My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1222: Liuli, are you feeling guilty?

Chapter 1222 Liuli, are you feeling guilty?

“You are so excited, as if you are trying to hide something?”

Nangong Luo took a step toward her, and Gong Qianli took a step back.

“Liu Li, is your reaction too extreme?”

Nangong Luo moved forward every time he asked a question.

 “Dong…” Gong Qianli leaned her back against the wall, unable to retreat.

“Bang—” Nangong Luo suddenly stretched out a hand and pressed it against the wall, making a bang.

“Liu Li, are you feeling guilty?”

Gong Qianli suddenly opened her eyes wide, and took advantage of him to slap him in the face, as if the whole world had gone silent.

Nangong Luo touched his cheek, as if he could still feel the warmth of her palm.

 The slap makes a sound, but it doesn’t actually hurt.

Gong Qianli hurriedly glanced away, silently convincing herself to be calm.

Squinting her eyes, when she opened them again, she already had a plan to deal with Nangong Luo.

“Nangong Luo, I warn you not to get close to my daughter, and you’d better stay away from me.”

 “What’s the reason?”

Gong Qianli sneered, "Don't you know the reason? Your wife Zhong Yun brought your daughter Nangong Yu to my house to talk to me. This makes me very distressed."

Hearing this, Nangong Luo immediately put away his amused expression and frowned, looking very serious, "Zhong Yun came to see you?"

"Yes, she came to me and asked me to stay away from you. But I think she misunderstood, because I have never deliberately approached you."

 “I will solve her problem.”

Nangong Luo answered so decisively and simply, which sounded a little weird.

But Gong Qianli has no intention of exploring these now. She would rather the truth be hidden forever than get involved in other people's marriages.

 So she told Nangong Luo seriously, "I don't care what problems you have between your husband and wife, but remember, don't mess with me, let alone affect my daughter."

 She was too lazy to argue with a three-year-old child, otherwise she would have complained to Nangong Yu in front of Nangong Luo! He was so rude and scared her Yu'er.

But after thinking about it, let it go. As an adult, she wouldn't care about a three-year-old child's words.

“Nangong Luo, let’s go.”

Gong Qianli once again issued an eviction order, and the atmosphere between the two became cold again.

Nangong Luo raised his eyes and stared at her, and said very seriously: "Liu Li, give me some time, and I will explain it to you slowly after I take care of everything."

Gong Qianli shook her head, "You don't need to explain anything to me. I'm not interested in other people's feelings. I just want my daughter to live a happy life and not let anyone gossip about her!"

 The last sentence has a profound meaning.

She didn't want to get entangled with Nangong Luo anymore, and she didn't even have much contact with the opposite **** over the years because she didn't want her daughter to be affected in the slightest.

Nangong Luo understood what Gong Qianli meant.

 Except for being confused about emotional matters, they actually have a tacit understanding about everything else.

 He will not approach Gong Qianli blatantly yet, he must deal with Zhong Yun's matter.

And we must pay special attention to a few points: first, he and Zhong Yun must cut off the mess quickly; second, he and Zhong Yun cannot directly announce their divorce to the outside world, but must publicly explain the cooperative relationship between him and Zhong Yun, otherwise when he contacts the palace When Qianli and Xiao Yuer were together, it was easy for others to misunderstand.

Nangong Luo sighed deeply and said slowly: "Liu Li, don't be angry. I had a lot of fun taking Xiao Yu'er to the amusement park today. I took her to eat before coming back so that she won't be hungry. Wait until she wakes up on her own. Bar."

 (End of this chapter)

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