My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1102: I'll strangle her to death!

 Chapter 1102 I will strangle her to death!

 Arrived in front of the hospital, Ye Weiyi couldn't wait to open the car door and rush out.

There is someone outside to help.

She grabbed the man and asked hurriedly: "Where is it? Where is my daughter!"

“He entered the hospital and never came out again. Our people didn’t dare to alert the snake.”

 “Look for it, you must find it!”

 Their people almost surrounded the entire hospital, but there were a lot of people coming and going, so we needed to be very careful.

Assign people to search every floor. They can't make a big show of it, they can only pretend.

 But they almost turned the hospital upside down but could not find any trace of Ye Hantian, let alone Mo Xiangnuan's condition.

 "Why did he take Nuan Nuan away! Why did he come out!"

 Until they interrogated a pediatrician, the doctor told them, "I have seen this man in the photo. He came to seek medical treatment holding a baby."

I got some news from the doctor. Ye Hantian took the baby girl to see a doctor. The doctor didn't know the baby's condition very well. He only knew that the baby made no movement from beginning to end.

He was originally going to take over the treatment, but the man suddenly left with the baby.

 So now, Ye Hantian has disappeared again.

This surprised Ye Xichen. He didn't expect that Ye Hantian was so capable and could escape under the eyes of so many people.

However, since we know he is nearby, we must not go far!

Ye Xichen was sitting in the car controlling the computer information network, with a serious expression and his eyes unmoving for a moment, finally!

"found it!"

  The ultimate target is the community near the airport.

On the way there, various speculations flashed through their minds, but they were all denied by the scene they saw with their own eyes.

They had many concerns before rushing to the community, and even thought that such a shrewd person as Ye Hantian might have slippery feet again, but...

 But no.

When they found Ye Hantian, they saw Ye Hantian holding a baby girl in his arms and trying to breastfeed her.

Neither Ye Xichen nor Ye Weiwei expected this scene.

You don’t need to look closely to confirm that it must be their third daughter, Mo Xiangnuan!


Ye Weiwei was the first to rush to Ye Hantian, but he didn't dare to make a move easily because Ye Hantian's eyes were too mysterious and unpredictable, and he couldn't guess what he was thinking.

Ye Weiwei stared at Ye Hantian closely, his hands trembling.

 “Give me my daughter.” Her words contained a request.

Ye Hantian glanced at her and handed the baby out without saying a word.

Ye Weiwei quickly took her daughter back and weighed her soft body. Her mood was extremely complicated.

 But just when she was about to relax, Ye Hantian suddenly regretted it and snatched the baby away from her arms!

Ye Weiwei was so protective of her daughter. She held her daughter carefully, so Ye Hantian easily snatched the baby back.

Ye Hantian held the child in one hand and raised his other hand to block the front, "Don't move any of you!"

Ye Xichen frowned deeply and his face looked extremely ugly.

 Ye Hantian was the first to point the finger at him, "Get out."

Ye Hantian knew that his son was not easy to deal with, and if he wasn't careful, he might plot to turn the situation around.

 Fortunately, he holds Mo Xiangnuan's lifeline in his hands, which is his biggest trump card.

 “Get out or I’ll strangle her to death!”

As soon as Ye Hantian spoke, Ye Weiwei's eyes flickered back and forth between them, looking nervous.

Ye Xichen stepped back step by step with a cold face...

 (End of this chapter)

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