My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1167: Xia Xiyun's shame is made public

Chapter 1167 Xia Xiyun’s shame is announced to the public

Xia Xiyun glanced at the doctor in a white coat and didn't pay much attention.

The "doctor" suddenly took off his mask and asked, "Yun'er, how are you doing lately?"

Xia Xiyun's whole body froze.

 She looked up and saw the face of that person, the face from her many midnight nightmares.

This is not a real doctor, but Xiang Yan who is deliberately disguised!

Xia Xiyun reached out to ring the bed bell, but Xiang Yan had already planned it and stopped her movement.

"Why don't you talk? It's been a long time since we last met. I miss you very much. What about you?" Xiang Yan said shamelessly.

Xia Xiyun didn't want to see him at all, "Get out."

 “Don’t force me.”

 “It’s you who is forcing me!”

Xiang Yan shook his head, "Tsk, tsk, tsk, I'm just catching up with an old lover. Your attitude really makes me sad."

Xia Xiyun threatened: "If you don't leave, I'll call the police."

Rather than being threatened, Xiang Yan let go of the hand holding the bed bell and said, "Ring it so everyone can come and see you... stay with me."

Xia Xiyun took a deep breath.

Xiang Yan, the scoundrel, calculated on people's hearts and took what she cared about most as a threat, forcing her to obey.

 “What on earth do you want to do!”

 “I heard that your child is about to be born, and I want to give you a gift as a blessing.”


 “You’ll care.”

 “What do you want to do?” Xia Xiyun suddenly became more vigilant.

Xiang Yan took the next step and sat beside her bed, stretched out his hand and pinched her chin.

Xia Xiyun pushed him away hard, "Get out of here!"

“Bang—” The two of them broke the glass next to them during their argument.

Xia Xiyun was so angry that her breathing became heavier.

Xiang Yan stared at her with a smile, "It's true that you don't have to drink wine as a penalty for toasting."

There was a knock on the door in this indescribably tense atmosphere.

Xia Xiyun was eager for someone to come in, so Xiang Yan pulled up his mask.

The nurse came in to check the ward, and Xiang Yan walked out without saying a word.

"Which doctor was it just now..." The nurse wanted to ask, but Xia Xiyun's face was extremely ugly.

“Mrs. Han, are you okay?”

Xia Xiyun took a few deep breaths and felt a pain in her stomach.

She was angry and anxious. She put her hand on her lower abdomen and was even more worried about the child in her belly.

She quickly told the nurse, "Call the doctor quickly, I have a stomachache."

Because Xiang Yan came for a visit, Xia Xiyun had fetal contractions again.

Han Xingyejia sent people to guard to prevent any irrelevant people from approaching Xia Xiyun, while on the other hand, he pursued Xiang Yan with all his strength.

Xiang Yan, who was hiding in the dark, had a home and could not return. The former star was as embarrassed as a mouse crossing the street.

He was unwilling to give in and took out a photo that he had hidden for a long time. The expression on his face was almost distorted.

 “If you can’t get it, then destroy it!”

Xiang Yan contacted the city's largest entertainment newspaper and posted the photo with the word Xia Xiyun on it.

Xia Xiyun, who had become famous for a while, broke the news again. The incident at the party six months ago was also revealed, and there was also the previous scandal between Xia Xiyun and Xiang Yan.

 Various events were intertwined, and Xia Xiyun's name was once again a hot search topic.

There were so many insults online that Han’s mother couldn’t sit still and rushed to the hospital to confront Xia Xiyun.

Xia Xiyun was originally blocked from accessing the Internet by Han Xingye. Han’s mother showed up with this shocking news and even took out the original photos to question her.

"Now everyone knows that my daughter-in-law of the Han family knows no rules and is careless, and my son is also dragged down by you. How can you be worthy of him!"

Xia Xiyun said nothing when she saw those things. She just felt that her world was about to collapse.

 “It hurts…”


 (End of this chapter)

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