My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 117: Being bullied in the toilet

Chapter 117 Being bullied in the toilet

 Ye Weiwei just wanted to go to the toilet and change into school uniform, but he didn’t expect that it would cause a big trouble!

 She was changing clothes in the toilet when she suddenly heard a girl pulling on the rough door and asking if there was anyone inside. Before Ye Weiyi could answer, he heard a noise.

  The old campus of No. 2 Middle School has been in disrepair for many years, and there is a hole in the toilet door.

Ye Weiwei saw with her own eyes a thin and frail girl being pushed in and hit against the cold tiles. She felt pain when she heard the "thud" sound!

“An Ruan, who gave you the courage to hook up with Su Yichen? Huh?”

 It turned out to be An Ruan? Her soft-girl new deskmate?

"I don't!"

 “You still dare to quibble!”

The tall girl raised her phone with one hand and pulled An Ruan's ponytail with the other, forcing her to look up at what was on the phone.

"Didn't I say that Su Yichen is the person that I, Ye Qingqing, like, and you still blatantly hooked up with him, are you not giving me face?"

 "Ye Qingqing, don't slander others! Su Yichen and I have a normal relationship as friends!" An Ruan blushed with anger.

Ye Qingqing relied on her own size to suppress An Ruan's momentum, and patted An Ruan's red face as if teasing, "Fear me, have you ever seen any girl in this school who dared to claim to be Su Yichen's friend? Are you going around the corner to show me off?"

 “I didn’t!” An Ruan argued with her, blushing.

Hiding in the toilet, Ye Weiwei did not tremble in fear as usual when something happened. She carefully changed into her school uniform without making a sound.

  When she was changing into her school uniform just now, she felt it was inconvenient to carry her cell phone, so she handed it to Gong Qianli. Now that she thought about it, she regretted it extremely.

There were two "good sisters" standing behind Ye Qingqing, calling her "Sister Qingqing." Ye Weiwei felt his own small body...well, there was no resistance.

Although An Ruan is her deskmate, she must remember her brother's words and never let herself get hurt!

Ye Weiwei couldn't see too clearly through such a small crack. Just when she wanted to observe more carefully, she saw this cheating toilet door! There was a movement!

Ye Qingqing and the others heard the sound and reacted very quickly and shouted: "Who is in there?!"

 Ye Qingqing started to kick the door.

Ye Weiwei's heart was beating like a drum, and she clenched the pink bag tightly with her fingers, hoping that Gong Qianli would find her soon.

Just when Ye Qingqing was about to kick her door in, Ye Weiyi stood up and raised his hand.

"Wait a moment!"

Ye Qingqing and An Ruan both looked at her. Ye Qingqing frowned and was in a bad mood, while An Ruan's doubts turned into surprise, and her surprise turned into disappointment.

 Ye Ziyi seems to be a weakling with no fighting value. Now that he is discovered, he will definitely be hated by Ye Qingqing!

 “I...I just went to the toilet, not on purpose...”

"You didn't say anything on purpose? You eavesdropped so much, what should you do?" Ye Qingqing pressed the toilet door with ill intentions, "Come out!"

Ye Qingqing's order reminded Ye Weiyi that she was standing in the toilet with the door closed, so she was not afraid of Ye Qingqing at all!

 But she was not happy for five seconds when she saw Ye Qingqing nimbly stepping on the toilet isolation cement board...

The toilet is only one meter high, and Ye Qingqing can climb in completely...

Yeye Weiwei's heartbeat accelerated, and he yelled in desperation: "I just sent a message to the teacher! The teacher will be here soon!"

Ye Qingqing and her sisters looked at each other. Ye Qingqing opened the door and pulled Ye Weiwei out.

At the most critical moment, Gong Qianli broke in and said, "Youyi! Are you okay?"

 When she saw clearly what was going on inside, her eyes suddenly opened wide.

 “Brother Chen! The only one who was bullied!”

 (End of this chapter)

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