My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1208: The child of a one-night stand

Chapter 1208 The child of one-night stand

“Then tell me who her father is? Whose child is she with?”

Nangong Luo's tone suddenly became intense.

Gong Qianli calmly glanced away and answered with three words: "It's not important."

 For her, it no longer matters who Yu'er's father is. The child is already three years old and is her heart's treasure.

 But Nangong Luo was driven to panic by her half-finished words.

“Yu’er is three years old. How could you have a three-year-old daughter when you went abroad four years ago?”

“What’s impossible? There are so many handsome foreign guys. I feel so lonely abroad. If I find a boyfriend and have a one-night stand, many unexpected situations may happen, right?”

"You are not that casual." Nangong Luo's voice became a little darker.

He thought Gong Qianli was lying, or he didn't want to believe those words.

Gong Qianli shook her head, "Nangong Luo, I beg you not to deny my answer in a taken-for-granted tone, as if you had a child within a month of falling in love with Zhong Yun? So why is it impossible for me? It's just that I wouldn’t be as lucky as you to get married.”

 The atmosphere between the two is getting more and more tense, and it seems that when the emotions brew to a certain extent, they will start to quarrel!

But when it was almost done, Gong Qianli turned around and left.

 She walked straight to Ye Zhiruo's room.

Nangong Luo followed her without saying a word.

Gong Qianli turned her head slightly and glanced back, without saying a word or taking any action to stop her, as if unrelated people were doing unrelated things.

Gong Qianli gently pushed the door open and went in, followed by Nangong Luo.

 The two of them had a tacit understanding and did not make any big noise.

Gong Qianli first went to see the two sleeping children.

Xiao Yu'er, who was not calm enough, put her little hand outside the quilt. Gong Qianli reached out and touched her skin lightly. After feeling the coldness, she carefully picked up Xiao Yu'er's hand and put it back under the quilt.

  After covering the two children with quilts, she sat on the stool beside the bed and watched quietly.

 Such a gentle Gong Qianli was something Nangong Luo had never seen before.

 But Nangong Luo felt a sigh of relief in his heart, and the suffocation that could not be relieved was getting bigger and bigger!



 He has been protecting him for so many years but still has no one, yet he gave birth to a child for a stranger? Such a cute child...

I am really unwilling!

Nangong Luo couldn't help clenching his fists.

He turned around and left because he was afraid that if he stayed any longer, he would break the peace.

Nangong Luo walked very heavily step by step.

 When he returned to the living room again, Ye Qingfeng had already moved and rolled on the sofa.

“Godfather, what did you and your godmother just do?”

 Godfather and godmother, these two titles are called together as if they are a family.

The pleasant title made Nangong Luo feel less sad in his heart.

But now he has no intention of playing with Ye Qingfeng.

 “Why do you like Yu’er so much?”

 “Yu’er is so cute.”

“I saw that you and Ruoruo didn’t like playing with Nangong Yu. I thought you two siblings didn’t like other children.”

“Godfather, don’t be angry if I tell the truth...”

"you say."

 “You promise not to be angry?”

"I promise."

“Nangong Yu snatches my sister’s toys as soon as she comes. I don’t like her and I don’t want to let her play with her!”

 After finishing complaining, Ye Qingfeng sighed: "It would be great if sister Yu'er was the godfather's daughter."


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 (End of this chapter)

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