye Xichen personally pushed Li Moer's information to the principal for processing. This was undoubtedly a move that made her unhappy.

 Furthermore, she was said to be "making trouble"!

 She was not making trouble at all, she was just having a little temper.

 When a person is used to being well-behaved, others will think that you should be obedient and not resist.

 But she lived like that for too long, and in the end she found that she would become a weak and bully person, which was of no use at all, so she would be better to become a little worse.

 “I didn’t make a fuss.”

  She retorted, but her voice remained small.

Who would have thought that Ye Xichen actually lowered his head and chuckled softly in her ear, "Are you angry?"

Feeling a warm breath blowing behind the nape of his neck, Ye Weiyi turned his head slightly to deny it, "No."

A shrewd look flashed in Ye Xichen's eyes, and he immediately explained, "She has nothing to do with me."

"Really...really?" Ye's only strength disappeared in an instant.

 She felt annoyed after saying this. Normally, wouldn't it be because she asked him why he pushed Li Mo'er's information just now?

Ye Weiwei took a breath. After all, the habits he had developed since childhood had been integrated into his blood and could not be easily changed.

Fortunately, Ye Xichen had enough fun teasing her, and as if he knew how to read minds, he answered all the questions Ye Weiwei had not yet asked: "The reason why I asked the principal to deal with her first is because I hope you can stay here a little longer. ”

Ye Xichen's show of weakness made Ye Weiwei's heart soften completely.

The principal worked at a good speed and quickly processed Li Moer's admission documents, and then gave a few words of advice.

Li Moer wrote down all the arrogant words and answered them obediently.

The principal thinks that the Ye family is really magical. The genius son is cold, cool and domineering. However, the two rich ladies who came out of the Ye family are well-behaved and obedient. They look petite and weak and are easy to bully.

  While writing and signing, the principal thought for a while before taking out Ye's only withdrawal information.

Li Mo'er put away his things and turned his eyes to Ye Xichen. No matter how close he and Ye Weiwei were at the moment, Li Mo'er prayed so calmly and fearlessly, "Brother Chen, Mo'er just came to school. "Okay, can you take me around?"

Ye Weiwei was stunned. She didn't expect that Li Mo'er was so bold.

But Ye Xichen didn't even bother to raise his eyelids, obviously he didn't take Li Mo'er to heart.

If Gong Qianli hadn't run away just now and stayed here to hear these words, she would have gone berserk in a minute!

 No one responded.

Li Moer was not annoyed, but her face was slightly red, as if she was shy and embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, if my request will disturb you, can you help me find someone? I just want to see the campus and have a general understanding of the campus." Li Moer used retreat to advance, this move Good chess move.

However, what Li Moer met was none other than Ye Xichen, who was protective of his shortcomings and unreasonable.

 “This classmate, do I know you?”

Ye Xichen's indifferent question shocked Li Moer's whole body, and she felt so aggrieved that tears welled up in her eyes.

   Thank you Xiaoxi, Qianyi, Xia Tian and other friends for your rewards.

Regarding the issue of updates, Qixi will update four chapters every day. Because I have to go to work during the day, I usually update at night. Please understand.



 (End of this chapter)

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