My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1140: The collapsed Xia Xiyun

Chapter 1140 The Collapse of Xia Xiyun

 The information about Xiang Yan was placed in front of him, and Han Xingye’s eyes were so filled with hatred!

He will not let anyone bully Xia Xiyun go!

Xia Xiyun is unwilling to take legal action because she cares about her own reputation and the reputation of those around her. Han Xingye respects her choice, but is determined to abolish Xiang Yan!

Xiang Yan has the support of his family and a face that meets the public's aesthetics, and he has prospered in the entertainment industry.

 But no matter who that person is, they can’t stop Han Xingye’s determination to take revenge!

Including Xia Xiyun herself, she also hated him. If she had the capital and ability, she would really kill Xiang Yan to vent her anger without hesitation!

The news that Xia Xiyun and the company were saving quickly spread, and many people began to talk about it.

Xia Xiyun hid in her room all day long, unwilling to face it.

Xiang Yan kept harassing her with the photos in her hand, which made Xia Xiyun very depressed, but she didn't dare to let Han Xingye know because she was afraid that Han Xingye would feel dirty when he saw those photos.

Three times, every time Han Xingye coaxed Xia Xiyun, Xiang Yan would break through her psychological defense with a few words.


Xia Xiyun's disobedience only made Xiang Yan more motivated to fight, but Xiang Yan still lived his life as he pleased without being influenced by others, as if there was nothing he couldn't get as long as he was rich and powerful.

On this day, Xiang Yan went to the garage to drive, and a group of people suddenly rushed out and surrounded him.

 The person who comes is not good.

Xiang Yan was surrounded in the middle. He looked left and right, "What do you want to do?"

 As soon as he asked the question, he was knocked unconscious to the ground.

In another black car sat a man who gave orders, "Take it away."

When Xiang Yan woke up again, he found that his hands and feet were bound by iron ropes, which made his whole body hurt even if he moved.

His eyes were blocked by a black cloth, and he could not see the scenery and people around him.

 “Who is it? Who is playing a prank!”

 “Prank? Tsk.”

A cold taunt sounded in the empty place, making people shudder.

Xiang Yan was used to living a smooth life, so when he encountered something like this for the first time, he couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

“Do you know who I am, Xiang Yan? If you are sensible, please let me go and admit my mistake. I will consider sparing you rabble!”

“Xiang Yan, the most favored junior of the Xiang family, started filming at the age of 19…”

That voice exposed all the basic information about Xiang Yan, including some information that was deliberately hidden.

"What exactly do you want to do? How much money do you want, as long as you send me back intact, I can satisfy your request."

 “Money? You are not so naive as to think that everyone can spend money.”

The voice suddenly became louder, and Xiang Yan could already feel the figure of the man standing in front of him!

Xiang Yan used his acting skills to pretend to be calm, with sweat dripping down his forehead, "Who are you?"

The voice suddenly became louder, "A man comes to take revenge on you!"


As soon as he finished speaking, an iron rod hit Xiang Yan, who screamed in pain.

Stick after stick hit Xiang Yan's body mercilessly. Even a strong man could not withstand such a severe blow to Xiang Yan, who was usually pampered.

Xiang Yan felt that that man was simply going to kill him!

"Who are you? How did I provoke you?"

“Xiang Yan, today I will let you see clearly and remember who I am!”

The man reached out and lifted the black cloth from Xiang Yan's eyes, revealing his face in front of him.

 (End of this chapter)

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