My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1126: Let's make our relationship public

Chapter 1126 Let’s make our relationship public

 “Thank you, Senior Xiang Yan, for your kindness, but no thanks.”

Xia Xiyun rejected Xiang Yan directly, but Xiang Yan insisted on pestering her, "It's so late and it's not safe for a beautiful woman to go home by herself, so I'll send you off."

Xiang Yan firmly "invited" Xia Xiyun to get in the car.

Xia Xiyun also firmly refused, "My boyfriend will be here soon. Senior Xiang Yan, don't worry. It's troublesome."

She roughly guessed that Xiang Yan was interested in her, so she directly revealed that she had a boyfriend, hoping to dispel Xiang Yan's thoughts.

As expected, Xiang Yan looked surprised, "Oh? You actually have a boyfriend?"

"Yes." Xia Xiyun admitted frankly.

Xiang Yan hesitated for a while.

Xia Xiyun kept praying in her heart that Xiang Yan would leave quickly, but what Xiang Yan did was still beyond her expectation.

Xiang Yan not only refused to leave, but insisted on staying, "In that case, I will stay here with you and wait. At least I have to hand you over to your boyfriend with my own hands, so that I can feel at ease."

Xia Xiyun really didn’t expect this banquet to be so shameless!

But the two feet were on his body and she couldn't drive them away, she just ignored them.

She had called Han Xingye before. Now Han Xingye's car appeared, and Xia Xiyun saw it from a distance.

The car was parked on the roadside in front, and Xia Xiyun couldn't wait to walk past it.

Xiang Yan suddenly reached out to stop her, "Xi Yun, why don't you introduce your boyfriend to me, so that I can see what kind of outstanding person he is that wins the heart of a beautiful woman."

“I’m sorry, Senior Xiang Yan, my boyfriend is naturally introverted and doesn’t like to interact with others, so introduction is not necessary.”

Xia Xiyun avoided him without a trace, took two steps around and was about to open the car door and get in the car. Unexpectedly, Xiang Yan suddenly reached out and opened the back seat door for her.

Xiang Yan said: "It is really not polite to let a woman open the door by herself."

 At this moment, the window of the front seat gradually opened.

Xia Xiyun's mind was spinning rapidly. He quickly closed the back seat door with quick eyes and hands, opened the front seat door, got in and closed the window. All these actions were done without taking a breath.

Before Han Xingye showed his face, Xia Xiyun deliberately blocked his appearance.

 Baid goodbye to Xiang Yan politely, "Senior Xiang Yan, we have something to do and we'll leave first. Goodbye."

Xia Xiyun poked Han Xingye with his other hand. Han Xingzhi understood, and the car flew away with dust as if it was powered by a motor.

 After a certain distance, the car slows down.

"So..." Han Xingye opened his mouth, full of grievances.

Xia Xiyun opened his palm and patted his forehead, "That is the second male number in our residence, named Xiang Yan. I don't know what's going on with him."

Of course Han Xingye has never misunderstood Xia Xiyun.

 But Xia Xiyun explained the matter clearly and frankly, which was a sign that the two of them had already developed a tacit understanding.

Because the two of them have special identities, sometimes there will inevitably be some rumored boyfriends and girlfriends around them. At that time, they agreed that as long as they had a lot of contact with each other, they would be honest with each other.

 But for the couple, the unwritten rules that gradually formed are so wonderful!

However, Han Xingye was still aggrieved, "That person just laughed at me for not being polite."

“I just told Xiang Yanming that I had a boyfriend. He probably thought I was lying and wanted to verify it.”

“Oh, I have such a beautiful face, but I can’t show it.”

“You want to show your face? Then let’s make our relationship public.”

  【I finished chasing Xiangmi today, and I feel empty inside】



 (End of this chapter)

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