My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1229: The old man angrily accused Zhong Yun of lying

Chapter 1229 The old man angrily accused Zhong Yun of lying

Zhong Yun is now trying every means to win over the Nangong family. She is fully prepared to visit Mr. Nangong this time.

 But Zhong Yun never imagined that she would meet Gong Qianli's daughter Gong Qianyu.

Xiao Yu'er sat by the bed and told Mr. Nangong stories in a childish voice.

  Xiao Yu'er is three years old and doesn't know all the Chinese characters. She only hears her stories from the teacher during class, but she also has to read to the old man carefully from a book.

  When she encounters a word she doesn’t know, Mr. Nangong will put on his presbyopia to teach his granddaughter.

“Grandpa, what do you pronounce this character?”

“Ah, let me take a look.” Mr. Nangong pushed up his reading glasses, carefully looked at the small square characters on the book, and explained to Xiao Yu’er: “Tong means eyes.”

“Yeah, Yuer remembers it.”

Xiao Yuer's learning ability is very fast. She will remember things she has seen once. If she recognizes the words one more time, she will basically remember them all.

The stories that Xiao Yu'er can tell are nothing more than fables that children like. They are actually very childish to the elders, but Mr. Nangong likes and enjoys them very much, because this is his great-granddaughter's filial piety to him, even if it is repeated every day. He also found the storytelling very novel.

The old man and the young man get along very harmoniously.

Zhong Yun came with a gift and originally prepared a set of words to deal with the old man, but she didn't expect to hear the sound of children reading when she opened the door and walked in.

Zhong Yun took a closer look and picked it up in one breath.

Who can tell her why Gong Qianyu is here and still calls Mr. Nangong Grandpa?

Zhong Yun clenched her fists, turned around and wanted to leave, but she never thought that the clever Xiao Yu'er had discovered her.

“Aunt Zhong, are you here to visit my great-grandfather too?”

Zhong Yun, whose name was called, had to stop and step into the door.

“Grandpa, I’m here to see you.” Zhong Yun put the gift she brought on the table to show her goodwill to the old man.

The old man originally had presbyopia, but now he stared at Zhong Yun for a few times and felt a little familiar, "Who are you?"

 Originally, the old man was sometimes delirious, so Zhong Yun was not surprised that he could not recognize himself.

Zhong Yun smiled and briefly introduced herself, "Grandpa, I am Zhong Yun, your granddaughter-in-law, Luo's chess piece."

With this simple sentence, she clearly explained her relationship with the Nangong family.

Zhong Yun glanced at Xiao Yu'er.

 She didn’t know if children could understand it, but she had to declare her identity!

Mr. Nangong nodded after hearing this, "My grandson's wife... Luo's chess piece..."

The old man muttered a few sentences to himself. Just when Zhong Yun thought that the old man was going to remember him, the old man suddenly changed his expression!

"Which family are you from? Dare you lie in front of me! My grandson's wife, Luo'er, only has one wife, and that is Gong Qianli!"

Mr. Nangong already regards Gong Qianli as his granddaughter-in-law in his heart, and there is no concept of "Zhong Yun" in his mind.

As soon as Zhong Yun heard this, even the fake smile froze on her face.

  From the time she entered Nangong's house, she knew that the old man's favorite grandson-in-law was Gong Qianli, but she didn't expect that there was still no change after several years.

This old man actually denied her identity to her face?

“Grandpa, you are out of your mind. Nangong Luo’s wife is me, Zhong Yun, not Gong Qianli.”

 (End of this chapter)

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