My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1232: matchmaking

Chapter 1232: Matchmaking

 Gong Qianli planned to take this matter later, but she didn’t know how anxious Mr. Nangong was.

 The old man called Nangong Luo when he remembered.

Nangong Luo has recently been dealing with matters of cooperation with the Zhong family and has not paid attention to the current situation of the Nangong family. When Rujiu received a call from the old man, as a filial grandson, he did not listen to a word.

“Yu’er has been coming to talk to me recently. She has grown up and become more sensible.”

  Yu'er is somewhat similar to Yu'er, and the hoarse voice is a little unclear after being transmitted through the phone.

Nangong Luo thought he was talking about "Yu'er" and listened to the old man praising him.

At the beginning, Nangong Luo was still confused, could Nangong Yu be able to patiently accompany and tell stories?

 Did Zhong Yun do something else?

The old man read a few more sentences, and Nangong Luo finally couldn't help but ask: "Grandpa, are you talking about Yu'er or Yu'er?"

“Hey, why can’t you remember your own daughter’s name? Your memory is even worse than that of an old man like me. Isn’t it the daughter of you and Liuli that I’m talking about? Is there anyone else?”

As soon as these words came out, Nangong Luo was stunned.

 He even suspected that he had been hearing hallucinations due to his recent overwork?

“Grandpa, are you talking about Liuli? He Yu’er?”

"Ah, you brat, what's your tone!" The old man said for a while and wanted to take a rest, but he was still mumbling: "Remember to come see me with Liuli tomorrow. It's been a long time since I've seen you here together."

Without waiting for Nangong Luo to ask clearly, the old man hung up the phone neatly.

 Liuli's name was spinning in his mind.

Nangong Luo rubbed his head, and when he looked at the report numbers on his desk, they were already confused.

With the seeds of doubt planted in his heart, Nangong Luo went straight to wait and see the next day.

At around 5:30, Nangong Luo stood upstairs and watched a mother and daughter holding hands walking slowly from a distance.

 They entered the house with ease.

Nangong Luo’s heart rippled.

Gong Qianli brought Xiao Yu'er here today because Xiao Yu'er said yesterday that she had agreed to meet the old man.

  Xiao Yu'er showed the new pencil she got in kindergarten to the old man, "Grandpa, look, Yu'er got a reward today."

 “Hey, my Yu’er is really awesome.”

 “The teacher also praised Yuer.”

Yesterday, Xiao Yu'er told the old man that the kindergarten assigned them a painting assignment. Xiao Yu'er promised that if they got a reward, they would bring gifts to the old man.

The old man couldn’t use this pencil, but his thoughtfulness made him really happy.

“What did Yu’er draw yesterday? Can you show it to Grandpa?”


Xiao Yuer opened her schoolbag and took out a piece of drawing paper.

Hand holding the drawing paper in his little hand, he slowly opened it and showed it to him.

The old man put on his reading glasses and looked at the picture. He saw a house with red tiles and a large yard. There were two people standing inside. They were a woman with long hair holding a child with a pair of ponytails.

From the child's picture, you can tell at a glance that it is a mother holding her daughter's hand and standing in a yard full of flowers.

Looking again, there is an old man with white hair sitting next to the house.

 Children's paintings are not very refined. They are all guessed based on the general shape and color.

 Xiao Yuer drew her and her mother. Later, she thought of making her great-grandpa happy, so she painted her and her mother.

 The old man was very happy when he saw it.

But he was even more curious, "Why didn't you draw your dad on it?"

 (End of this chapter)

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