My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1176: Xia Xiyun committed suicide

Chapter 1176 Xia Xiyun committed suicide

"what you up to?"

 “I want... to let you die!”

Xia Xiyun suddenly hugged Xiang Yan tightly and pulled him back. The two of them fell off the stone and fell into the river.

 “Are you crazy? You madman, Xia Xiyun!”

Xiang Yan struggled desperately, but Xia Xiyun held him tightly and refused to let go. Instead, the group laughed, "Xiang Yan, you ruined me, and you will eventually suffer the consequences."

"I know you can't swim. It's worth my life to trade for yours."

Xia Xiyun had known for a long time that Xiang Yan couldn't swim, so she had already made a plan when she went to the river.

She remembered Mother Han's scolding, "Xia Xiyun, you should divorce my son. Qi'er and I, the Han family, recognize it, but you absolutely can't. As long as you exist, you will always be Han Xingye's stain. Qi'er has you." Such a mother will only be looked down upon by others!"

At that time, Mother Han’s scolding and driving made her make up her mind.

 Mother Han is right, her existence is a stain. As long as she is gone, everyone will be at peace.

Xia Xiyun pressed Xiang Yan down. Xiang Yan, who didn't understand the nature of water, struggled twice before sinking into the river.

Xia Xiyun also let go of his hand and let his body sink.

When she closed her eyes, many sounds drifted to her ears, and many pictures flashed before her eyes.

  Proposal under the fireworks of the prosperous age, "I have waited so long for the person I love, how can I be willing to let you go."

 Many years ago in the summer, the only man she had truly loved in her life confessed in a romantic song, "So, will you be my goddess from now on?"

 “Never say anything about leaving me again, we will always be together.”

“You and Qi’er are the people I want to protect the most in my life.”

At the moment she sank to the bottom of the lake, she seemed to hear the cry of a baby.

 She had a lot of words and feelings hidden in her heart, but there was no chance again.

 “I’m sorry, I broke my promise...”

The mobile phone that Xia Xiyun placed on the stone in advance sent out messages regularly.

The special message prompt made Han Xingye see the text message for the first time: Take good care of my parents, protect Qi'er to grow up safely and happily, my favorite male god, you must be happy.

 In one short sentence, she fulfilled all her wishes in this life.


Suddenly many people appeared on the riverside. I heard that they were looking for a woman.

 But the river was too big, and in the end nothing was found. Only the mobile phone left on a big rock on the shore was picked up and taken home.

They found the call records from Xia Xiyun's cell phone. Xia Xiyun and Xiang Yan exchanged lives. No one knew whether their deaths were suicides or homicides because both parties involved were dead.

 Public opinion has killed a person, and no entertainment newspaper dares to get into trouble at this time.

 Xia Xiyun died, and the previous newspapers collapsed overnight.

Xia Xiyun finally got what she wanted. Her death took away the bad words of others.

 But the proud man who once stood on the stage and shined so brightly fell from grace, as if he had lost the joy of life.

Han Xingye was so drunk that he poured a bottle of wine on his face, but he laughed out loud.

 Han’s mother opened the door and criticized Han Xingye’s behavior.

Han Xingye sat on the ground and looked up at her, "Yunyun is dead, you finally got what you wanted."

 “What is your tone and what do you mean?”

“I saw the call history on Yunyun’s phone. What would you say to her?” It is conceivable that what Han’s mother said must be unpleasant to hear.

 “I really hate myself for letting you hurt her again and again.”

 In fact, Han Xingye also hid one thing.

 (End of this chapter)

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