My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1075: you marry me

Chapter 1075 You marry me

“Zhong Yun, I told you I would help you.”

"No, I know you mean to provide me with finances, but I don't need it. There is only one way to keep the child."

“…” Nangong Luo suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Zhong Yun knelt on the ground and refused to get up. She gritted her teeth and said, "If we can continue to cooperate, my child and I can survive openly!"

Nangong Luo frowned and even wondered if he had misunderstood the meaning of Zhong Yun's words?

"you mean?"

"We can get married by contract!" Zhong Yun made a clear request.

Nangong Luo’s face turned cold, “Zhong Yun, this request is too much.”

Zhong Yun raised her head high and looked at him, "But this is the only way I can think of!"

Nangong Luo rejected her request without hesitation, and even gave advice, "If you think marriage will allow you to have children openly, you can find someone you are satisfied with."

"How can it be the same?" Zhong Yun shook her head helplessly, and her kneeling posture changed to sitting on her knees. Her whole person looked lost and lifeless, "The Zhong family will not let me marry someone with an unequal family background, but if If you are a good match, who would be willing to accept a pregnant me for no reason?”

"Nangong Luo, I'm not forcing you. I just want to beg you to save Ayu's only bloodline left in this world! Regardless of identity or public opinion, the best solution is to get involved with you. problem."

Facing Zhong Yun’s request, Nangong Luo still shook his head.

"Zhong Yun, you are too impatient. The way to keep the child does not necessarily involve you."

“Zhong Yun, you probably need a good rest.”

Nangong Luo finally directly ordered people to send Zhong Yun back.

 He thought about it, according to Gong Qianli's temperament, it must be very sad to see her colleagues die before her eyes.

So he was actually a little afraid to see Gong Qianli, because he was afraid that when Gong Qianli saw him, he would remember that Fang Yu died because of him.

Layers of grievances tightly bound him, and Nangong Luo hid outside alone and drank.

 Coincidentally, he met Gu Chengxi "at night".

 After they have truly grown up, they rarely come to this place, and it is even rarer to drink away their sorrows.

The two of them gathered together and had a drink first in silence.

“Brother Gu, why are you free to come here recently?”


“Yes, you are a famous and talented doctor. Only patients beg you to treat them, and you are not required to go there.”

Although doctors are said to be benevolent, with Gu Chengxi's level of achievement, who he is willing to treat depends entirely on his mood, otherwise those who want him to treat patients will line up the whole street.

Gu Chengxi just glanced at him and saw a lot from it.

 “You look in bad shape.”

Nangong Luo chuckled lightly, "It's nothing good or bad."

 No matter whether the situation is good or bad, this day-to-day life must continue.

Nangong Luo raised his glass and toasted him, "Here, let me toast you again. Brother Gu, I am very grateful to you for taking care of me after my grandpa fell ill!"



 Gu Chengxi's cell phone was placed a little ahead, vibrating continuously. Gu Chengxi pressed his finger on the screen, dragged his finger back, and then picked it up.

At the moment of moving, Nangong Luo saw the caller's note on it...

 Gong Qianli.

 (End of this chapter)

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