My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1162: Nangong Luo's attitude towards Zhong Yun's mother and daughter

Chapter 1162 Nangong Luo’s attitude towards Zhong Yun’s mother and daughter

Nangong Luo and Ye Xichen dealt with those people at the first-year banquet together. Halfway through the banquet, Nangong Luo was called home by Mrs. Nangong.

"Your daughter is sick and has a fever now. It would be a good idea for you not to come back and take a look."

Nangong Luo's attitude towards Zhong Yun and her children is obvious to everyone. Mrs. Nangong has always known that Nangong Luo doesn't like Zhong Yun, but she didn't expect that she doesn't even like the daughter Zhong Yun gave birth to anymore.

As a mother, she has scolded and explained the truth, but Nangong Luo just won't listen and won't change, and he can't even say something as perfunctory as "I will change."

Mrs. Nangong naturally felt guilty about Zhong Yun as her "daughter-in-law", so she did what she could to help.

Just now Zhong Yun called her to tell her that Nangong Yu was sick. The Nangong family was such a junior in this generation, so he was naturally favored. Mrs. Nangong was worried about her granddaughter and hurried to the hospital for treatment. Knowing that the child was suffering from fever, she also Very worried.

Zhong Yun kept guarding her daughter, and occasionally said a few words about Nangong Luo, and she also understood the underlying meaning.

Mrs. Nangong called her one after another, so Nangong Luo had no choice but to say goodbye to Ye Xichen, "Boss, let Bei Ye watch over here for you, and I'll leave first."

 “It’s okay, you can go.”

Nangong Luo turned around and took two steps before coming back. When facing Ye Xichen, he hesitated, "Well, boss, I have one more thing to ask..."


“Liu Li…we haven’t contacted each other for more than a year, but I know the only one who talks to her from time to time. Has she ever said when she will come back?”

“Never, but judging from her tone, it seems that she will stay abroad for a while.”

Ye Xichen can say this, which proves that Gong Qianli will not come back in a short time.

Nangong Luo didn't know what his current state of mind was. To this answer, he could only reply: "Okay, I understand."

Ye Xichen suddenly asked him, "Have you ever thought about going to find her?"

Nangong Luo laughed at himself, "What qualifications do I have?"

And Nangong Luo has always had a thorn in his heart, "Brother Gu has been going there for almost a year."

Ye Xichen nodded, "Yes."

Gu Chengxi also went to that place shortly after Gong Qianli left. Maybe the two are really together now.

The biggest gain from Nangong Luolai's first-year banquet was that he learned about Gong Qianli. Although it was only a little bit, it was enough to upset him.

Nangong Luo wanted to go to the hospital to show off because Mrs. Nangong was nagging her so much that she had no choice but to go to the hospital.

Zhong Yun was very happy when she saw Nangong Luo coming, "Luo, you are here."

Mrs. Nangong gave Nangong Luo a look, and Nangong Luo asked a few questions about the child.

 The child is fine, just pay more attention to protecting him.

Nangong Luo stayed in the ward for a while and then went out.

He has no feelings for Zhong Yun, and of course he has no feelings for Zhong Yun's children.

Zhong Yun chased him out, and the two of them looked around the corner in silence, and finally stopped.

“Yu’er is fine now, thank you.”

 “Thank me for whatever I did.” He had never done anything, so he didn’t know what this thank you meant.

 But Zhong Yun said with satisfaction: "Thank you for coming to see Yu'er."

Nangong Luo sighed, "You don't have to thank me, because I can't fulfill your request."

Nangong Luo suddenly said these words, and the slight smile on Zhong Yun's face gradually disappeared, "I don't have any extravagant demands. I will be very satisfied if you come to see Yu'er."

 (End of this chapter)

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