My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1071: Men are all big pig hooves!

Chapter 1071 Men are all big pigs!

Mrs. Nangong noticed that something was wrong with Gong Qianli these past two days, and she had to avoid looking at her.

“Liu Li, I heard that you have been working overtime recently, are you too tired?”

 “No, no.”

Gong Qianli shook her head repeatedly.

After sleeping with Nangong Luo for one night, she couldn't say anything. No one except Mr. Nangong knew that she went to see Nangong Luo that night.

"You have worked so hard these days. Even my brat is not as considerate as you."

“Luo Ta is a responsible man with more responsibilities. Unlike me, I don’t have so much free time. I’m very happy to be able to accompany my grandpa.”

 “Good, good boy.”

Mrs. Nangong was also moved by Gong Qianli's sincerity.

 In fact, she had complained about Gong Qianli for a while.

On the day Nangong Luo knelt down on one knee to propose, Gong Qianli's public rejection made Mrs. Nangong angry and sad.

 Actually, I’m not really angry, I just feel that my son is foolishly giving his affection but it’s all in vain. As a biological mother, how can I not feel sorry for my son?

 It was at that time that she complained about Gong Qianli, but in fact she also liked Gong Qianli from the bottom of her heart.

Now that she knows the Gong family's attitude towards the Nangong family, and even more so Gong Qianli's integrity and kindness, Mrs. Nangong has secretly decided in her heart that even if Gong Qianli is really not destined to be with Nangong Luo, she will treat Gong Qianli as her daughter and love her .

“At this time, Luo should be on the plane.”

 “Then I’ll pick you up at the airport in a moment.”

“No, no, no, he’s a grown man and he doesn’t need a girl to pick him up at the airport. It’s rare for you to go there.”

“Well, it will be dark when he comes back.”

"I told Luo'er directly to let him go home and rest. It's been really **** a business trip during this period."

 “Yeah, I’ve lost a lot of weight.”

"Speaking of which, I also found out about the video we had with him that day. I originally hoped that his handsome face would attract girls. Now that he has lost weight, his appearance has become worse. Let's see which girl is willing to marry him in the future." Nangong The lady said it half as a joke and half as a hint.

If this topic had been brought up before, according to Gong Qianli's character, she might have answered it directly.

 But her mind was wandering at the moment, and she was quite embarrassed when faced with these words.

There is no way that no one is willing, at worst she will marry...

It’s just that Gong Qianli’s silence at this time was tantamount to avoidance in the eyes of Mrs. Nangong.

Mrs. Nangong remembered that the person Gong Qianli liked was Gu Chengxi and not her own son. If she said those words too much, she might be annoying.

"Okay, Liuli, you should go back today. Don't get tired."

 “Okay, goodbye, aunt.”

Gong Qianli didn't take the initiative to go to Nangong Luo because she didn't know how to deal with that matter.

And Nangong Luo didn't come to see her either, so she felt aggrieved.

 “Smelly man, men are all big pigs. It’s been three days since I came back, and I haven’t even received a call!”

 “You bastard, big pig’s hooves!”

“Qianli, what are you muttering about?”


 “Swearing? Who offended you?”

Gong Qianli looked up at Fang Yu and couldn't help but think of Zhong Yun.

She gave Fang Yu a fake smile and said, "Men are all big pigs!"

 “Hey, why are you swearing, little girl?”

 “Didn’t you ask me yourself...”

The two were chatting occasionally, and the police phone rang.

The person who answered the phone looked more serious, "There was a robbery at XX Bank in the city center."

  【The plots in recent chapters are all interlocking, so please read carefully】

【Thanks to "Wangxian, Orange Flavor Fairy, Heart as Sunshine, Girl's Heart Heroic Dream, Day and Night" for the reward~】



 (End of this chapter)

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