My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1119: The beginning of Xia Xiyun’s nightmare

Chapter 1119 The Beginning of Xia Xiyun’s Nightmare

“I should be the one asking my seniors for advice and asking them to take care of me.”

Xia Xiyun did enough to show off, and what he said was quite sincere.

 But everyone is acting, who knows how much is true and how false?

 After getting a little familiar, they finally started shooting.

The heroine is framed by the second heroine, and the hero saves the beauty. There will be a long plot between the hero and the heroine. Xia Xiyun can take a break.

However, not long after she sat down, Xiang Yan came to her with the script and asked, "Miss Xia, do you want to come and act opposite me?"

Xia Xiyun suppressed the desire to be lazy and smiled on the surface, "Okay."

It was only after a pair of scenes that I realized that Xiang Yan was really capable, and I quickly got the feeling for him.

Xia Xiyun also took it very seriously. The two acted very smoothly and even cooperated with some small movements.

“I’ve been talking for so long, drink some water to moisten your throat.”

 When the two of them paused, Xiang Yan immediately handed over the water. This thoughtful performance of "serving" really doubled people's goodwill.

Xia Xiyun thanked him and took it. He raised his head to drink water. A strand of hair hanging by his ears drifted to the corner of his mouth as he raised his head and lowered his head.

She was originally holding a script in one hand and a cup in the other. Just as she was about to put down her things and free her hands, Xiang Yan suddenly reached out and brushed the hair away from the corner of her mouth.

The fingers gently scraped across the cheek and tucked the hair behind the ears. The movement seemed a bit slow at that moment, and the unfamiliar touch made Xu Yiyi stiffen all over.

She quickly turned her head away and put down the water glass to cover up.

  She brushed her long hair and pretended to be relaxed, breaking the embarrassing scene just now, "I think this line is almost right, Senior Xiang is really amazing."

“Stop calling me senior again, I just debuted two or three years before you.”

Hearing what Xiang Yan said, he changed his words very wisely, "Uh, that Mr. Xiang..."

 But this still did not satisfy Xiang Yan.

Xiang Yan told her in a cheerful tone: "Mr. Xiang, this sounds really awkward. You can just call me by my name. I'm about the same age as you. We want to shoot together, so we don't need to be so unfamiliar."

Xia Xiyun didn't stick to one title, and immediately changed her words according to his wishes, "Okay, Xiang Yan."

 It's just a title. When someone takes the initiative, a tactful promise and a direct promise have different responses.

Xia Xiyun didn't expect that her change of words would actually give Xiang Yan an opportunity to change his name.

Xiang Yan was very direct, "Since you called me by my name, I will also call you by your name in the future. How about calling you Yun'er?"


Xia Xiyun opened his eyes wide and blinked twice.

 Because when I heard those two words, I felt very rejected in my heart!

"This title sounds weird. Mr. Xiang Yan can just call me by my full name."

"Xia Xiyun... the name is very nice, but calling you by your full name feels unfamiliar. I will call you Xiyun from now on. Is that okay now?"

 “Heh...hehe, okay.”

Xia Xiyun did not expect that Xiang Yan, who had a background, could be so "approachable" and enthusiastic.

 She was also a master of stand-up comedy. She would take the initiative to get acquainted with people who caught her eye, but she didn't like people like Xiang Yan. He sounded glib and definitely unreliable!

Just because she doesn’t provoke others doesn’t mean that others don’t have their thoughts either.

Xiang Yan spoke directly, "Xi Yun, you've worked **** the show today. How about having dinner together tonight?"

  【Just, everything depends on the title】



 (End of this chapter)

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