My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1144: close contact

 Chapter 1144 Intimate Contact

The two have had close contact many times and are very familiar with the sensitive points of each other's bodies.

Han Xingye knew how to make her emotional, but when he wanted to go further, Xia Xiyun suddenly pushed him away.

 “No, you can’t…”

Han Xingye took a step forward and approached her again. The two were so close that they could clearly feel each other's aura.

"Yunyun." Han Xingye knew her resistance and held her hand tightly.

Xia Xiyun, however, insisted on avoiding it, pulled up her clothes, and ran out of the door in panic.

Han Xingye had a cold face and punched the wall hard.

The news about Xia Xiyun's withdrawal from the circle reached the ears of the Xia family and the Han family's parents. The Xia family's parents didn't ask clearly on the phone, but ended up coming here to find someone in person.

When Xia's parents came, Han Xingye was still very worried. He didn't know how to face his parents in Xia Xiyun's current state...

Han Xingye came out first to receive the Xia family's parents. The Xia family and his wife loved Han Xingye very much and really regarded him as their son-in-law.

"Xiao Han, didn't you say Yunyun was at home? Why haven't you seen her come out yet? Are you avoiding us on purpose?"

“Uncle and aunt were joking. They knew you were coming to visit her, and it was too late to be happy. Why would they avoid you?”

Han Xingye personally served tea and water to the two old people and controlled his emotions very well. "Uncle and aunt, you guys have a rest here now. I'll go see Yunyun."

As soon as he finished speaking, there were footsteps next to him.

Immediately afterwards, Xia Xiyun's familiar voice came over, "Dad, Mom."

 “That’s it, you’ve finally come out.”

The Xia family's parents didn't care so much when they saw their daughter. Xia's mother stood up and went to Xia Xiyun, holding her hands and looking left and right.

Han Xingye stared at the mother and daughter calmly.

Xia Xiyun was also very nervous, fearing that she had not disguised herself well.

But Xia’s mother pulled her and looked at her several times, and finally said what parents often say, "Yun, why have you lost weight again?"

Hearing this, Xia Xiyun breathed a sigh of relief.

 She used a method to quickly reduce the swelling, and also smeared a thick layer of makeup on her face to cover it up.

No matter how miserable she is, she cannot let her parents know about the tragic thing that happened to her. Otherwise, her parents will be very sad.

When Xia's parents came, they first paid attention to their daughter's daily life, but then they mentioned her announcement of quitting the entertainment industry.

Xia Xiyun actually hasn't thought of an impeccable reason yet. All she can do at the moment is delay time, "Mom and Dad, actually I...I feel that it's too tiring to dress up and act in front of others every day. I'm tired of that." life, I want to go back to the past and be an ordinary person.”

 But what she said was unconvincing.

“Yun, tell your parents honestly, has something happened?”

Known as Mo Ruomu, Xia Xiyun has always liked to stand on the stage and express her strengths since she was a child, in order to win the admiration of others. Xia Xiyun entered the entertainment industry because she likes it, and the current situation is exactly what she is working hard to achieve. Only a fool would choose to quit at the best time.

Xia Xiyun was worried.

At this moment, Han Xingye suddenly apologized, "Uncle and aunt, I'm sorry!"

 He said: “Actually, this matter is all because of me.”

As expected, Xia's parents' attention was diverted and they all stared at Han Xingye, "You?"

 (End of this chapter)

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