My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1106: She has a pair of pure and flawless eyes

 Chapter 1106 She has a pair of pure and flawless eyes

On the day Ye Hantian was sentenced, Ye Weiwei went there in person.

 When they first found Mo Xiangnuan, they searched the room where Ye Hantian had lived and found the ticket.

  is the air ticket to go abroad.

When writing the notes, Ye Hantian himself confessed, "I plan to go abroad."

Ye Hantian said that he originally planned to go abroad, but because his child fell ill during the trip, he had to take his child to the hospital.

Ye Weiwei asked at that time: "Why didn't you let the doctor treat her? Why did you take her away!"

 “Hahaha.” Ye Hantian, who had already understood the current situation, was too lazy to deny his crime.

 He admitted generously, “I took the child away, that’s right.”

 But he not only admitted his fault, but also imposed the final mistake on them who were determined to save their children.

Ye Hantian deliberately taunted, "Who made you pursue me so hard? If you hadn't insisted on finding me, maybe there would have been enough time for the doctors to treat her, and maybe she would have survived."

“In the final analysis, it is all because of your own persistence that you cut off the chance to save the child’s life. It is you who caused the child’s death!”

Ye Hantian's revenge is crazy. He himself is willing to go to hell, and no one can bring him back.

It’s just that Ye Weiyi doesn’t want Ye Hantian to go to jail for the crime of “kidnapping a child” to death, because rather than punishing Ye Hantian, she hopes that her child can live safely!

Ye Hantian was imprisoned again, this time sentenced to life.

 He lost all his relatives and friends.

 Ye Hantian did not struggle or resist when he was brought in, as if he had already determined his fate.

 In the end, only Ye Xichen went to see him.

Having been a father and son for more than 20 years, I know very well what kind of person the other person is.

 The two looked at each other through the glass.

Ye Hantian had a deep expression and the corners of his mouth were stiff.

Ye Xichen’s eyes were dark and there was no smile on his face.

 He wanted to get an answer from Ye Hantian, "Why did you take her away if you didn't want to hurt her?"

Judging from everything that happened later, Ye Hantian planned to take Mo Xiangnuan abroad to a distant place, but he went to the hospital instead.

According to Ye Hantian's IQ, he certainly understood that going to the hospital was tantamount to throwing himself into a trap, so in the end they were able to find him in the community because Ye Hantian knew that he had lost the moment he turned around and went to the hospital.

“You want to know why I dug my own grave after finally getting out of prison?”


"Now that it's happened, let me tell you the truth." Ye Hantian sighed softly, "When that child first came out of the incubator, I wanted to strangle her to death. If she is not a descendant of my Ye family, what is her value?"

Hearing Ye Hantian’s crazy words, Ye Xichen’s face remained calm.

Ye Hantian smiled, "As expected, she was raised by my Ye family. She is so cold-blooded. My own daughter died without any sadness."

 Ye Xichen turned a blind eye to Ye Hantian's sarcasm.

 He asked: "What made you change your mind about taking her abroad?"

"I wanted to use her death to take revenge on you, but the child actually opened it! She opened her eyes and looked at me. Those know how clean those eyes are, as if I saw them for the first time. When Qian Hui was young, she was so pure and flawless..."

Ye Hantian narrowed his eyes and slowly opened them.

 He stood up and left.

Ye Hantian was taken away, still talking crazy words, "What a pity, what a pity..."

 His crazy laughter echoed for a long time.

 “It’s a pity those eyes…”

 (End of this chapter)

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