My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1135: Unsightly picture

Chapter 1135 The unsightly scene

There was a sound of rushing water in the toilet. Xia Xiyun was lying on the bed with his eyes open, his pupils losing anxiety.

 What happened within half an hour was like a nightmare.

 It was only half an hour, but it completely ruined her entire life!

Xiang Yan came out of the toilet wrapped in a bath towel, with a glorious face, looking energetic and happy.

  Because he succeeded in catching the prey he wanted to eat most, he felt happy both physically and mentally.

"Yun'er, do you want me to take you to take a bath?" Xiang Yan asked as he walked, automatically changing the nickname that Xia Xiyun disliked at the beginning, his voice was as gentle as a lover's.

 But he was not asking for Xia Xiyun's opinion, but directly reached out to hug her.

Xia Xiyun was naked under the quilt.

When Xiang Yan reached out, Xia Xiyun suddenly grabbed his arm and bit him hard.

Xiang Yan was in pain and pulled her away by her hair.

 Both sides were injured, and Xiang Yan had blood-red tooth marks on his wrist.

Xiang Yan glanced at her meaningfully. He did not get angry directly, but pretended to be polite, "Yun'er, you are now mine. Be obedient and I will ensure that you will have continuous resources and become famous in the future."

 “I just want to kill you now!”

Xiang Yan reached out to touch her and ran his fingers through her hair. Suddenly he put a lot of force on his hand and called out, "Yun'er!"

This is a threat and a warning, "Do you dare to tell me what happened tonight? Will you be hidden by the company or will your reputation be ruined? Huh?"

“He who knows the current affairs is a hero. Be my woman and I will ensure that you have a smooth career in the entertainment industry.”

Xia Xiyun stared at him with red eyes, "Xiang Yan, you will get retribution!"

Xiang Yan had already planned it. He drugged her wine glass and deliberately spilled the wine on her skirt to drive her away.

Even if the time is calculated, no one will not maliciously speculate that earth-shaking changes will occur in just one hour.

Xiang Yan threw Xia Xiyun's hand to her side, but he was not afraid of what she would do with the phone now, thinking that everything was settled.

With a "dong" sound, Xiang Yan sent a few photos to Xia Xiyun. They were unsightly pictures.

Xiang Yan also picked it up and admired it, "Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, it's such a pity that such a beautiful body should be acquired by another man."

 Every word spoken from Xiang Yan's mouth stimulated Xia Xiyun's brain.

She cried silently, even though she covered her ears, those terrifying sounds like a curse still came through.

 “Stop talking, stop talking!”

“If time hadn’t allowed, I would have been reluctant to let you go, Yun’er, you are so delicious.”

 “Stop talking and get out!”

She put down the mobile phone next to her and it vibrated. She knew who the special caller screen was just by glancing at it.

She didn't dare, she didn't dare to answer the phone, she didn't dare to face it.

Xiang Yan only saw the note with the word "male god", and remembered what Xia Xiyun said on the variety show that time, and he understood clearly.

 “My boyfriend’s phone number?”

 He asked deliberately, but the only response he got was Xia Xiyun's sobs after suppressing her tears.

 She couldn't help but clench her fists and found that her physical strength had gradually recovered.

Xiang Yan's disgusting sounds were ringing in her ears. She forced herself to stand up, and when Xiang Yan was not prepared, she picked up the ashtray next to her and threw it at him hard.


The glass ashtray fell to the ground and broke into pieces. Xiang Yan's forehead was completely bruised and his fingers were stained with bright red blood.

 “Go to hell, go to hell!”

 (End of this chapter)

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