My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1073: his funeral

 Chapter 1073 His Funeral

On the day of the funeral, it rained heavily and even the sky was dark.

Gong Qianli stood upright, her eyes empty and blank.

 Her eyes were red, obviously she had cried.

After a long time, she gave a standard salute to the black and white photo surrounded by a wreath of flowers in front of her.

 Fang Yu died...on the day of the bank robbery.

Gong Qianli still remembers the chaos that day. She saw what happened in the bank through the surveillance video in front of her. She saw Fang Yu rushing to save people, saw Nangong Luo hanging on by a thread to save Fang Yu, and even saw the last star that was about to The bullet flying into Nangong Luo's body was blocked by Fang Yu.

 The bullet penetrated Fang Yu's chest, giving him a fatal blow and causing him to lose his breath on the spot.

 The audience was silent, and his teammates saluted him.

 Fang Yu succeeded, and he got the honor he deserved.

 But he also failed, because he would sleep on the ground forever and would not be able to enjoy the happiness brought by that honor.

They say that men don’t shed tears easily, but they are not sad yet.

On the day he was buried, his teammates stood in front of Fang Yu’s tombstone, and even the iron-blooded man couldn’t help but blush.

Fang Yu is still smiling on the tombstone. That smile is a familiar expression to everyone in the police station, and it is deeply engraved in everyone's heart.

 A robbery caused them to lose a partner who fought side by side, and the whole scene was enveloped in deep sadness.

After everyone left, a slender figure walked slowly holding an umbrella and placed a bouquet of flowers in front of the grave.

The delicate flowers in full bloom seem to convey the lover's love, which is in sharp contrast with the white or yellow memorials around them.

 The umbrella was slowly raised, and Zhong Yun's eyes showed sadness.

 She sighed deeply, unable to cry.

She just received this bouquet of flowers today. It turned out that Fang Yu had been planning it half a month ago...

At that time, she terminated her partnership with Nangong Luo and returned to being single. Fang Yu told her that he would work harder to climb up and give her an explanation.

 She believed it, but she didn’t expect that Fang Yu paid the price with his life!

"You gave me this bouquet of flowers. You haven't seen it yourself. I'll bring it to you today to see if it's beautiful."

 This is her favorite bouquet of flowers...

"I can even imagine how happy I would be when you gave it to me with your own hands, but now..."

Zhong Yun slowly lowered her head and placed one hand on her lower abdomen. She said to herself in front of the tombstone, "Ayu, why are you so stupid and so cruel! What will happen to me and the child when you leave?"

She found out she was pregnant half a month ago, so she broke up with Nangong Luo and returned to Fang Yu, hoping to find a suitable time to show off with her family.

 Just now, everything is impossible.

  She was panicked when she learned she was pregnant at first, but Fang Yu reassured her. Gradually, she developed feelings for the child in her belly. Even if Fang Yu dies, the child is still hers!

If she told the Zhong family that she was pregnant with Fang Yu's child, and now that Fang Yu was dead, the child would have absolutely no way to survive!

 But she couldn't bear it.

 “Baby, mommy will definitely find a way to keep you alive.”

Protecting her belly, she squinted her eyes slightly, with tears streaming from the corners of her red eyes.

Zhong Yun bowed to Fang Yu's grave and wiped his tears, "Since you saved his life, it is his duty to return the favor to you!"

Zhong Yun turned around. This thin figure always looked particularly desolate walking in the rain.

 (End of this chapter)

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