My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1122: Xia Xiyun's fate

Chapter 1122 Xia Xiyun’s fate

Xia Xiyun pushed the person away reflexively, and the scene suddenly changed. The director could only shout: "Ka!"

  The director, who was very satisfied with the plot just now, changed his expression, "What's going on?"

Xia Xiyun glanced in the direction of Xiang Yan, and Xiang Yan stared at her with a meaningful look.

Xia Xiyun was immediately wary, but Xiang Yan acted as if nothing had happened, taking all the responsibilities in front of the director, "I'm sorry, director, I was not careful just now."

Xia Xiyun couldn't say that she was suffering. She couldn't say in front of so many people that it was because Xiang Yan kissed her on the lips during a fake show that she had such a big reaction.

The director sighed. Seeing the second female lead that he was satisfied with and the second male lead that he couldn't afford, he could only wave his hand and say, "Do it again."

The scene just now is repeated. At the end, the second female lead wants to kiss the male lead, but it is just a borrowed position.

 But because of Xiang Yan's unexpected move just now, Xia Xiyun avoided his eyes.

The director had seen her perform at her best and was very dissatisfied with her poor eyesight. He failed twice in a row.

Xia Xiyun apologized repeatedly.

 The director asked them to take a short break and adjust their condition.

Xia Xiyun finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  It wasn't that she was brooding about that matter, but since the accidental kiss, Xia Xiyun always felt that Xiang Yan looked at her with a strange expression, which made her want to avoid him.

During the break, Xia Xiyun took the script and continued to study it, but Xiang Yan walked up to her at some point and said to her casually: "Xiyun, I did it unintentionally before. I hope you can Don’t let this affect your mood and sense of drama.”

Xia Xiyun was still unhappy when she heard what Xiang Yan had done just now about taking the initiative to become an apprentice.

 She is an actor, and sometimes there are unavoidable kissing scenes, but because the roles she played before were not particularly in-depth, kissing can be done.

Perhaps it was really an accident, but it happened when she was unprepared, and she just felt uncomfortable!

  However, even if she was unhappy, she still knew how to make peace with it.

Xia Xiyun had no choice but to go against his conscience and say nice things, "Senior Xiang Yan, it's just an accident. I don't take it seriously."

"That's good. I see you avoided me intentionally just now. I'm afraid it will affect the shooting."

 “Don’t worry, I always take my work seriously.”

 After the adjustment, work continued. This time Xiang Yan was honest, and the two of them successfully completed the scene.

 The second female lead’s last kiss was full of affection and desolation.

The bright red blood dyed her white skirt red, as if blood-red flowers of the other side were blooming. The poignant scene was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

 At the end of the story, the male protagonist ascends to the position of emperor, and the female protagonist becomes his unique queen.

 The second man never married, and stayed in front of the second woman’s grave for the rest of his life, staying away from worldly grudges.

Many people like to watch the finale of happy reunion, but often, the ending of tragic separation is more deeply rooted in people's hearts and memorable than the ending of sweet togetherness.

 Many book fans who have finished reading the book are discussing whether the second male lead is attracted to the second female lead in the end. Is he guarding her tombstone all his life because he likes it or feels guilty?

The TV series became popular before it was aired. Xia Xiyun's unique appearance in the TV series made many passers-by mistake her for the heroine.

The scene of the white skirt dyed red with blood was actually screenshotted, and some masters of illustration painted her, which successfully made her popular on the Internet.

 The director was overjoyed.

 “Officially scheduled to go online!”

【This chapter contains Xia Xiyun's ending, let's find out... Qixi escaped】



 (End of this chapter)

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