My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1191: Which **** took advantage of my sister?

Chapter 1191 Which **** took advantage of my sister?

Gong Qianli handed it out directly, "Here you go."

Gong Qianyu stretched out her hand and gestured with a grimace, "I don't know how to hug."

"Learn it and you'll get it quickly!" Gong Qianli carefully handed Xiao Yu'er to her cousin, holding her hands underneath.

 Holding a baby requires skills, but anything short of a short hug will do.

Gong Qianyu hugged her little niece. Although she was very light, her hands felt heavy.

Gong Qianyu held the child carefully, fearing that something might go wrong and drop the child.

His expression at the moment looks very funny, but you can also see that he cares.

Xiao Yu'er did not reject Gong Qianyu's hug, and stared at Gong Qianyu's face carefully for a while, then suddenly opened her pink and tender mouth and shouted: "Uncle."

This sweet sound instantly captured Gong Qianyu's heart.

He raised his head and shouted, "Sister, my niece is too cute!"

 Sweet appearance, pure eyes, with the simplicity of a child and the sweetness of a girl. Especially when she looks at you with her big eyes as clear as black crystal, it makes people feel happy just looking at her.

Gong Qianli has returned home and explained the existence of Xiao Yuer to the elders of the Gong family, but only concealed her biological father.

Gong Qianyu came here just to see Xiao Yuer.

“Sister, let’s take Xiao Yu’er back. Auntie will definitely like her when she sees her!”

"Okay." Gong Qianli agreed readily, because she brought Xiao Yu'er back this time to let everyone know about her existence.

She will not hide her daughter for anyone. Of course her daughter, Gong Qianli, must live an upright life!

Hearing that Gong Qianli was taking Xiao Yu'er away, the Ye family brothers and sisters didn't even care about their homework, so they all ran to stop her.

Ye Qingfeng was responsible for stopping Gong Qianli, "Godmother, don't take Yu'er away!"

Ye Zhiruo is responsible for persuading Xiao Yuer, "Yu'er, don't leave, I'll give you all my bear dolls to play with."

The tacit cooperation between the brother and sister made several adults burst into laughter.

They have only known each other for a day, and the relationship between the three children has become so good.

It's just fun, let's not delay the business.

Ye Weiwei took the two children away one by one and comforted them, "Yu'er is going home to meet her grandparents now, and we can't stop her."

“Will Yu’er still come to our house after seeing her grandparents?”

“If I have time, Yu’er will come back to our house to play.”

"Oh well."

The brothers and sisters of the Ye family are still very sensible children, and they can understand what adults say.

It's just that they were reluctant to leave Xiao Yu'er, and kept saying, "Yu'er will come back to play with us soon."

Xiao Yuer kept nodding, "Yeah, let's play with Brother Feng and Sister Ruo!"

On the way back to Gong’s house, Gong Qianyu hesitated to speak.

Gong Qianli looked at him with a smile, "You can say whatever you want. Why are you so polite to me now that you have grown up?"

"Then if you bring Yu'er back to the Gong family to clarify her identity this time, it will be like letting everyone know that you have a child."

 “Just know it if you know it, I don’t care what other people think.”

 “But you’re not married yet.”

"What's the good thing about getting married? I just want to be with Yu'er for the rest of my life."

Gong Qianli really has this idea. Now that she has a woman, everything will be fine. As for men, it is best to keep them at a distance.

“Sister, I also want to say that Brother Luo is actually…”

 “Stop it! Don’t tell me about that person.”

 (End of this chapter)

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