My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1235: third party

Chapter 1235 The Third Party

Nangong Luo discovered that Gong Qianli seemed to mind that Xiao Yuer had a relationship with him.

 But after all, he is not Xiao Yu'er's real father, so he cannot interfere in Gong Qianli's education of Xiao Yu'er.

 In fact, he searched for a long time before he found a very good store. If he wanted to take Xiao Yu'er to play, it would be best if Gong Qianli was traveling with him.

 But now it seems that unless she is careful, Gong Qianli will not let him have contact with Xiao Yu'er at all.

Gong Qianli's reason was, "I don't want people to stir up trouble and say that I interfered in your engagement with Zhong Yun, and I don't want my daughter to be questioned by any rumors because of this."

Four years ago in this circle, Nangong Luo's public confession to Gong Qianli was hot news. Now that Gong Qianli has returned and they meet again, if they are not careful, other things may be involved.

 She is afraid...

She was afraid that interested people would discuss her relationship with Nangong Luo, and she was even more afraid that someone would follow the clues and find out Xiao Yuer's true life experience.

Xiao Yu'er is one month younger than Nangong Yu, and she doesn't want to have any possibility of being discussed as a third party interfering in other people's marriages.


 After returning home, Xiao Yuer brought the drawing paper to Gong Qianli and specifically asked, "Mommy, can I draw?"

"Of course."

“Then can I draw the daddy my great-grandfather said?” Xiao Yuer asked specifically this time.

When Gong Qianli heard this sentence, she suddenly felt a tightness in her chest. She couldn't vent her breath and felt very uncomfortable.

 Because her daughter’s sometimes well-behaved and sensible ways really made her feel very distressed.

 “Yu’er, I’m sorry.”

 “Why does mommy apologize?”

“Mommy shouldn’t yell at you today. I’m sorry. Mommy really didn’t mean it.”

 “Yu’er doesn’t blame mommy.”

 One sentence, just one sentence full of childlike innocence, made Gong Qianli's emotions collapse.

 She squatted and put her daughter into her arms, hugged her tightly, and kept repeating the words "I'm sorry".

  There are only three words, but the tone gradually changes.

“Yu’er, mommy is sorry for you.”

This apology is not because of what happened in the afternoon, but because she selfishly wanted to leave a thought and bring a new life to this world, but she could not give her a complete family.

Gong Qianli, a person who does not show weakness easily, even shed a tear when her mood was high.

 She reached out and wiped it away.

“Yu’er, actually you really want a daddy, right?”

This sentence is what Gong Qianli has been holding in her heart for a long time.

 Because she remembered Xiao Yu'er's expression when she was in Nangong Luo's arms this afternoon.

 Very happy, even a little hopeful.

 But in the end, that happiness and expectation were killed by her mother's own hands.

Xiao Yuer hugged her waist and shook her head silently.

Although it was a denial, Gong Qianli knew that Xiao Yuer was not telling the truth.

“Tell me the truth, do you want to hear about a daddy?”

Xiao Yu'er hesitated for a while and replied with a hint of grievance, "Everyone else has a daddy...

Other children all have fathers. When she first saw the Ye family brother and sister acting coquettishly with Ye Xichen, she felt envious.

At the age of three, she may not understand what envy is, but she feels it in her heart. She also wants someone to hold her in their arms, let her sit on their shoulders and see far away, or lift her up high.

Gong Qianli touched her daughter's cheek, stared into her bright eyes, and said seriously: "As long as Yu'er wants, Mommy will do it."

 (End of this chapter)

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