My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1089: Ye Yiyi gave birth! ! !

Chapter 1089 Ye Weiyi is born! !

 You won’t know if you don’t look at it, but you will be shocked when you look at it.

 But outside the delivery room, everyone was waiting anxiously, and they couldn't think of anything else.

 Occasionally, screams of pain can be heard from inside.

Gong Qianli was a little impetuous, "My heart is beating so hard. Isn't the only due date still one week away?"

Yu Anran comforted her, "It's almost time, so there's no telling."

She is already more than nine months pregnant, which is the normal time for delivery. She is a few days ahead of her expected date, which is considered within the normal range.

 Two hours have passed...

 Three hours have passed…

People outside can hear the painful screams of mothers coming from inside. No one who comes here feels impatient. On the contrary, the longer they wait, the more uneasy they become.

"Why did it take so long? It sounds so painful." Gong Qianli squeezed the fingers of her hands tightly, and the screams that reached her ears made her feel uneasy.

Yu Anran, who was a little calmer, comforted her, "Before going in, Qiaoqiao insisted that she would have a natural birth within the feasible range."

 “I’m so anxious, please God bless me.” In times of crisis, people who believe in science begin to believe in Buddhism.

 In fact, everyone was anxious and anxious, but they tried their best to endure it and comfort each other.

 It’s already chaotic inside, and they can only worry outside.

Gong Qianli always talks to Yu Anran in a low voice, and Nangong Luo often can't help but look over here.

He almost couldn't help it many times, but when he saw Gu Chengxi standing next to Gong Qianli, and the meaningful gaze that Gu Chengxi cast towards him intentionally or unintentionally, he could only clench his fists and warn himself: You need to recognize the reality clearly and help her.

He can't give his beloved girl the happiness she wants, so he can only silently let her get what she wants.



 The sound of babies crying one after another was heard, and everyone standing guard outside the delivery room came forward one after another.

 “give birth, give birth.”

Everyone present had different expressions, but they all breathed a sigh of relief.

While they were waiting, the delivery room staff did not open it for a long time.

Before they could react, another woman's scream of pain came from inside.

"what's up…"

In addition to the cries of babies, there are also the screams of pregnant women. The sounds are intertwined, making people outside even more anxious.

At this time, not only Gong Qianli, an impatient person, could not hold back, but even the calm Yu Anran's hands were trembling.

Bei Ye held her in his arms and said, "Don't worry."

Yu Anran shook his head, "I'm fine, it's just inside..."

Beiye protected Yu Anran the whole time, and now Gong Qianli was embarrassed to use her as a shield anymore, so she moved to the side, just close to Nangong Luo.

The familiar breath made her whole body tremble. She tilted her head, forced back her tears, and stood on the other side.

Just this movement brought him closer to Gu Chengxi.

 This was a misunderstanding. She didn't care at all that there was anyone other than Nangong Luo standing next to her.

Nangong Luo mistook her behavior for the past, and the pain in his heart increased.

 It was another baby cry, different from the one before.

 “Yes, twins?”

 The people outside the door were a little restless.

They waited a long time, but still did not wait for the people inside to come out.

"What exactly happened here."

 One question is the voice of everyone.

As these words fell, the door to the delivery room finally opened again!

  【Finally born! Guess how many were born! 】

  【Randomly recommend books such as "Green Plum in Hand, Bamboo Horse Has No Worry", "Bamboo Horse Not Enough Pampered: Green Plum Flirting is Addicted", "Cute Baby 1v1: Cold Husband, Take the Move"]

 (End of this chapter)

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