My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1108: Go ahead, get out of here

Chapter 1108 Let’s go, get out of here

“You can’t go back to China without any reason during the training period. Think about it carefully. This is a rare opportunity.”

 “Director, give me some time.”

 Gong Qianli opened the document again after going out.

 She saw the long list written on the document, which was written in black and white very clearly: learn about foreign police systems, law enforcement communication skills, criminal case investigation and public security management, etc...

 But these are not important.

  The important thing is the latter requirement.

  It is a closed training, and within half a year, you still need to submit a report and apply to your superiors when you return to your country.

If she agrees...this will be a long time.

"Alas..." In the past, when she was unsure about paying attention, she would go to Nangong Luo or Ye Weiwei to discuss it, but judging from the current situation, it was impossible for both of them.

What is the relationship between Nangong Luo and her? She feels unwilling when she thinks of that man now! The reason why the wallpaper is gone is because I am afraid that I will not be able to bear it and reveal everything, which will cause trouble for the entire Gong family and Nangong family.

And what about Ye Weiwei?

There are enough things that bother Ye Ziyi. Postpartum depression has not been completely cured. She is now at home with her two children every day, and almost no one bothers her with anything.

 So, in summary, she can only think about it herself.

 When she came home from get off work and saw her little cousin rolling on the ground, she really wanted to kick her!

But seeing that young and handsome face, she put away her thoughts of bullying him and said, "Qianyu, what are you doing, cleaning the floor?"

I don’t know where my little cousin got this habit. He doesn’t sleep on the soft big bed. When he plays, he sits on the floor. Occasionally he lies down and rolls around twice. He sums it up in two words: “Comfortable!”

In the end, she gently reached out and picked up her little cousin from the ground, and asked: "Qianyu, if my sister goes away for half a year, will you miss me?"

 The little cousin immediately grasped the key points!

“Sister, are you going to another place?”

Gong Qianli shrugged, "I don't know, I'm still confused."

When the little cousin heard that something was wrong, he quickly grabbed Gong Qianli and sat down on the sofa. "Sister, tell me what's going on."

Gong Qianli thought for a while, turned out the document page and showed it to him, "Can you read?"


The little cousin picked up the phone and almost fainted when he saw the dense black text on it.

“Sister, you know I don’t like reading Chinese the most!”

Why do you say this way?

 There are so many Chinese words! This kind of long text is just terrible!

“Forget it.” Gong Qianli stretched out her hand to take the phone back.

"I'll look at it again." The little cousin suddenly held back, forcing himself to read the long paragraph seriously.

 Then the little cousin's expression gradually changed, "Sister, are you going abroad for half a year?"

 “Yeah.” Gong Qianli nodded.

 The little cousin's expression suddenly became serious.

He was silent for a while, looked up at Gong Qianli, and said a word of approval to her in a serious voice: "Sister, you go ahead."

"Huh?" This puzzled Gong Qianli, "Suddenly you are so serious, it feels like you are not you anymore."

 “Sister, I’m serious, you go ahead.”

 “Can you give me a reason?”

“Anyway, if you’re not happy here, why not change your environment and mood? Just go out and relax. It’s only for half a year, and you won’t see her forever.”

 “Why are you talking about great truths all of a sudden?”

 “Hmph! Anyway, you go out, I support it.”

 He wouldn't say it because Nangong Luo was married.

 (End of this chapter)

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